In an Epic Demogorgon today, a Scourge Warlock wearing the Iliyanbruen level 60 set did over 80 million damage on the Paingiver chart and left everyone else, far better geared, in the dust. If you buff SW with this set still in the game you are creating a sub-set of Warlocks that will be like gods. It is unfair to warlocks who do not have the set and can't get it and to other players who won't be able to compete with these new super-locks. The other sets for CW, DC, and GF are also being used so that teams can melt bosses in seconds. Balance of classes and content can't be accomplished with broken things like these in the game. I know some want to claim these sets are "Legacy", but I see them as game-breaking.
I do not have this particular set on my SW, so I have no direct interest there, but I don't have a problem with this set being in the game with its current bonuses. Like other old level 60 sets this one has certain drawbacks - in particular it does not have the Hit Points that good level 70 sets provide. That makes the wearer more "squishy" and IMO it makes the set only situationally useful.
Moreover, I expect the gear to become even less useful over time - if the game survives long enough, the level cap will be raised to 80, monsters will hit harder, and people will need better gear to survive.
I'd say, leave it - it will eventually become obsolete.
Taking things away from people and nerfing things is certainly not the way forward. Please make more meaningful suggestions.
Full disclosure- I have and use almost exclusively HV on my CW, HP on my DC and KC on my GF and I would be rightly annoyed if any of those sets were taken away from my characters.
In fact if that were to happen that just might be the signal its time to jump ship.
To me this just shows that the current capstone content isn't build for the higher item levels.
Things becoming obsolete is certainly more acceptable than things just flat out being deleted? In todays age is actually less expensive to save and store data than to delete it.
How about concentrating on simply asking the devs for new content?
I'm not saying the bonus should be outright removed, but have a damage cap put on it like the accursed set has to prevent such a thing from happening.
One thing to note about the SW set though is it is only effective on single target fights otherwise the Corrupted Fire will chain off to adds and deal useless damage (note the 2 hits of 24,542 which would be damage dealt to a Paranoid Delusion or other add). Also the set has a long(ish) cooldown of 45 seconds (i believe it is) unless you are actively resetting the cooldown by dying or other methods i do not know of. The cooldown means that the boss is likely to be at lower health (like 40%) by the time the set bonus is available again and as such deal greatly reduced damage in round 2 since the set bonus is based off of current HP.
And I agree that the SW set has been in need of a nerf since mod 4 when it was released. The set has never been 'broken' per say since it does exactly what it says it does, the issue is that it becomes too powerful in certain situations. No one used the fabled set until until single target high HP bosses (heralds and tiamat) became available in mod 5. The Accursed Diabloist set would be hugely strong except that the burn is capped at 2,000 damage per tick. Putting a cap on the max damage dealt by Corrupted Fire (before buffs) would pretty much fix the set
I definitely dispute the face that it is possible to faceroll pve just if you have those items. Skill and class build and party composition matter an incredible amount. Lostmauth set on a BIS sentinal gwf will still be crappy, granted it could be a larger increase to his overall damage then it is to a destroyer but the character still isn't nearly as effective as it could be. Correct rotations matter a lot as well.
A CW who takes HV needs to know what skills to use to proc HV as well as have the ability to stay alive while using it. Same with a DC in HP. Some 2k CW/DC who is pugging eToS is probably going to die and otherwise harm the party more often then they are helpful to the party by wearing the set assuming equal skill and ilv in the party (and i am assuming poor skill).
The long and short of these old sets is that they are far more useful in the hands of skilled and highly geared players then they are in the hands of others. A DC who can't manage to heal and buff some in normal lv 70 gear is going to be an even worse player in HP since they will die far more often and heal less. Same with a CW. SW Fabled is a bit different since it deals damage based on HP, but again its effective use is limited based on skill and other gear (health is a limiting factor for me personally since i suck at playing a SW).
I feel that any party that can benefit from an old set is one that can already complete the content without any trouble and therefor the idea that these sets end the challenge of PvE content is rather silly. If the content is actually challenging people will be using lv 70 gear because surviving is better (more effective) then debuffs that no one can take advantage of because you are dead. People can use the old sets because they can already easily complete content and so now the objective is to reduce clear time and thus increase profit.
As to your comment that no one can beat a fabled SW in edemo.... really? Given the mechanics of the fabled set and how easy it is to have the set bonus messed up (chaining to a crappy add) a gwf can beat a fabled SW pretty easy.
Simply removing the old set bonuses is not going to help the game as a whole get any harder, it will just make everything take longer. longer isn't harder.
You seem to be incredibly misinformed about the SW fabled set defiantone, either that or you are just purposefully inflating things. One dreadtheft will only ever do 15% of a mob's current HP. that is all the set can do every 45 seconds. Buffs and debuffs make it do more damage but that is hardly killing the boss with one dreadtheft.
the MC set needs a HP limiter on it like the accursed diabloist set, other then that the old sets really don't have much impact on the game except to make content a bit shorter if the people using it are already geared enough
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Both were pretty much Bis.
the ECC boss video? Seen it with big GWF too. Maybe even faster!
And that for "SW eats GWf for breakfast" argument! Try run some T2 instance with premade party with skill and with big GWFs and then come back to argue about nerfing Sw gears.