I stand by my statement, GF and SW with prones have no right to say GWF can't have a prone.
On this sense, i totally agree with you.
I give up on u guys, GWF can NOT have a prone back on the encounterbar. Its gonna be even more crazy. GWF is top of the line already at high end game. Sry if it dsnt perform as good at less then 3K ish, but a prone on a 4.2K+ is nuts.
10k armpen?? Try to lower it and test again please. The guild boons destroy the pvp system and creates this unbalance. Chars whit 14k armpen, 25k power and some more over the top whitout any ioun stone or something like that..... thats to mutch. And gf works perfect whit this boons. Whitout any guild boon and normal burning pvp armor gf is only a shadow of this pvp monsters you talk about.
10k armpen?? Try to lower it and test again please. The guild boons destroy the pvp system and creates this unbalance. Chars whit 14k armpen, 25k power and some more over the top whitout any ioun stone or something like that..... thats to mutch. And gf works perfect whit this boons. Whitout any guild boon and normal burning pvp armor gf is only a shadow of this pvp monsters you talk about.
Just my observation.
10k arp will not affect a full lionsmane GWF that much, its 88% RI more or less
a fully buffed GWF with T negation+ countless scars has about: 42% (tenacity)+15%(scars)+30%(negation)+25% (something about that from class, having SH he gets up to 40% !!)= 42 (tenacity)+70% ( from scars, negation, defense)= 112% DR in the sum (cap is 80% ) at 2650 tenacity you got 42% DR, 65% arp resist
Damage dealt = base damage x (1- your DR) x (1- 0,42) from tenacity
at 10k arp your RI is 88%, arp resist is 65% so ---> DR-(RI x arpresist) your damageresist in that scenario is 0,7-(0,88x0,35) = 0,392
in the end damage is: Xy x (1-0,392) x (1-0,42)= Xy x 0,608 x0,58 he did not get him significantly below the cap with 88% RI..
so in case he stacks more power he will even do more damage , if I am correct Arp below that level deos nothing against classes with high defence some player got 20k arp...it´s not linear like all other stats, so I do not know how much RI it´s in the end about 150%? Xy x (1-0,175) x (1-0,42) please correct me if I am wrong but if clonkyo would stack more power he will deal more damage and some of you obviously did not get too deep into GF mechanics or have a poor setup the class can deal high ammounts of damage, a 2,8k GF onerotates me with ease having all my defenses up, a 3,5GF snipes me away in a second 30% negation+30%DR in fight+2,6k tenacity+25% deflect, suggestions?
3 clueless gwf players here talking how broken GF is?? lool. I got killed 2x in a row by a gwf in dom. I brought him down to 20% hp, he went unstoppable and healed back to full hp in 2 seconds (without lifesteal). Then he kept hitting me, i coudlnt even cast itf because i would eat 20k atwills.. he just killed me trough block. But yea keep talking bull****, everyone knows gwf is one of the strongest classes in pvp right now.
100% RI here shietindebux. With DEX ability score added.
thx, I am sure a maxed GWF will have even more than 25% DR from class anyway, in the sum 10k arp doesn´t help that much vs a GWF at full buffs/stacks, especially if he slotted SH defense-boon or goes unstoppable so taking power-boon instead would be much wiser imo -->Clonkyo
I have one shorty question. Marking enemies grants -20% DR debuff, right? So, debuff is affected by tenacity or not?
right, mark ignores tenacity, as far as I remember, double mark 28% piercing, bronzewood on top 16% piercing, some other stuff ignores tenacity too, OP has an ability, some more
However, simply comparing IBS vs Anvil is misleading, because GWFs tend to land a lot more at-will attacks on top of that, are much more mobile, and can afford to play much more riskily in general because of their cc breaker and massive temporary hit points. In terms of the class mechanics, GFs *need* cc like the prone to be able to effectively inflict damage, and GWFs don't.
Which has nothing to do with landing a possible 90k hit (call it "IBS" or "AoD") after a prone... But you can keep going on that road by yourself if you want to.
3 clueless gwf players here talking how broken GF is?? lool. I got killed 2x in a row by a gwf in dom. I brought him down to 20% hp, he went unstoppable and healed back to full hp in 2 seconds (without lifesteal). Then he kept hitting me, i coudlnt even cast itf because i would eat 20k atwills.. he just killed me trough block. But yea keep talking bull****, everyone knows gwf is one of the strongest classes in pvp right now.
Yes, it is called the "drowned + drowcraft sets" combo... which allows everybody to do the same thing to some degree depending on the class. Pretty lame, IMO. Also, if you couldn't one-rotate that GWF, then, it's not GWF's fault or "opness" but your on fault or being not that well geared.
For CWs and GWFs, that set procs each time it crits (3secs ICD) at the same time that those classes "facetanks" the upcoming damage... Im not saying it is "OP", but i also saw even GFs going from almost zero to full HP back just thanks to those sets + purple wheel.
i hardly doubt 1k hp every 3 seconds are enough to justify the level of "tankiness" we are talking about, we can agree its kinda ridicolous on top of various thing on a gf turtling behind a shield tho
you're saying "drowcraft", but you are talking about DUSK armor set Also, i'm not sure about the effect you talk about: the healing proc by tooltip should work when you're NOT in a group. Which should mean no Domination, GG, SH siege. Only IWD solo PvP.
What heals back a ton is drowned set effect along with MYTHIC wheel (not purple). Purple is still 2 min cooldown, while mythic is 1 min cooldown and 30s healing effect. Which is the reason everyone and their mom use it in PvP. Except the ones using mythic DC sigil for dailies spam.
Unless i'm missing something here, this is how it should work.
@Prim: if there's a class that can deal with a GWF, that's the GF. I think you know it well. As a pure matchup. And it's not puny little me saying this. You can read the same statement about BiS "one rotating" GFs being very strong/ stronger than GWFs from BiS GWFs around the forum. It's simply because a GF can indeed one-rotate burst a GWF, while preventing him from LSing back to full with a good shield block+targetlock. I don't really buy the story of GFs being weaker than GWFs. What you describe (healing back in 2s through unstoppable and no LS) sounds very much like either a gift of faith (DC) proc or a bug/ exploit, since not the drowned set, nor wheel, can heal you back to full so fast. Even shooting both+PvP potion, it's not 2 seconds, you still have the time to finish him off. If the GWF healed back to full so fast, something is fishy. I remember reading some post about players insta-healing in PvP, and it was a bug/ something not WAI. In reality, you should burst the GWF down to 20% and he should at best go unstoppable+wheel+potion+drowned set. And to be at 20% after a burst of a GF like you, he must be high HP (150k or so, imho).
It's not really about being a good or bad GWF. A GF vs GWF fight is not rocket science, and the builds and gear needed in PvP isn't rocket science too... More like this game is filled with broken things.
Are you sure there wasn't a DC in his group? (gift of faith proc would heal him back to full the way you described, but that's not about GWF).
@commanderdata: you should really cure that obsession and hate you have towards GWFs. It's not healthy. Every single post you write is something against GWFs. It's a game, and hatin' a class is...hum...weird/ childish.
Since I get kicked my but so many times by GF´s I do not care any more but to end this we can just let youtube decide if or if not a GF 3,3k GS vs a 4k GWF is a fair fight
He really healed up from 20% to full in 2 seconds, i had a devotion pally in MY team.. maybe it had something to do with that? since he had 15k heal procs. or it might have been, pvp pot, wheel, drowned weapons, unstoppable and elven boon all at the same time? w/e, I still think gwf's will eventually be able to kill gf's in 1v1 if they spec more into hp/deflect instead of lifesteal.(he was not attacking me SO NO LIFESTEAL)
that video above.. well those 2 are new to gwf class, they just p2w their gear but have no skill at all. btw i see alot of gwf's killing gf's too..
He really healed up from 20% to full in 2 seconds, i had a devotion pally in MY team.. maybe it had something to do with that? since he had 15k heal procs. or it might have been, pvp pot, wheel, drowned weapons, unstoppable and elven boon all at the same time? w/e, I still think gwf's will eventually be able to kill gf's in 1v1 if they spec more into hp/deflect instead of lifesteal.
that video above.. well those 2 are new to gwf class, they just p2w their gear but have no skill at all. btw i see alot of gwf's killing gf's too..
edit: and GF is using ambush LOL
to that post above ---> by sure a proc from endless consumption ... does it work with elven tranquility 3x20k
right 100k HP...seems to have lost something in his spec, but at least 15k DR, arp 15k power 20k+ that GF is not that bad as you might think btw., and he uses the same skills you do ( not in this video) ITF-KC-daily-BC/AoD...game over
The guild boons destroy the pvp system and creates this unbalance. Chars whit 14k armpen, 25k power and some more over the top whitout any ioun stone or something like that..... thats to mutch.
And gf works perfect whit this boons. Whitout any guild boon and normal burning pvp armor gf is only a shadow of this pvp monsters you talk about.
Just my observation.
a fully buffed GWF with T negation+ countless scars has about:
42% (tenacity)+15%(scars)+30%(negation)+25% (something about that from class, having SH he gets up to 40% !!)=
42 (tenacity)+70% ( from scars, negation, defense)= 112% DR in the sum (cap is 80% )
at 2650 tenacity you got 42% DR, 65% arp resist
Damage dealt = base damage x (1- your DR) x (1- 0,42) from tenacity
at 10k arp your RI is 88%, arp resist is 65% so ---> DR-(RI x arpresist)
your damageresist in that scenario is 0,7-(0,88x0,35) = 0,392
in the end damage is:
Xy x (1-0,392) x (1-0,42)= Xy x 0,608 x0,58 he did not get him significantly below the cap with 88% RI..
so in case he stacks more power he will even do more damage , if I am correct
Arp below that level deos nothing against classes with high defence
some player got 20k arp...it´s not linear like all other stats, so I do not know how much RI it´s in the end about 150%?
Xy x (1-0,175) x (1-0,42)
please correct me if I am wrong but if clonkyo would stack more power he will deal more damage
and some of you obviously did not get too deep into GF mechanics or have a poor setup
the class can deal high ammounts of damage, a 2,8k GF onerotates me with ease having all my defenses up, a 3,5GF snipes me away in a second
30% negation+30%DR in fight+2,6k tenacity+25% deflect, suggestions?
so taking power-boon instead would be much wiser imo -->Clonkyo
seriously? drowcraft set...jesus
you're saying "drowcraft", but you are talking about DUSK armor set
Also, i'm not sure about the effect you talk about: the healing proc by tooltip should work when you're NOT in a group. Which should mean no Domination, GG, SH siege. Only IWD solo PvP.
What heals back a ton is drowned set effect along with MYTHIC wheel (not purple). Purple is still 2 min cooldown, while mythic is 1 min cooldown and 30s healing effect. Which is the reason everyone and their mom use it in PvP. Except the ones using mythic DC sigil for dailies spam.
Unless i'm missing something here, this is how it should work.
@Prim: if there's a class that can deal with a GWF, that's the GF. I think you know it well. As a pure matchup. And it's not puny little me saying this. You can read the same statement about BiS "one rotating" GFs being very strong/ stronger than GWFs from BiS GWFs around the forum. It's simply because a GF can indeed one-rotate burst a GWF, while preventing him from LSing back to full with a good shield block+targetlock. I don't really buy the story of GFs being weaker than GWFs.
What you describe (healing back in 2s through unstoppable and no LS) sounds very much like either a gift of faith (DC) proc or a bug/ exploit, since not the drowned set, nor wheel, can heal you back to full so fast. Even shooting both+PvP potion, it's not 2 seconds, you still have the time to finish him off. If the GWF healed back to full so fast, something is fishy.
I remember reading some post about players insta-healing in PvP, and it was a bug/ something not WAI.
In reality, you should burst the GWF down to 20% and he should at best go unstoppable+wheel+potion+drowned set. And to be at 20% after a burst of a GF like you, he must be high HP (150k or so, imho).
It's not really about being a good or bad GWF. A GF vs GWF fight is not rocket science, and the builds and gear needed in PvP isn't rocket science too... More like this game is filled with broken things.
Are you sure there wasn't a DC in his group? (gift of faith proc would heal him back to full the way you described, but that's not about GWF).
@commanderdata: you should really cure that obsession and hate you have towards GWFs. It's not healthy. Every single post you write is something against GWFs. It's a game, and hatin' a class is...hum...weird/ childish.
that video above.. well those 2 are new to gwf class, they just p2w their gear but have no skill at all. btw i see alot of gwf's killing gf's too..
edit: Minimi using ambush ring
right 100k HP...seems to have lost something in his spec, but at least 15k DR, arp 15k power 20k+
that GF is not that bad as you might think btw., and he uses the same skills you do ( not in this video)
ITF-KC-daily-BC/AoD...game over