i think your approach to this matter is all wrong. to fix and make good balance they (devs) wil need to re-shuffle and destroy the whole structure and start from scratch and this time actually listen to players feedback about paths, feats, encounter etc. will that ever happen? when hell freezes over.when will hell freeze over? when new messiah will come,when will messiah come?... well i think you got the idea it will never happen. most pvp players i knew left the game.
the fact that gg q never pops (it was the most popular pvp arena up to underdark module) says it all. now if u q for dom all you get is bored pre-mades against poor pugs.
sh pvp? well lets not even go there. iwd pvp? when does it pop if ever.
so i think you got the point.
amen that´s a good desciption of the state
and hello to the last ppl in forum who defend c.rap like this 1000 possible options to fix things, hhmmm where to start? ...... virtual catatonia Everyone "got it" at this time, even some GF at max setup ... it´s boring in every aspect PVP=dead branch of a rotten tree
Funny (not ironic) statement from a TR: "With 8k recovery, 20k power and snail + burning daggers, i can do SE/BB before Lurker assault's/CB buff ends. But my SE isn't the one doing 150k damages (around50-60k) " hey, sry about that poor number, frist strike will help
as long as this company fa.rts one mod after the other and just ignores players opinion and bugs it´s hopeless
How does first strike work here after one daily and some at-will encounters combo? Do you play a TR?
i think your approach to this matter is all wrong. to fix and make good balance they (devs) wil need to re-shuffle and destroy the whole structure and start from scratch and this time actually listen to players feedback about paths, feats, encounter etc. will that ever happen? when hell freezes over.when will hell freeze over? when new messiah will come,when will messiah come?... well i think you got the idea it will never happen. most pvp players i knew left the game.
the fact that gg q never pops (it was the most popular pvp arena up to underdark module) says it all. now if u q for dom all you get is bored pre-mades against poor pugs.
sh pvp? well lets not even go there. iwd pvp? when does it pop if ever.
so i think you got the point.
amen that´s a good desciption of the state
and hello to the last ppl in forum who defend c.rap like this 1000 possible options to fix things, hhmmm where to start? ...... virtual catatonia Everyone "got it" at this time, even some GF at max setup ... it´s boring in every aspect PVP=dead branch of a rotten tree
Funny (not ironic) statement from a TR: "With 8k recovery, 20k power and snail + burning daggers, i can do SE/BB before Lurker assault's/CB buff ends. But my SE isn't the one doing 150k damages (around50-60k) " hey, sry about that poor number, frist strike will help
as long as this company fa.rts one mod after the other and just ignores players opinion and bugs it´s hopeless
How does first strike work here after one daily and some at-will encounters combo? Do you play a TR?
never, but slotting it and going into combat is a 75%+ damage at "first strike", or more? Only problem ..you have to get out of combat to reuse it i guess, that´s these guys with perma-stealth build , who sneak up deal 90k+ damage and troll away, arround the corner, come back and go on trolling --->that´s the typical "No-Scill- First-Strike-User" or am I wrong? They allways head to the SW or GWF or any other class that can´t dodge to load their HAMSTER on them--abusive and poor gameplay imo, but who cares other ones have that high recovery build with max AP gain and chain dailies, as stated above, that´s would be 4 dailes in a row, not that bad....
In case I was playing a TR I would have so many options to build arround that class, TR seams to be a class with multiple options to win a fight, in case I know what I do. # Warlock is allways the same, same feats, same encounter, same same---damage the last warlock who tried a high recovery build, vasdamas, left and he stated it´s HAMSTER... never tried myself And in times of drainig glyphs rank 2 it is not benefitial to run such a build, except being a TR i guess, because you will chain zero in that scenario being with your AP bar at th bottom all time
i think your approach to this matter is all wrong. to fix and make good balance they (devs) wil need to re-shuffle and destroy the whole structure and start from scratch and this time actually listen to players feedback about paths, feats, encounter etc. will that ever happen? when hell freezes over.when will hell freeze over? when new messiah will come,when will messiah come?... well i think you got the idea it will never happen. most pvp players i knew left the game.
the fact that gg q never pops (it was the most popular pvp arena up to underdark module) says it all. now if u q for dom all you get is bored pre-mades against poor pugs.
sh pvp? well lets not even go there. iwd pvp? when does it pop if ever.
so i think you got the point.
amen that´s a good desciption of the state
and hello to the last ppl in forum who defend c.rap like this 1000 possible options to fix things, hhmmm where to start? ...... virtual catatonia Everyone "got it" at this time, even some GF at max setup ... it´s boring in every aspect PVP=dead branch of a rotten tree
Funny (not ironic) statement from a TR: "With 8k recovery, 20k power and snail + burning daggers, i can do SE/BB before Lurker assault's/CB buff ends. But my SE isn't the one doing 150k damages (around50-60k) " hey, sry about that poor number, frist strike will help
as long as this company fa.rts one mod after the other and just ignores players opinion and bugs it´s hopeless
How does first strike work here after one daily and some at-will encounters combo? Do you play a TR?
never, but slotting it and going into combat is a 75%+ damage at "first strike", or more? Only problem ..you have to get out of combat to reuse it i guess, that´s these guys with perma-stealth build , who sneak up deal 90k+ damage and troll away, arround the corner, come back and go on trolling --->that´s the typical "No-Scill- First-Strike-User" or am I wrong? They allways head to the SW or GWF or any other class that can´t dodge to load their HAMSTER on them--abusive and poor gameplay imo, but who cares other ones have that high recovery build with max AP gain and chain dailies, as stated above, that´s would be 4 dailes in a row, not that bad....
In case I was playing a TR I would have so many options to build arround that class, TR seams to be a class with multiple options to win a fight, in case I know what I do. # Warlock is allways the same, same feats, same encounter, same same---damage the last warlock who tried a high recovery build, vasdamas, left and he stated it´s HAMSTER... never tried myself And in times of drainig glyphs rank 2 it is not benefitial to run such a build, except being a TR i guess, because you will chain zero in that scenario being with your AP bar at th bottom all time
Who plays like this exept cesuke and korden, running with ambush ring and wait for the enemy to be busy to throw all their dps.
i think your approach to this matter is all wrong. to fix and make good balance they (devs) wil need to re-shuffle and destroy the whole structure and start from scratch and this time actually listen to players feedback about paths, feats, encounter etc. will that ever happen? when hell freezes over.when will hell freeze over? when new messiah will come,when will messiah come?... well i think you got the idea it will never happen. most pvp players i knew left the game.
the fact that gg q never pops (it was the most popular pvp arena up to underdark module) says it all. now if u q for dom all you get is bored pre-mades against poor pugs.
sh pvp? well lets not even go there. iwd pvp? when does it pop if ever.
so i think you got the point.
amen that´s a good desciption of the state
and hello to the last ppl in forum who defend c.rap like this 1000 possible options to fix things, hhmmm where to start? ...... virtual catatonia Everyone "got it" at this time, even some GF at max setup ... it´s boring in every aspect PVP=dead branch of a rotten tree
Funny (not ironic) statement from a TR: "With 8k recovery, 20k power and snail + burning daggers, i can do SE/BB before Lurker assault's/CB buff ends. But my SE isn't the one doing 150k damages (around50-60k) " hey, sry about that poor number, frist strike will help
as long as this company fa.rts one mod after the other and just ignores players opinion and bugs it´s hopeless
How does first strike work here after one daily and some at-will encounters combo? Do you play a TR?
never, but slotting it and going into combat is a 75%+ damage at "first strike", or more? Only problem ..you have to get out of combat to reuse it i guess, that´s these guys with perma-stealth build , who sneak up deal 90k+ damage and troll away, arround the corner, come back and go on trolling --->that´s the typical "No-Scill- First-Strike-User" or am I wrong? They allways head to the SW or GWF or any other class that can´t dodge to load their HAMSTER on them--abusive and poor gameplay imo, but who cares other ones have that high recovery build with max AP gain and chain dailies, as stated above, that´s would be 4 dailes in a row, not that bad....
In case I was playing a TR I would have so many options to build arround that class, TR seams to be a class with multiple options to win a fight, in case I know what I do. # Warlock is allways the same, same feats, same encounter, same same---damage the last warlock who tried a high recovery build, vasdamas, left and he stated it´s HAMSTER... never tried myself And in times of drainig glyphs rank 2 it is not benefitial to run such a build, except being a TR i guess, because you will chain zero in that scenario being with your AP bar at th bottom all time
Who plays like this exept cesuke and korden, running with ambush ring and wait for the enemy to be busy to throw all their dps.
some do, otherones slot Smokebomb, ITC and SE and face 3-4 vs 1 with ease, being immune to most damage by dodges+ITC+deflect+ some selfheal on top it´s a class with lot´s of variety
Balancing changes have to happen gradually. I can assure you that they are looking into all the classes. They have mentioned that in various places on the forums. In my personal opinion, it's really hard to balance 9 classes for both PvP and PvE with the setup they have.
Its not that they need balance changes, they need to FIX BUGS first. This will then reveal balance issues. For instance, right now there are SEVERAL OP bugs that are causing them to be immortal. DCs capstone is overhealing (needs to be tested HOW its doing this). Those two class FIXES (not balances) would then reveal which classes need some attention.
Then looking at class balance issues - like GWF/CW are maybe a little too resilient because of the self-healing made available through all the additions of boons/items/feats etc. So this isnt a CLASS balance but a function of lifesteal becoming too easy to stack to high levels, which favors some classes more than others. So this would be (IMO) much better to focus on trhings like Endless Comsumption being far too strong when it wasnt adjusted along with the lvl70 cap introduction. Since lifesteal used to be 100% Chance but only a small % return - which was tripled. But now its a small % chance, at a 100% return - which they should have reversed the endless consumption to be that it has a chance to triple your % chance - or more simply put, it is itself a flat % CHANCE increase to lifesteal rather than the amount.
Then finally, GFs/TRs would arrive on the block as classes that need some adjustment. GFs are tricky since its only via TONS of damage stacking they can do what they do and their DPS is horrible in PVE which means they could arguably just tone down 1-2 abilities the GF has for PVP purposes. TR only has 1 ability that needs an adjustment - Shocking Execution. The fact that it bypasses all DR is just a flat out joke and I think this could be easy to fix so its used as an execute NOT as an opener - which means its damage should scale based on the targets HP % (or cut its damage in half, but then it doubles damage against targets under an HP threshhold).
Balancing changes have to happen gradually. I can assure you that they are looking into all the classes. They have mentioned that in various places on the forums. In my personal opinion, it's really hard to balance 9 classes for both PvP and PvE with the setup they have.
Its not that they need balance changes, they need to FIX BUGS first. This will then reveal balance issues. For instance, right now there are SEVERAL OP bugs that are causing them to be immortal. DCs capstone is overhealing (needs to be tested HOW its doing this). Those two class FIXES (not balances) would then reveal which classes need some attention.
Then looking at class balance issues - like GWF/CW are maybe a little too resilient because of the self-healing made available through all the additions of boons/items/feats etc. So this isnt a CLASS balance but a function of lifesteal becoming too easy to stack to high levels, which favors some classes more than others. So this would be (IMO) much better to focus on trhings like Endless Comsumption being far too strong when it wasnt adjusted along with the lvl70 cap introduction. Since lifesteal used to be 100% Chance but only a small % return - which was tripled. But now its a small % chance, at a 100% return - which they should have reversed the endless consumption to be that it has a chance to triple your % chance - or more simply put, it is itself a flat % CHANCE increase to lifesteal rather than the amount.
Then finally, GFs/TRs would arrive on the block as classes that need some adjustment. GFs are tricky since its only via TONS of damage stacking they can do what they do and their DPS is horrible in PVE which means they could arguably just tone down 1-2 abilities the GF has for PVP purposes. TR only has 1 ability that needs an adjustment - Shocking Execution. The fact that it bypasses all DR is just a flat out joke and I think this could be easy to fix so its used as an execute NOT as an opener - which means its damage should scale based on the targets HP % (or cut its damage in half, but then it doubles damage against targets under an HP threshhold).
and maybe they need to give gwf 100% deflection chance while sprinting, cuz that the class u are playing.
i mean, nerf gf and tr dmg? so gwf are totally immortal while 2 hitting everyone? haha nice one
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
Balancing changes have to happen gradually. I can assure you that they are looking into all the classes. They have mentioned that in various places on the forums. In my personal opinion, it's really hard to balance 9 classes for both PvP and PvE with the setup they have.
Its not that they need balance changes, they need to FIX BUGS first. This will then reveal balance issues. For instance, right now there are SEVERAL OP bugs that are causing them to be immortal. DCs capstone is overhealing (needs to be tested HOW its doing this). Those two class FIXES (not balances) would then reveal which classes need some attention.
Then looking at class balance issues - like GWF/CW are maybe a little too resilient because of the self-healing made available through all the additions of boons/items/feats etc. So this isnt a CLASS balance but a function of lifesteal becoming too easy to stack to high levels, which favors some classes more than others. So this would be (IMO) much better to focus on trhings like Endless Comsumption being far too strong when it wasnt adjusted along with the lvl70 cap introduction. Since lifesteal used to be 100% Chance but only a small % return - which was tripled. But now its a small % chance, at a 100% return - which they should have reversed the endless consumption to be that it has a chance to triple your % chance - or more simply put, it is itself a flat % CHANCE increase to lifesteal rather than the amount.
Then finally, GFs/TRs would arrive on the block as classes that need some adjustment. GFs are tricky since its only via TONS of damage stacking they can do what they do and their DPS is horrible in PVE which means they could arguably just tone down 1-2 abilities the GF has for PVP purposes. TR only has 1 ability that needs an adjustment - Shocking Execution. The fact that it bypasses all DR is just a flat out joke and I think this could be easy to fix so its used as an execute NOT as an opener - which means its damage should scale based on the targets HP % (or cut its damage in half, but then it doubles damage against targets under an HP threshhold).
Yeah, I do see your point on that too. Bugs are being addressed. Probably not as quickly as people want, but they do seem to fix several bugs with every patch.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
urlord283Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,084Arc User
Yeah, I do see your point on that too. Bugs are being addressed. Probably not as quickly as people want, but they do seem to fix several bugs with every patch.
I can exhibit patience when I see that a solution is going to be provided or is actually being worked on, but I quit playing when I realized that they were being evasively silent on some of the more serious concerns that many of us have. I don't expect a reply to every issue but some are significant enough to warrant some feedback and when they do not provide this it just leaves us with question marks about the future and I personally will not invest anymore into an unknown situation (especially when it seems to be getting worse instead of being improved).
I do still check the forums to see the state of things but, like many other long time players, I have quit playing this junk they are turning out lately. If they can give me any reason to feel confident in their capabilities to resolve a few things and some indication that they are aware of our concerns I could easily see myself coming back (not asking for a roadmap but I am well past any point of trusting them enough to just assume things will be resolved).
I think developers should open their eyes and look at PvP. It's PvP maps, same domination, same mods and of course balancing. 1. Yeah GWFs have big dmg, but their mostly powers are useless, there are only 1 path available (destroyer). They need a lot of careful changings. 2. HRs they have insane stun and PvP even sometimes become boring when you fight against them, but it's not only becouse of their stun, it's becouse of their damage. I think in PvP their damage is lowest and even BiS HR damage is really low. 3. SWs well it's a bit bugged class, but in PvP they are great if you have good build, like Sierra or Fernu. Some I heard saying SW is worst class in PvP, but they are not. I saw some really great SWs who can beat 1v1 strongests GWFs, GFs, HRs, TRs, CWs. 4. DC I think they are too much tanky right now. In my opinion DC should be more healing than tank class (in PvP). I am talking only about PvP. 5. OP hmm, I think it's most overpowered class. Why ? Becouse with their protector daily everyone becomes overpowered and invincible. PvP becoming really boring and you can just run from point to point, that's all. But I also think that OP is most boring class, becouse they are just like standing walls. Yeah there are some OPs who deal pretty good damage (I have myself OP who can even kill 4.2k GWF in 1 v 1), but their mechanics are just mehh. 6. CWs well in my opinion they are balanced. Their damage is not too big and defensibility is not too high, yeah you can say that they need boost, but well if they got boost and others got nerf, there will be threads about nerfing CWs classes... 7. Now I am going to talk about class which I agree would need some damage nerf. It's GFs. Their damage well in PvP even bigger than GWFs. They have block which will never ends (unless you will drain it with drains :P). I agree that they need about 20% base damage nerf and it would be perfect for everyone. 8. TRs they have perm stealth, very good CC, they have one of the highest defensibility in a game and with SE they just killing everyone from 1 hit. I have BiS GWF which have like 135k+ HP and yes, I still get 1 shotted from TR SE when they use it while First Strike feature is active. But well they have many useless powers like GWFs. So I think they would need just remove SE piercing and increase damage of powers or even change some of them. Well I have just mentioned what each class is capable and I think every class must be changes at least a little bit. Developers should play more PvP, test every classes carefully and of course they should balance every class, but not do random nerf/boost of each class like it was in every module. Devs please open your eyes and test EACH class, also they should read start reading PvP forums too. Thank you if someone have read it, I didn't said much about each classes and well, have fun. Neverwinter still best game. YOLO
So best GF comapared to other best at their class loses to: sw, tr, OP,hr, can't kill dc and 50/50 vs a gwf with good skills, high hp and high deflect. but gf needs a nerf? okay..
We do need queue separation otherwise this happens when a 3.5 PVP GF meets a undergeared 2.5 GWF or a mediocre geared 2.5 OP
That´s a non crit from Anvil of Doom
a non crit Bullcharge
A crit AoD+ lolsetbonus (encounter)
crit BC (encounter)
crit from weapon master strike (At will) + lolset proc (this one happend many, many times) please give me an at will like that
a crit from cleave (At Will)+lolset
me 3.1k 2.6 tenacity shadowwalk active
and what happens when a 3.5k gwf meets a 2.5k gf.. exactly the same??.. are u for real??
we need separation to prevent the last player from leaving this game, at first second fix from lolset and some adjustment, no big nerfs imo look at the damage from one at will + this strange lolset proc every time, same that happens looking at GWF, that´s by sure not 6% no it´s > than 50% ??? ??? seems to be real tbh there are more things to fix but this is one of the needed ones
Yes, i saw u in domi. u go in pvp, see a GF and stand next to him without moving. then he hits you and you stay at the campfire and try to find the hit in the log. Don't say it's not true, you do this every game i see you.
Yes, i saw u in domi. u go in pvp, see a GF and stand next to him without moving. then he hits you and you stay at the campfire and try to find the hit in the log. Don't say it's not true, you do this every game i see you.
I go DOM head o the node and try to cap, like everyone does, so what´s your point? Otherwise you want to tell the people, facing GF in DOM they should take the bridge or head to homenode and the moment they get aware GF incoming---run? that´s not your idea of a balanced game, I hope so I saw you in DOM 100 times stomping pugs, and since GF runs like a fat chicken on speed having that buff, it´s hard to find solutions for some classes without dodge or without alternative mechanics I want solutions, and improvements, all we hear is , show data, show numbers, show xy so I show data, show numbers and I do know that is not from interest at maxed level premade vs premade these matches sure look very different, having immortal DC´s and OP´s taking part wich is also a big problem, even bigger PS: I am really too lazy to do this searching for logs, copy, paste, etc. normally, and no I did this once, last match, that´s all, no other numbers in my database atm And I do not want to get personal, only in case you do, so calm down
mate, how is it alright for a warlock to facetank anything + insane damage, but a GF doing the same is not alright? would you be here if you had that build?
I can´t facetank a GF and GWFnormally, all I can do is kite them, and I do get oneshoted by TR´s using first strike very easy I guess that leads to nowhere but again I do not want big nerfs, I want fixes we can´t nerf something first and do the fixes afterwards having the same problems as before. Some things have to get adressed, like lolset, OP, DC, and ITF a bit imo ah , and I am not that one who want´s his class to get anything like overpowerd or fotm or buffed, no , that´s the moment I change class or game
Do you play a TR?
Only problem ..you have to get out of combat to reuse it i guess, that´s these guys with perma-stealth build , who sneak up deal 90k+ damage and troll away, arround the corner, come back and go on trolling
--->that´s the typical "No-Scill- First-Strike-User" or am I wrong? They allways head to the SW or GWF or any other class that can´t dodge to load their HAMSTER on them--abusive and poor gameplay imo, but who cares
other ones have that high recovery build with max AP gain and chain dailies, as stated above, that´s would be 4 dailes in a row, not that bad....
In case I was playing a TR I would have so many options to build arround that class, TR seams to be a class with multiple options to win a fight, in case I know what I do. #
Warlock is allways the same, same feats, same encounter, same same---damage
the last warlock who tried a high recovery build, vasdamas, left and he stated it´s HAMSTER... never tried myself
And in times of drainig glyphs rank 2 it is not benefitial to run such a build, except being a TR i guess, because you will chain zero in that scenario being with your AP bar at th bottom all time
otherones slot Smokebomb, ITC and SE and face 3-4 vs 1 with ease, being immune to most damage by dodges+ITC+deflect+ some selfheal on top
it´s a class with lot´s of variety
Its not that they need balance changes, they need to FIX BUGS first. This will then reveal balance issues. For instance, right now there are SEVERAL OP bugs that are causing them to be immortal. DCs capstone is overhealing (needs to be tested HOW its doing this). Those two class FIXES (not balances) would then reveal which classes need some attention.
Then looking at class balance issues - like GWF/CW are maybe a little too resilient because of the self-healing made available through all the additions of boons/items/feats etc. So this isnt a CLASS balance but a function of lifesteal becoming too easy to stack to high levels, which favors some classes more than others. So this would be (IMO) much better to focus on trhings like Endless Comsumption being far too strong when it wasnt adjusted along with the lvl70 cap introduction. Since lifesteal used to be 100% Chance but only a small % return - which was tripled. But now its a small % chance, at a 100% return - which they should have reversed the endless consumption to be that it has a chance to triple your % chance - or more simply put, it is itself a flat % CHANCE increase to lifesteal rather than the amount.
Then finally, GFs/TRs would arrive on the block as classes that need some adjustment. GFs are tricky since its only via TONS of damage stacking they can do what they do and their DPS is horrible in PVE which means they could arguably just tone down 1-2 abilities the GF has for PVP purposes. TR only has 1 ability that needs an adjustment - Shocking Execution. The fact that it bypasses all DR is just a flat out joke and I think this could be easy to fix so its used as an execute NOT as an opener - which means its damage should scale based on the targets HP % (or cut its damage in half, but then it doubles damage against targets under an HP threshhold).
i mean, nerf gf and tr dmg? so gwf are totally immortal while 2 hitting everyone? haha nice one
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
There may be some... but not GFs
I do still check the forums to see the state of things but, like many other long time players, I have quit playing this junk they are turning out lately. If they can give me any reason to feel confident in their capabilities to resolve a few things and some indication that they are aware of our concerns I could easily see myself coming back (not asking for a roadmap but I am well past any point of trusting them enough to just assume things will be resolved).
1. Yeah GWFs have big dmg, but their mostly powers are useless, there are only 1 path available (destroyer). They need a lot of careful changings.
2. HRs they have insane stun and PvP even sometimes become boring when you fight against them, but it's not only becouse of their stun, it's becouse of their damage. I think in PvP their damage is lowest and even BiS HR damage is really low.
3. SWs well it's a bit bugged class, but in PvP they are great if you have good build, like Sierra or Fernu. Some I heard saying SW is worst class in PvP, but they are not. I saw some really great SWs who can beat 1v1 strongests GWFs, GFs, HRs, TRs, CWs.
4. DC I think they are too much tanky right now. In my opinion DC should be more healing than tank class (in PvP). I am talking only about PvP.
5. OP hmm, I think it's most overpowered class. Why ? Becouse with their protector daily everyone becomes overpowered and invincible. PvP becoming really boring and you can just run from point to point, that's all. But I also think that OP is most boring class, becouse they are just like standing walls. Yeah there are some OPs who deal pretty good damage (I have myself OP who can even kill 4.2k GWF in 1 v 1), but their mechanics are just mehh.
6. CWs well in my opinion they are balanced. Their damage is not too big and defensibility is not too high, yeah you can say that they need boost, but well if they got boost and others got nerf, there will be threads about nerfing CWs classes...
7. Now I am going to talk about class which I agree would need some damage nerf. It's GFs. Their damage well in PvP even bigger than GWFs. They have block which will never ends (unless you will drain it with drains :P). I agree that they need about 20% base damage nerf and it would be perfect for everyone.
8. TRs they have perm stealth, very good CC, they have one of the highest defensibility in a game and with SE they just killing everyone from 1 hit. I have BiS GWF which have like 135k+ HP and yes, I still get 1 shotted from TR SE when they use it while First Strike feature is active. But well they have many useless powers like GWFs. So I think they would need just remove SE piercing and increase damage of powers or even change some of them.
Well I have just mentioned what each class is capable and I think every class must be changes at least a little bit. Developers should play more PvP, test every classes carefully and of course they should balance every class, but not do random nerf/boost of each class like it was in every module. Devs please open your eyes and test EACH class, also they should read start reading PvP forums too.
Thank you if someone have read it, I didn't said much about each classes and well, have fun. Neverwinter still best game.
That´s a non crit from Anvil of Doom vs the GWF
a non crit Bullcharge vs the OP
A crit AoD+ lolsetbonus (encounter)
crit BC (encounter) vs GWF
crit from weapon master strike (At will) + lolset proc vs GWF
(this one happend many, many times) please give me an at will like that
a crit from cleave (At Will)+lolset vs the OP
vs me 3.1k GS, 2.6 tenacity, 115 HP, shadowalk active (max defense) -- AoD crit, I was at 50% after being hit
second fix from lolset and some adjustment, no big nerfs imo
look at the damage from one at will + this strange lolset proc every time, same that happens looking at GWF, that´s by sure not 6% no it´s > than 50% ??? ???
tbh there are more things to fix but this is one of the needed ones
But yes, a matchmaking based on highest item lvl achieved would do alot.
Otherwise you want to tell the people, facing GF in DOM they should take the bridge or head to homenode and the moment they get aware GF incoming---run?
that´s not your idea of a balanced game, I hope so
I saw you in DOM 100 times stomping pugs, and since GF runs like a fat chicken on speed having that buff, it´s hard to find solutions for some classes without dodge or without alternative mechanics
I want solutions, and improvements, all we hear is , show data, show numbers, show xy
so I show data, show numbers and I do know that is not from interest at maxed level premade vs premade
these matches sure look very different, having immortal DC´s and OP´s taking part wich is also a big problem, even bigger
PS: I am really too lazy to do this searching for logs, copy, paste, etc. normally, and no I did this once, last match, that´s all, no other numbers in my database atm
And I do not want to get personal, only in case you do, so calm down
I guess that leads to nowhere
but again I do not want big nerfs, I want fixes
we can´t nerf something first and do the fixes afterwards having the same problems as before.
Some things have to get adressed, like lolset, OP, DC, and ITF a bit imo
ah , and I am not that one who want´s his class to get anything like overpowerd or fotm or buffed, no , that´s the moment I change class or game
or go back east.