beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Various lockbox packs drop stones and marks that will be obsolete. The stones will be possible to crunch into RP at their max value presumably indefinitely, but will the script that converts old marks into the new enchantment stones run on acquisition of any new items, or will all the past boxes have to be updated to take them into account?
I've seen some discussion in different places on Tenebrous which isn't quite accurate so I updated the chart to be more clear. The proc chance increases with additional enchants, the percentage of hitpoints done in damage does not. So the max would be 7% of hit points at a 28% chance.
@noworries#8859 It is too bad Cryptic has changed the earning system for Developers to commission based. That is usually applied to Marketing positions, but then Cryptic doesn’t have a marketing department, do they? This earning system change does at least explain why the last several mods have been forcing the player base towards P2W via the Zen market. Announcing legendary companion bonuses just months before a planned bonding stone NERF to gain quick sales is actually short sighted. A marketing professional could have told you as much. This is just one example of the extortion styled system changes that have been put into effect. Seriously, from a marketing prospective, you guys really need to crawl out of your cubicles. Do you remember what happened to United Airlines stock after a video of a passenger being dragged off a plane went viral? 250M loss. Customers don’t like to have something they have paid for with their time or money taken away from them. They will demonstrate that fact with their future buying choices, which I am sure will be apparent to Cryptic soon enough. These changes to a refinement system are a thinly disguised, short sighted, attempt to make more money. Let me be clear – I am what you might call a whale. I play NWO because I played NWN with my friends years ago. Before that it was PnP DnD starting with the first released box set. Now these same friends and I are all well into our careers, have families and obligations that make this game a welcome diversion and something we don’t mind dropping $150/month on if it saves us precious time. We won’t try for 70 Pres wards to get that 1% because it just isn’t worth it when we only have a couple of hours to play. We just pay for the Coal and go so we can keep working towards BiS. I know several players like this, and there are more of you out there than will probably admit, but the point is it is players like myself who keep the Cryptic coffers full. That said, I have great appreciation for the players who contribute massive amounts of time and energy to understanding the game mechanics and read through the math to help casual/serious players understand the workings of things like stat bonuses and the like. And to this end I am amazed that Cryptic would so blatantly disregard the efforts it takes players who can’t afford this increasingly P2W game just to keep up. These are the players that affect the casual players like myself the most. Imagine if you will, how I am going to be influenced if my entire guild alliance is leaving because of the latest NERFs to bondings along with proposed NERFs to SH boons. These are guild players with years more experience than I have in the game and have apparently already suffered through several bait and switch maneuvers like this before. If I look online at websites that are generally dedicated to MMORPGs, Cryptic has a terrible reputation. But it seems the developers don’t realize it or care. Again, a little marketing research would be a wise investment. As mentioned above, the player base I represent does not have a lot of free time. And we are too advanced in our careers to tolerate businesses that deliberately and intentionally waste what time we have. The financial aspect, probably has some kind of false advertising lawsuit capabilities to it, but that doesn’t really matter if no one is playing the game. And if we aren’t playing, we aren’t spending our RL dollars at the Zen market. And then of course your commissions aren’t very high.
About the Empowered Runestones... HP is usually 4x other stats. So considering you're getting 2000 for other stats, HP should've been 8000... 32000 is quite certainly a mistake... @noworries#8859
All enchantments are messed up wrt. HP... R13 Radiants give 3500 instead of 3400, Dual-stat enchants give 2200 HP instead of 2300... Triples give 2400 instead of 2800... It MUST be x4, else everything goes wrong.
Also, the enchantment stats are way off... Please run through them again... Empowered is the most glaring example... 32000 HP is equivalent to 8000 of other stats
Empowered was specifically set high to make it an interesting viable option. There has obviously been some players chatting about this so I'd enjoy hearing different opinions on that numbers and if they should be brought down some (I think 8000 is too low to make them something players might use, but maybe people feel that is enough).
I think it depends. Do the extra HP carry over to a player via bondings or eldritch? If not, then I would leave the HP right threre, as the base HP of companions is really pitiful against level 70+ opponents.
I have a question regarding companion stats in general: when I look at them, they seem really pathetic compared to player stats (1000 here, 2000 there, etc.) On a player these stats would be really awful, so it begs the question: do companions use the same stat curves as players?
Edit: just went over the updated tables. With a 1/8 chance to proc and an 8s cooldown, I really think the serene runestone needs a boost. In practical terms it means that a companion will have taken quite a few hits on average between procs, and they have much lower HP and defense than players (assuming the stat curves for defense are the same).
70% boost from a rank 14 indomitable??? You just made certain Powries VERY happy!
Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
@noworries#8859 Can you please provide the estimated cost of an Ultimate Mark of Power? I realize that this variable may still be in flux, but a ballpark estimate would be helpful in trying to wrap my head around the changes. Is it 2x a SMoP? 5x? 10x?
@noworries#8859 Can you please provide the estimated cost of an Ultimate Mark of Power? I realize that this variable may still be in flux, but a ballpark estimate would be helpful in trying to wrap my head around the changes. Is it 2x a SMoP? 5x? 10x?
125k AD for a UMoP
oh really?
Yes really, preview builds are known to have some bugs in them as things are still being tested. The price will be 125k
@noworries#8859 Can you please provide the estimated cost of an Ultimate Mark of Power? I realize that this variable may still be in flux, but a ballpark estimate would be helpful in trying to wrap my head around the changes. Is it 2x a SMoP? 5x? 10x?
125k AD for a UMoP
oh really?
Yes really, preview builds are known to have some bugs in them as things are still being tested. The price will be 125k
Cool, thanks for the clarification. Was curious which one was wrong. I assume it all is WIP ... including what that devs say
About the Empowered Runestones... HP is usually 4x other stats. So considering you're getting 2000 for other stats, HP should've been 8000... 32000 is quite certainly a mistake... @noworries#8859
All enchantments are messed up wrt. HP... R13 Radiants give 3500 instead of 3400, Dual-stat enchants give 2200 HP instead of 2300... Triples give 2400 instead of 2800... It MUST be x4, else everything goes wrong.
Also, the enchantment stats are way off... Please run through them again... Empowered is the most glaring example... 32000 HP is equivalent to 8000 of other stats
Empowered was specifically set high to make it an interesting viable option. There has obviously been some players chatting about this so I'd enjoy hearing different opinions on that numbers and if they should be brought down some (I think 8000 is too low to make them something players might use, but maybe people feel that is enough).
Oh... Thanks for clarifying that. With that I think its best to remove all HP sources from the character and use other stats instead and leave HP to empowered stones.
About the Empowered Runestones... HP is usually 4x other stats. So considering you're getting 2000 for other stats, HP should've been 8000... 32000 is quite certainly a mistake... @noworries#8859
All enchantments are messed up wrt. HP... R13 Radiants give 3500 instead of 3400, Dual-stat enchants give 2200 HP instead of 2300... Triples give 2400 instead of 2800... It MUST be x4, else everything goes wrong.
Also, the enchantment stats are way off... Please run through them again... Empowered is the most glaring example... 32000 HP is equivalent to 8000 of other stats
Empowered was specifically set high to make it an interesting viable option. There has obviously been some players chatting about this so I'd enjoy hearing different opinions on that numbers and if they should be brought down some (I think 8000 is too low to make them something players might use, but maybe people feel that is enough).
Oh... Thanks for clarifying that. With that I think its best to remove all HP sources from the character and use other stats instead and leave HP to empowered stones.
Currently Unparalleled Dread has 80% crit severity and the same debuff. Unparalleled Vorpal however has 55% crit severity and a 1% increased debuff. Why was Vorpal given more relative crit severity and a debuff increase while Dread was left with only 5%?
About the Empowered Runestones... HP is usually 4x other stats. So considering you're getting 2000 for other stats, HP should've been 8000... 32000 is quite certainly a mistake... @noworries#8859
All enchantments are messed up wrt. HP... R13 Radiants give 3500 instead of 3400, Dual-stat enchants give 2200 HP instead of 2300... Triples give 2400 instead of 2800... It MUST be x4, else everything goes wrong.
Also, the enchantment stats are way off... Please run through them again... Empowered is the most glaring example... 32000 HP is equivalent to 8000 of other stats
Empowered was specifically set high to make it an interesting viable option. There has obviously been some players chatting about this so I'd enjoy hearing different opinions on that numbers and if they should be brought down some (I think 8000 is too low to make them something players might use, but maybe people feel that is enough).
I feel that leaving the empowered at 32k is for the better. Better to have a number of choices when it comes to builds rather than the meta. BiS is boring yet one feels compelled to follow the trend, keeping the empowered as is, gives augmented companions a fair chance for defensive builds. I'll admit I do main a Paladin and I foresee that using empowered gives me choices when tanking, I want to stray away from the power / crit set up and the max HP set up might just be what I'm after. Lowering the empowered 32k will ultimately make me stop playing the Paladin, due to lack of choices.
I realize some don't like the Bonding changes... I'm one of the few who actually look forward to them as I think there are indeed very fair and will look to continue upgrading many of the bondings I have but in some cases may also pair them up with 1 other Runestone depending on the class or feat choices I've made. I'm also happy some many other companions will once again have expanded choices to consider. There are so many positive updates many have not looked into or completely ignored which is unfortunate.
Many have pushed for some time removing having to sacrifice R7-R9 Enchantments or Runestones in the upgrading process; this makes things significantly cheaper and should encourage many others to upgrade along with some new items to consider. Most Runestones have been upgraded out of the Junk category and could be good to pair in a Striker, Controller, Leader or Defender with 1-2 bondings now depending on your class or feat choices. It's not just a one size fits all solution anymore although many will still prefer 3 bonding stones.
A R14 Bonding still provides almost a 4 to 1 benefit over a R14 Eldrtich when you get both the +1050 buff & a augment boost more than 2.5x higher.
Another huge benefit is to Refinement Changes. Not having to hoard bags of space for 2xRP but still having the freedom to move stones or RP items between characters or even sell. I hope this will open up more RP showing up in Epic Dungeons Chests, aside from dropping from Dragon Hoard or other Enchantments or Mount bonuses similar to what we see from just IG or Tiamat today. Possibly even a few more Bosses dropping them during bonus RP events as well in addition to expanded Leadership rewards or Rare special projects during the event.
I try to be an optimist as I think there is a lot of good things hopefully coming in the pipeline.
I've seen some discussion in different places on Tenebrous which isn't quite accurate so I updated the chart to be more clear. The proc chance increases with additional enchants, the percentage of hitpoints done in damage does not. So the max would be 7% of hit points at a 28% chance.
Talking about enchants I saw you reduced some Armor enchants cooldowns a bit and displayed the % weapon damage, but man this will not change anything nor making them more attractive as long as these "weapon damage" don't scale with anything. It is exactly the same problem as prebuff % Weapon Enchantment such as Lightning one who was absolutely trash because flat low damages. Make them work the same way Weapon Enchantments % damage work right now and they're all viable.
I guess it has been mentioned before, but due to how the difference between single, dual and triple stat enchantments have been, wouldn't it be more reasonable for a R14 dual stat enchant to be 600/600 in offfense and defense slots?
Basically, with no more 2x refinement events AND removing feeding on same type of arti gear you effectively reduce the RP value of all the artifact gear 4 times and the devs pretend to talk about "now will be easier". I just did the try of converting my legendary puissance belt to RP and then feed the RP I get on a "blank" lvl1 puissance belt and I've got just up to level 40. You just get the usual 20%, but without having the chance to double it by feeding on same type or 2x events.
Its extremly obvious that on next mod they are planning to replace every weapon set, belt and neck so they are preparing the ground to make sure the people will loose 80% of their RP value before that. Currently on main hands you get permanent 2x event, we just moved from permanent bonus to you "will never get anything and I laugh at your face saying its easier".
Basically, with no more 2x refinement events AND removing feeding on same type of arti gear you effectively reduce the RP value of all the artifact gear 4 times and the devs pretend to talk about "now will be easier". I just did the try of converting my legendary puissance belt to RP and then feed the RP I get on a "blank" lvl1 puissance belt and I've got just up to level 40. You just get the usual 20%, but without having the chance to double it by feeding on same type or 2x events.
Its extremly obvious that on next mod they are planning to replace every weapon set, belt and neck so they are preparing the ground to make sure the people will loose 80% of their RP value before that. Currently on main hands you get permanent 2x event, we just moved from permanent bonus to you "will never get anything and I laugh at your face saying its easier".
You fundamentally misunderstand the nature of feeders and artifact refinement if you ever thought "feeding" a piece of artifact gear to put it into another piece of artifact gear was a good idea. Feeders are only useful for Artifacts, not Artifact Gear, and losing them *there* hurts, definitely.
However, you *do* have one excellent point in there: @noworries#8859 , currently artifact gear being replaced gives 80% of its RP to the new item, all the time for weapons and during 2xRP for non-weapon gear. Under the new system, it not only will only give back 40%, it will give back 40% of the new, lower target number - 20% of what was put into it under the old system.
Artifact gear being turned into RP should give back 80% of its value, not 40%, to properly reflect the "2xRP all the time" goal of the refinement change. As-is, you lose much more RP on gear than you would with the old system and a 2xRP weekend.
(Edit: changed from cyan to red, because this is clearly an undesirable behaviour that needs fixing, not a suggested improvement.)
These two very differently named items look far too similar. With the existence of Greater Marks of Potency, I think that the Enchanting Stone names should be moved around to match. You should be using Superior Enchanting Stones at the same time as Superior Marks of Potency, and Ultimate Enchanting Stones at the same time as Ultimate Marks of Potency.
Currently the tiers line up like this: Potency - Enchanting Stone Normal - None Greater - Normal (should have been given a name such as "Average" to allow querying it on the auction house) Superior - Greater Ultimate - Superior
I understand that making them match would mean that Enchanting Stones would start at Greater, but it would definitely be less confusing.
Leader of Pure Evil, Sword Guild in the Primacy Alliance.
Only the dead have seen the end of war. - Plato
frozenfirevrMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,475Community Moderator
edited September 2017
Also, it'd be nice if the animation while upgrading is removed. While you expect it to create suspense, you can see the items changing in your inventory so all it does is make the refinement process clunky.
Currently the tiers line up like this: Potency - Enchanting Stone Normal - None Greater - Normal (should have been given a name such as "Average" to allow querying it on the auction house)
Maybe rename "normal" items to "Standard"? Minor mark of potency, lesser mark of potency, standard mark of potency, greater mark of potency, etc etc. It would make finding them on the auction house much easier. Same with various enchantments.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
10x Superior Potency + 3x Greater Enchantment Stones
15x Superior Potency + 6x Greater Enchantment Stones
10x Ultimate Potency + 3x Superior Enchantment Stones
I just want to have a sanity check.
Am I right that the cost to upgrade from Perfect -> Pure and Pure -> Trans will be increased for the RP rich people?
Perfect -> Pure Now: 622K RP + 5 SMOP + 3 Blue Stone Will be: 40K RP + 10 SMOP + 3 Greater Enchantment stones.
Pure -> Trans Now: 1088K RP + 5 SMOP + 3 Greater stone Will be: 55K RP + 15 SMOP + 6 Greater Enchantment stone.
We can farm RP consistently through various utility enchantments and leadership. For me, the cost of RP is virtually zero. We cannot farm SMOP and Greater stone consistently from anything.
Since the demand of RP will be dramatically decreased, so will the price of RP.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
What tier of Enchantment Stones will drop in new dungeon?
And what tier will be converted from old marks?
Let me be clear – I am what you might call a whale. I play NWO because I played NWN with my friends years ago. Before that it was PnP DnD starting with the first released box set. Now these same friends and I are all well into our careers, have families and obligations that make this game a welcome diversion and something we don’t mind dropping $150/month on if it saves us precious time. We won’t try for 70 Pres wards to get that 1% because it just isn’t worth it when we only have a couple of hours to play. We just pay for the Coal and go so we can keep working towards BiS. I know several players like this, and there are more of you out there than will probably admit, but the point is it is players like myself who keep the Cryptic coffers full. That said, I have great appreciation for the players who contribute massive amounts of time and energy to understanding the game mechanics and read through the math to help casual/serious players understand the workings of things like stat bonuses and the like. And to this end I am amazed that Cryptic would so blatantly disregard the efforts it takes players who can’t afford this increasingly P2W game just to keep up. These are the players that affect the casual players like myself the most. Imagine if you will, how I am going to be influenced if my entire guild alliance is leaving because of the latest NERFs to bondings along with proposed NERFs to SH boons. These are guild players with years more experience than I have in the game and have apparently already suffered through several bait and switch maneuvers like this before. If I look online at websites that are generally dedicated to MMORPGs, Cryptic has a terrible reputation. But it seems the developers don’t realize it or care. Again, a little marketing research would be a wise investment.
As mentioned above, the player base I represent does not have a lot of free time. And we are too advanced in our careers to tolerate businesses that deliberately and intentionally waste what time we have. The financial aspect, probably has some kind of false advertising lawsuit capabilities to it, but that doesn’t really matter if no one is playing the game. And if we aren’t playing, we aren’t spending our RL dollars at the Zen market. And then of course your commissions aren’t very high.
I have a question regarding companion stats in general: when I look at them, they seem really pathetic compared to player stats (1000 here, 2000 there, etc.) On a player these stats would be really awful, so it begs the question: do companions use the same stat curves as players?
Edit: just went over the updated tables. With a 1/8 chance to proc and an 8s cooldown, I really think the serene runestone needs a boost. In practical terms it means that a companion will have taken quite a few hits on average between procs, and they have much lower HP and defense than players (assuming the stat curves for defense are the same).
70% boost from a rank 14 indomitable??? You just made certain Powries VERY happy!
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel:
The marks convert over to the same tier on a 1 for 1 basis, and where those marks used to drop the new enchantment stones will drop.
oh really?
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
Also, the tooltip says "rarely". I have a super bad feeling about this... but by "rarely", what would you estimate the drop chances to be?
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
Many have pushed for some time removing having to sacrifice R7-R9 Enchantments or Runestones in the upgrading process; this makes things significantly cheaper and should encourage many others to upgrade along with some new items to consider. Most Runestones have been upgraded out of the Junk category and could be good to pair in a Striker, Controller, Leader or Defender with 1-2 bondings now depending on your class or feat choices. It's not just a one size fits all solution anymore although many will still prefer 3 bonding stones.
A R14 Bonding still provides almost a 4 to 1 benefit over a R14 Eldrtich when you get both the +1050 buff & a augment boost more than 2.5x higher.
Another huge benefit is to Refinement Changes. Not having to hoard bags of space for 2xRP but still having the freedom to move stones or RP items between characters or even sell. I hope this will open up more RP showing up in Epic Dungeons Chests, aside from dropping from Dragon Hoard or other Enchantments or Mount bonuses similar to what we see from just IG or Tiamat today. Possibly even a few more Bosses dropping them during bonus RP events as well in addition to expanded Leadership rewards or Rare special projects during the event.
I try to be an optimist as I think there is a lot of good things hopefully coming in the pipeline.
This is a pain, because you have to click the refine button 29 times (one for each rank).
please screens if possible , thank you.
Will enchantments and runestones with the refining points added in but still unupgraded lose their refining points?
Its extremly obvious that on next mod they are planning to replace every weapon set, belt and neck so they are preparing the ground to make sure the people will loose 80% of their RP value before that. Currently on main hands you get permanent 2x event, we just moved from permanent bonus to you "will never get anything and I laugh at your face saying its easier".
However, you *do* have one excellent point in there: @noworries#8859 , currently artifact gear being replaced gives 80% of its RP to the new item, all the time for weapons and during 2xRP for non-weapon gear. Under the new system, it not only will only give back 40%, it will give back 40% of the new, lower target number - 20% of what was put into it under the old system.
Artifact gear being turned into RP should give back 80% of its value, not 40%, to properly reflect the "2xRP all the time" goal of the refinement change. As-is, you lose much more RP on gear than you would with the old system and a 2xRP weekend.
(Edit: changed from cyan to red, because this is clearly an undesirable behaviour that needs fixing, not a suggested improvement.)
Currently the tiers line up like this:
Potency - Enchanting Stone
Normal - None
Greater - Normal (should have been given a name such as "Average" to allow querying it on the auction house)
Superior - Greater
Ultimate - Superior
I understand that making them match would mean that Enchanting Stones would start at Greater, but it would definitely be less confusing.
... You can't tell me this isn't confusing:
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
The Dread Spinel 2500 RP , is correct ?
Only the dead have seen the end of war. - Plato
Am I right that the cost to upgrade from Perfect -> Pure and Pure -> Trans will be increased for the RP rich people?
Perfect -> Pure
Now: 622K RP + 5 SMOP + 3 Blue Stone
Will be: 40K RP + 10 SMOP + 3 Greater Enchantment stones.
Pure -> Trans
Now: 1088K RP + 5 SMOP + 3 Greater stone
Will be: 55K RP + 15 SMOP + 6 Greater Enchantment stone.
We can farm RP consistently through various utility enchantments and leadership.
For me, the cost of RP is virtually zero.
We cannot farm SMOP and Greater stone consistently from anything.
Since the demand of RP will be dramatically decreased, so will the price of RP.