Fishing at SOMI still is a bit bugged - when pressing one (1) to collect the fish, sometimes the "reeling progress" resets and the fish has to be reeled back the whole way again.
temuchin9999Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 41Arc User
Keyboard issue? 1 toon's "R" button doesnt work. Doesnt matter what power I put in there. jump doesnt work. chat function limited to 6 characters. Another toon stuck in port, cant interact with door. all since update today.
Hey everyone! Checking in to say that I likely won't have an issue fix status update until next week but escalation, investigation, and fix implementation is ongoing.
What about an issue recognition status just so we know whats being worked on? Would really appreciate that if possible. Thanks for the great game!
If it's been reported, it's being worked on to some degree or another. This can mean anything from "escalated and ticketed" to "reproduced" to "a solution has been found". That level of status update is what I may not get until next week but I'll share any new status info that comes my way.
PS: Glad you like the game! We're pretty fond of it too
The new campaign tokens and what was referred to as "Volo materials" can be traded in person (therefore are not bound) but can't be posted on the auction house. Is that intentional? Because it's *weird*.
I would like to step in and say that it is quite intentional that trophies and lures can be traded but not sold on the auction house. This isn't necessarily a new bind status, but we will look into putting a tag on the lower section of the item to make it clear when an item behaves in this way.
It is a bit weird! The idea here is that we'd like groups of friends, guildmates or strangers to be able to team up in town and pool their resources. Perhaps you and two other friends collectively have all the 2 star trophies, we want you to be able to obtain the King of Spines Lure.
Although we want you all to be able to pool your resources, we'd like if the primary play experience for those participating in the hunts was to, well—hunt. Lures and trophies being available on the auction house would lead to most (or at least many) players who want to hunt purchasing those items from the auction house instead of hunting.
We understand it's still possible to communicate in zone chat and sell these items, and we're okay with that because the selection of lures and trophies will be limited to the sellers that are currently online and actively hawking. Additionally, demand may change from moment to moment leading to haggling. If they were auctionable, their price would very quickly reach a plateau where many players are comfortable buying them instead of hunting themselves, and thereafter slowly decline as people obtained the gear they wanted from the hunt.
jiubiizeekkMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 144Arc User
Lesser Soulforged Enchantment - twice have had it where falling and did not resurrect. Once in Castle Never, was no animation that it tried to resurrect, just straight death. Pressing X to show stats showed only fallen 1 time. Other was in new Chult area. Have never had this in past, first time. It for sure was not due to "This effect can only trigger once every 90 seconds." as each time was long delay before combat: for CN was in Protectors Enclave, and Chult was in the town before venturing out. Both events were on 7/25.
Where you using your shift key for anything (dodging/sprinting) it happens sometimes.
Not a bug per se but any chance you can have a look at the screen shake when using the Cavalry Tyrannosaur mount, at max speeds 140%+Boon its pretty unbearable.
I received the message when turning in quest to the merchant prince that I have reached the limit on how many patrol commendations I can receive for the week. That was fine, I had done a bunch of them, but when I check my currency tab, there are 0 patrol commendations in my campaign currencies. Where are my commendations stored?
Oh, and on this subject, what are the commendations used for?
Shadow of Demise does not trigger on Tyrannosaur and T-Rex's when a rogue enters stealth while smoke bomb is active on the target. The normal functionality appears to be fine on all other mobs except T-Rex's and Tyrannosaurs. Other encounter powers are working normally in so far as procc'ing SoD, just not smoke bomb vs. T-Rex's.
Neverwinter Module 6: The only MMO expansion in the history of MMO's to remove more content than it added.
Hello, after the update for mod12 I started a new campaign, a problem, a problem, a new map and now I can not log in again, I already talked to all the npc and I already quit the quest and it's no working
Is it really intended that when you buy the keys/pilgrim hood package in the Zen store that you don't get to choose which one you get? The stats on the two choices are very different and it's like a HAMSTER shoot to buy that pack. The boots pack with the companion gives a choice.
@shiani1 That's how all of these bundles have worked. Whatever is packaged with keys is random. The equipment pack is unbound and gets cheaper on the AH the longer it's available, especially during key sales. Whatever is bundled with a less ephemeral purchase offers a choice, and the pack tends to hold a steady AH price as fewer are available.
Thanks! I never got one like that before so didn't realize it. I will know from now on
When performing hunts with a lure, you sometimes get "hunt in progress." The lure site is red and one cannot interact with it. What the party must do is switch instances until one can find an instance where a hunt/the hunt is not in progress. I am not sure if this is due to some kind of programming where only 1 hunt can be ongoing per instance??
Hi check! I circled back with the team and got the following info: Multiple hunts should be possible on a single map, but not two of the same monster from the same location. Otherwise people would be able to spawn tons of critters from a single spot and would be (Tomb of) annihilated. So if players are reporting that Karkinos is summoned so he can’t be summoned again, that’s expected. If they are saying that Karkinos is summoned so Baccho can’t be summoned, that’s a bug.
someonediesMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,257Arc User
Inventory A new bag slot has been added. Players may now equip up to 7 bags, increased from link
The addition of a new slot is very cool, but... the number of slots is changed, UI is not adapted to this change, big black bars have appeared on the left and on the right of inventory, personal bank, empty space has appeared on the right in Wondrous bazaar; VIP menu almost has no indentions, text almost touches the borders.
The button that advertises the purchase of new bags is unnecessary, it should be removed (or should be hidden) when equipping, for example 5 bags, plus it is too huge.
Hi check! I circled back with the team and got the following info: Multiple hunts should be possible on a single map, but not two of the same monster from the same location. Otherwise people would be able to spawn tons of critters from a single spot and would be (Tomb of) annihilated. So if players are reporting that Karkinos is summoned so he can’t be summoned again, that’s expected. If they are saying that Karkinos is summoned so Baccho can’t be summoned, that’s a bug.
Spili-Ti can't be summoned due to this issue. Tested on few maps yesterday and today with the same issue. No problems with other hunts.
Brewald - GWF 18.3k Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k Valrik - DC AC 18.2k Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
seal trader, buy gear for other class is bound to char on pick up, when it should be bta on pickup, these need to be fixed soon, the ingredients are ok, some voninblood on seal trader for sale would be nice. @nitocris83@terramak@asterdahl, loving mod so far specialy the guild kop farm team, good job everyone.
Thank you, glad to hear you are enjoying the module! I want to apologize personally for the fact that these items launched Bind to Character, particularly after I mentioned that we were looking into this. The changes are made locally but did not make it into the release build.
This week's build is only for emergency hotfixes, but the bind issue should be resolved soon after, so please keep an eye on the patch notes. Until such time that the issue is resolved, we ask that you refrain from buying equipment you intend to use on other characters.
Adding to the vendor issues
Buggy Removal of alliance/elven gear has made a severe lack of starter cloaks and belts. This seems to leave Neverember Cloaks, Legacy Belts and other legacy items, or ground drops for early end game.
BuggyThe Chult set is lacking belts/cloaks too for those soloing or very unlucky.
Buggy Also worth pointing out the gear gap between Elemental Evil Set (or Dread Ring) and Relic Set (Alliance and Elven between them Dread about the same as EE), replacing last Elemental Evil Set with Alliance Set would help open up end-game. This way new players aren't shoved into a tiny subset of 3-4 skirmish queues, and can spread out to content. . Dead Ring and Well still won't be a walk in the park, and dungeons are still locked mathematically until players gear-up (*), so you arn't giving out dungeon access cart-blanche.
Buggy Might also want to take a look at the Malbrlog level 68 dungeon gear-score entrance fee, its the same as the 70s. So access is now further out of reach. (*)
[*] Both cases players are easily 500 to 1000+ GS V3 short, and that's testing with gifting my alts: rings +3, drowcraft gear, event artifacts, and not being in EE set. (An event companion on one makes it close with 500 short)
Since the release of Mod12, when I use the VIP travel signpost to transfer to Protectors Enclave or Neverdeath Graveyard the load screen hangs and the gameclient.exe stops responding. I have to restart the game to continue playing. Weird thing is that it only happens when trying to transfer to those two areas, and only started happening with the release of the new mod.
Another variant of button 1 problem when fishing in SOMI - when pressing 1, reeling progress gets reset to 0, but no buttons are lighted or they get greyed out right away so the fish gets away after some time.
I have also been periodically experiencing the bug where after reeling in a fish and hitting '1', the progress bar resets to zero, but I can usually re-reel the fish and catch it with '1' the next time, however it has greyed out the controls a couple times.
I experienced some new weirdness fishing in Chult last night, though.
I was using Glowworm bait and after I caught a fish and it went to re-bait the hook, the baiting the hook message kept popping up over and over. It ended up eating the rest of my Glowworms (only had a few left fortunately), but the message kept going after that. Even going to shore didn't stop it, I had to log out and back in to stop it. Then, whenever I went to fish with my Leatherjackets, hitting tab would "say" using Leatherjackets, but the icon was a greyed out Glowworm icon that wouldn't change. I could still fish alright, but it was strange. To get that corrected, I had to go find some more Glowworms.
Everything seemed to be working alright after that, but the whole thing was weird.
*resisting urge to joke about constant "baiting" and being bugged out after*
The new campaign tokens and what was referred to as "Volo materials" can be traded in person (therefore are not bound) but can't be posted on the auction house. Is that intentional? Because it's *weird*.
I would like to step in and say that it is quite intentional that trophies and lures can be traded but not sold on the auction house. This isn't necessarily a new bind status, but we will look into putting a tag on the lower section of the item to make it clear when an item behaves in this way.
It is a bit weird! The idea here is that we'd like groups of friends, guildmates or strangers to be able to team up in town and pool their resources. Perhaps you and two other friends collectively have all the 2 star trophies, we want you to be able to obtain the King of Spines Lure.
Although we want you all to be able to pool your resources, we'd like if the primary play experience for those participating in the hunts was to, well—hunt. Lures and trophies being available on the auction house would lead to most (or at least many) players who want to hunt purchasing those items from the auction house instead of hunting.
We understand it's still possible to communicate in zone chat and sell these items, and we're okay with that because the selection of lures and trophies will be limited to the sellers that are currently online and actively hawking. Additionally, demand may change from moment to moment leading to haggling. If they were auctionable, their price would very quickly reach a plateau where many players are comfortable buying them instead of hunting themselves, and thereafter slowly decline as people obtained the gear they wanted from the hunt.
Is it at least possible to look at changing these so you can have more than 1 of each item in your inventory. You said you want friends/guildies to team up - great! That's just what my guildies have been doing. However as we try to plan and see who has what, the issue with only being able to have 1 fang, or 1 trinket, etc. in your inventory of shared bank is making this insane.
God help anyone trying to farm hunt materials who does not have VIP.
This problem that plagues me and some others as well is very common as i see it since days doing the campaign on 2 toons.
Some of us don't get the damn fangs from the T-Rex whatsoever. I have decided to go and do the fishing, cause i saw in alliance chat, that some people got it that way. Spent quiet a bit of time there, got 3, first i was hurrah, but when i went back to the bounty hunters, it didn't show up, so i couldn't trade it in.
My experience reading alliance chat is, that RNG is making a bad joke with some of us again. I have alliance members, who get it each time, while some, like me struggle to get it in any kind of way. Can't that RNG find a middle ground, where it would be a joy for all?
Kinda pity, cause other than that i love the new Mod, but this always ruins my daily fun there.
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
If you have one legendary companion it works fine (around 15.9...%) and the bonus stay.
If you have 2 legendary companions, the bonus come and go: 24%, 0%, 24, 0..... and it stay fixed randomly on 24% or 0%
Need to switch of character and comeback to have the bonus.
Currently not tested with 3 legendary companions.
Edit : Complement of informations: Tested with 3 legendary companion same issue. The Legendary companion bonus doesn't appear on specific areas : Protector's Enclave and Port Nyanzaru
Post edited by brewald on
Brewald - GWF 18.3k Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k Valrik - DC AC 18.2k Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
Behe, that fishing bug isn't new. It is present in SOMI but there we all used Krill all the time so it mostly didn't matter.
not present on the consoles that i've ever seen. irritating as all blanketyblank though on pc. I can't seem to catch any fish higher than r2 without that bug showing up.
"Fishing Bug: When running out of bait, one cannot use tab to select new bait. One must exit the water/boat, then re-enter and reselect bait."
It has always done this on PC with worms and krill in SoMI. If you run out of the bait you are using, you cannot switch to the other without leaving the boat. Additionally and probably related, if you don't have any worms in inventory, you can't switch bait. You are stuck using worms on the UI and can't switch to krill. Using these phantom worms does not affect your inventory count of zero and you won't run out. You can only fix this by buying at least one lugworm from the campaign store (vblood!) or else going back to camp and buying one with gold.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
I received the message when turning in quest to the merchant prince that I have reached the limit on how many patrol commendations I can receive for the week. That was fine, I had done a bunch of them, but when I check my currency tab, there are 0 patrol commendations in my campaign currencies. Where are my commendations stored?
Oh, and on this subject, what are the commendations used for?
You trade them for maps, and the quest to do so pops up immediately after getting each commendation. It's normal to only have the commendation for a few seconds, so it will appear as a 0 in your currency. You could bank them if you were short on space for the maps though.
PS: Glad you like the game! We're pretty fond of it too
It is a bit weird! The idea here is that we'd like groups of friends, guildmates or strangers to be able to team up in town and pool their resources. Perhaps you and two other friends collectively have all the 2 star trophies, we want you to be able to obtain the King of Spines Lure.
Although we want you all to be able to pool your resources, we'd like if the primary play experience for those participating in the hunts was to, well—hunt. Lures and trophies being available on the auction house would lead to most (or at least many) players who want to hunt purchasing those items from the auction house instead of hunting.
We understand it's still possible to communicate in zone chat and sell these items, and we're okay with that because the selection of lures and trophies will be limited to the sellers that are currently online and actively hawking. Additionally, demand may change from moment to moment leading to haggling. If they were auctionable, their price would very quickly reach a plateau where many players are comfortable buying them instead of hunting themselves, and thereafter slowly decline as people obtained the gear they wanted from the hunt.
Oh, and on this subject, what are the commendations used for?
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
Multiple hunts should be possible on a single map, but not two of the same monster from the same location. Otherwise people would be able to spawn tons of critters from a single spot and would be (Tomb of) annihilated.
So if players are reporting that Karkinos is summoned so he can’t be summoned again, that’s expected. If they are saying that Karkinos is summoned so Baccho can’t be summoned, that’s a bug.
Dead🔪Spili-Ti can't be summoned due to this issue.
Tested on few maps yesterday and today with the same issue.
No problems with other hunts.
Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k
Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k
Valrik - DC AC 18.2k
Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
How do I complete the Merchant Prince Weekly if I don't have any hunts unlocked?
Do I do it via Volo's Research quest? And if so, is the Research quest repeatable?
If not, am I just supposed to grind out Totems to unlock the Rare Hunts from the campaign window?
Buggy Removal of alliance/elven gear has made a severe lack of starter cloaks and belts.
This seems to leave Neverember Cloaks, Legacy Belts and other legacy items, or ground drops for early end game.
BuggyThe Chult set is lacking belts/cloaks too for those soloing or very unlucky.
Buggy Also worth pointing out the gear gap between Elemental Evil Set (or Dread Ring) and Relic Set (Alliance and Elven between them Dread about the same as EE), replacing last Elemental Evil Set with Alliance Set would help open up end-game. This way new players aren't shoved into a tiny subset of 3-4 skirmish queues, and can spread out to content. . Dead Ring and Well still won't be a walk in the park, and dungeons are still locked mathematically until players gear-up (*), so you arn't giving out dungeon access cart-blanche.
Buggy Might also want to take a look at the Malbrlog level 68 dungeon gear-score entrance fee, its the same as the 70s. So access is now further out of reach. (*)
[*] Both cases players are easily 500 to 1000+ GS V3 short, and that's testing with gifting my alts: rings +3, drowcraft gear, event artifacts, and not being in EE set. (An event companion on one makes it close with 500 short)
I experienced some new weirdness fishing in Chult last night, though.
I was using Glowworm bait and after I caught a fish and it went to re-bait the hook, the baiting the hook message kept popping up over and over. It ended up eating the rest of my Glowworms (only had a few left fortunately), but the message kept going after that. Even going to shore didn't stop it, I had to log out and back in to stop it. Then, whenever I went to fish with my Leatherjackets, hitting tab would "say" using Leatherjackets, but the icon was a greyed out Glowworm icon that wouldn't change. I could still fish alright, but it was strange. To get that corrected, I had to go find some more Glowworms.
Everything seemed to be working alright after that, but the whole thing was weird.
*resisting urge to joke about constant "baiting" and being bugged out after*
God help anyone trying to farm hunt materials who does not have VIP.
This problem that plagues me and some others as well is very common as i see it since days doing the campaign on 2 toons.
Some of us don't get the damn fangs from the T-Rex whatsoever. I have decided to go and do the fishing, cause i saw in alliance chat, that some people got it that way. Spent quiet a bit of time there, got 3, first i was hurrah, but when i went back to the bounty hunters, it didn't show up, so i couldn't trade it in.
My experience reading alliance chat is, that RNG is making a bad joke with some of us again. I have alliance members, who get it each time, while some, like me struggle to get it in any kind of way. Can't that RNG find a middle ground, where it would be a joy for all?
Kinda pity, cause other than that i love the new Mod, but this always ruins my daily fun there.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
If you have one legendary companion it works fine (around 15.9...%) and the bonus stay.
If you have 2 legendary companions, the bonus come and go: 24%, 0%, 24, 0.....
and it stay fixed randomly on 24% or 0%
Need to switch of character and comeback to have the bonus.
Currently not tested with 3 legendary companions.
Edit : Complement of informations:
Tested with 3 legendary companion same issue.
The Legendary companion bonus doesn't appear on specific areas : Protector's Enclave and Port Nyanzaru
Eleonore - CW Mof Renegade 17.5k
Harlgard le Vieux - OP Prot 18.3k
Valrik - DC AC 18.2k
Furiela - SW Temp 18.1k
"Fishing Bug: When running out of bait, one cannot use tab to select new bait. One must exit the water/boat, then re-enter and reselect bait."
It has always done this on PC with worms and krill in SoMI. If you run out of the bait you are using, you cannot switch to the other without leaving the boat. Additionally and probably related, if you don't have any worms in inventory, you can't switch bait. You are stuck using worms on the UI and can't switch to krill. Using these phantom worms does not affect your inventory count of zero and you won't run out. You can only fix this by buying at least one lugworm from the campaign store (vblood!) or else going back to camp and buying one with gold.
I cant figure out the "Trial Quest". The guy dont have any Trial quests for me.
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Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia