I got my first quest in Chult, where I have to kindle the torches and then speak with someone in the jungle. Did the torches but then returned to the port for a break. Now I can not enter the jungle. It says, I need permission from the trading prince, but he has nothing to say.
Is it bugged, or is there a simple and obvious solution, as I'm just blind or stupid?
Found a temporary solution for that problem. Had to dismiss the unfinished quest and take it again. Since I get it from the trading prince, this counts as "getting permission".
If you are in a party, you cannot rejoin them in the river instance (the main chult adventure map) without leaving the party. The door brings up the purple ring that requires you to wait for your party even if they are already in the river map.
When doing the quest "a Little Research" i cannot finish it. People and friends told me they killed one rare creature and got a bait item and the quest was done.. now i have gotten 10+ of those items and the quest is still active. i killed every possible rare mob at least 2x for the drop. thank you in advance.
Cryptic. The drop rate for volo system is rly annoying.......... I play 1hour to killing batiris and no batiri brave trinket for me. Pls do something in thursday, change the drop rate pls.
Or make the materials unbound. I prefer to buy it all from grind it!!!!
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE May the Torm of Understanding guide us!
minotaur2857Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,141Arc User
Quest journal, I scroll to the Cold run section, only one quest, I know I have more, the rest are all in the Caer Konig section.
Great weapon fighter getting stunned by normal t-rex while in unstoppable and determination doesnt build against him, i am on destroyer path. @terramak .
second report when fighting yua ti mob when you get controlled by a power they ave takes control you cant break free with unstoppable and it stops working only workaround is change instances , come on devs thats not the kind of fix we wanted for unstoppable
Seal vendor items are BtC despite @asterdahl having said they would be BtA. This was reported multiple times in Preview threads.
Certain red splats are no longer being displayed. Rocks falling in Lostmauth boss fight I believe has already been reported here (sharpedge reported it feom preview) It also affects the untarget 'spew' attack from Plaguechanged Maws (this is really bad in RIver District Gyrion ritual HE) It probally affects Maws in the Chasm and all other locations.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
The sarong, is now part of the bottom piece to the South Seas fashion set. My apologies for misinformation. When I got the set last year, the halter top and sarong were together on the Upper fashion piece and the lower piece were just the sandals and a "bikini" bottom. So it appears that after the update, the sarong skirt was put into the lower fashion piece. I get that. Unfortunately I really did like the way it looked previously... so I doubt this is a bug, more of a "this is what it was supposed to be in the beginning" type of thing. Pity because I had a nice fashion setup for my warlock and she looked really nice.
Ok, this is the absolute PITS. The fact that the bottom part of this fashion set was previously only the shoes meant you could combine the bottoms with a number of longer fashion tops to get a mini-dress look, rather than wearing your choice of top alone and having dirty bandage-wrap feet.
It was silly that you called the item Sarong without the sarong being attached, but what was wrong with my suggestion to fix it by changing the name to South-Seas Sandals? That wouldn't have messed with anyone's actual stuff.
You just effectively ruined a ton of players' favorite fashion outfit (wearing the Coutrements-with-skirt over pants was really nice), and further, your tendency to attach even the shortest skirt-y bits of fabric to fashion bottoms instead of having them drape down from the tops means that most fashion sets are very difficult to mix without clipping.
tl;dr You should not dramatically change how fashion items look or work together after players have invested a lot of effort into getting them. I hope you will revert this change like you did with the equipment appearances that lost their skirts and sleeves.
Is it really intended that when you buy the keys/pilgrim hood package in the Zen store that you don't get to choose which one you get? The stats on the two choices are very different and it's like a HAMSTER shoot to buy that pack. The boots pack with the companion gives a choice.
@shiani1 That's how all of these bundles have worked. Whatever is packaged with keys is random. The equipment pack is unbound and gets cheaper on the AH the longer it's available, especially during key sales. Whatever is bundled with a less ephemeral purchase offers a choice, and the pack tends to hold a steady AH price as fewer are available.
Quest journal, I scroll to the Cold run section, only one quest, I know I have more, the rest are all in the Caer Konig section.
Yes, I was also going to report this. Took me a while to figure out why my journal had no Cold Run section even though I knew I had some quests there.
I also discovered that Culling the Cultists, Common Cause, and Defeating Dragons (all quests associated with Harper Boward in PE) have been assigned to the Well of Dragons, even though most of these either cannot be completed there at all or in the case of Culling, this isn't the only possible location to fulfill the requirements.
I didn't notice if Protector's Enclave was a journal location, but a lot of quests I have that are managed by NPCs in PE have been placed in the General category. For me, this would be a good location for PE Boward's missions because they are items I frequently wish to check whether I currently have them or not, since they require a detour to pick up and turn in from my usual beaten paths. Their former location was at the bottom of my journal's unsorted list of quests, so my check process was to open the journal and scroll all the way down, which was really easy. Having them in the default top category would be about as good.
You should not dramatically change how fashion items look or work together after players have invested a lot of effort into getting them. I hope you will revert this change like you did with the equipment appearances that lost their skirts and sleeves.
+1000 this change is total BS and will effectively ruin most of my characters fashion outfits. you can't just willy nilly change the way an item was pieced together A YEAR LATER. Not to mention, you make this change at the end of the summer festival when most people have already spent their copper tickets buying outfit pieces based off the way they looked. This should have happened prior to the event so people could react accordingly.
This "fix" needs to be reverted and beckys idea of calling the bottom piece Sandals is the only logical and customer friendly solution.
I'm afraid though splitty does split sometimes, he's still not dropping anything on live.
I had two runs at him today, on the first run he split after I killed the first version, but then alas, lag interfered, and splitty whomped me while I was gazing into space.
2nd run, he didn't split, just died, and no drop.
No idea what my toon is now.
blackmagidMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 111Arc User
Really enjoying the new area - thanks
Has something changed with the Orcus boss fight? As an OP (Tank) on previous runs I could happily tank Orcus (after the last fix) and be hit by a ball or 2 (with or without a DC) without issue and yet the run this evening we just got wiped.
Fishing in Sea of Moving Ice is broken now. When you left click to cast the line, the light goes out, then comes back on a second later so you can cast your line. You can repeat this endlessly.
Hi everyone! We're hard at work tackling all the issues coming in, whether at the info gathering, repro, or fix finding stage. I wanted to give you some more concrete follow up on the following:
Hoping to resolve tomorrow but may be next week:
Fish aren't biting in Sea of Moving Ice.
Currently in fix test, hoping for next week fix release:
Certain Chult intro quest cutscenes are now unskippable, which should address issues with Minsc not spawning.
If you get stranded between Chult intro maps, you can now catch back up to where you were.
Fixed a crash when redeeming a Race Reroll in a particular way.
Fixed Whirlwind of Blades power stacking.
Beast Voodoo Doll placeholder being replaced with intended correct item.
If an issue you reported or have experienced is not on this list, it means we are at an earlier stage of the issue and do not have an ETA. As always, release of fixes are subject to change.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Is this an item that actually broke in M12 in some new way, or is it a fix/nerf to the way it's previously been working? (arguably too strong in isolation but also shoring up other weaknesses in the class)
Is this an item that actually broke in M12 in some new way, or is it a fix/nerf to the way it's previously been working? (arguably too strong in isolation but also shoring up other weaknesses in the class)
It was a bug that was reported earlier and it was a strong enough issue that it got bundled in with fixes of things that are tied with the launch of M12. It's not a nerf in the traditional sense, since the stacking wasn't working as intended/designed.
When fighting the Yuan-Ti Archers, Gwf Unstoppable can bug out badly. It resembles the bug present in unstoppable for a long long time.
Sequence to reproduce: a. get into a fight with Yuan-Ti Archers b. let them hit you with the daze arrow, where you stop dazed every 2 or 3 secs. c. Just before the daze takes effect again, with your unstoppable about to go active, hit them with a critical hit. d. Once the daze takes effect again, Unstoppable will show FLASHING tab as if it has been pressed, but you do not receive the buff and and cannot activate it as it appears to already be active. e. Note that it drains slowly, a lot slower than usual. it acts as if the countdown time is also affected by the daze/slow effect.
This presists even after you exit combat.
The only way to clear the bug is to wait for the countdown to go to zero.
Is this an item that actually broke in M12 in some new way, or is it a fix/nerf to the way it's previously been working? (arguably too strong in isolation but also shoring up other weaknesses in the class)
It was a bug that was reported earlier and it was a strong enough issue that it got bundled in with fixes of things that are tied with the launch of M12. It's not a nerf in the traditional sense, since the stacking wasn't working as intended/designed.
I can understand the distinction, but chose that phrasing because it's one of the items currently keeping TR DPS competitive with other classes.
Just kind of a yikes, TR balancing can't come soon enough, if this is being changed now.
seal trader, buy gear for other class is bound to char on pick up, when it should be bta on pickup, these need to be fixed soon, the ingredients are ok, some voninblood on seal trader for sale would be nice. @nitocris83@terramak@asterdahl, loving mod so far specialy the guild kop farm team, good job everyone.
Thank you, glad to hear you are enjoying the module! I want to apologize personally for the fact that these items launched Bind to Character, particularly after I mentioned that we were looking into this. The changes are made locally but did not make it into the release build.
This week's build is only for emergency hotfixes, but the bind issue should be resolved soon after, so please keep an eye on the patch notes. Until such time that the issue is resolved, we ask that you refrain from buying equipment you intend to use on other characters.
There is an issue with the legendary bonus from having 5 legendary companions. Although the buff icon is present in the top corner, the 31% stats do random fluctuate into non-existance.
For myself personally, I have 5 legendary companions, granting the full 31%, which in my case is 1570 critical (from 4966)
My base critical on my character is 13808. So with my legendary bonus added on it should be 15378.
The issue is the fluctuation, even with my companion summoned, the legendary buff icon present, I will still VERY often have 13808.
This issue is present across all companion stats and has also been confirmed by other players. As an additional note, it can sometimes only occur to just 1 stat (Reduced crit but ArmPen stays the same).
http://imgur.com/a/HFteo - This shows the problem in real-time. Same buffs. No changes. Yet the stats for legendary bonus are missing.
Lesser Soulforged Enchantment - twice have had it where falling and did not resurrect. Once in Castle Never, was no animation that it tried to resurrect, just straight death. Pressing X to show stats showed only fallen 1 time. Other was in new Chult area. Have never had this in past, first time. It for sure was not due to "This effect can only trigger once every 90 seconds." as each time was long delay before combat: for CN was in Protectors Enclave, and Chult was in the town before venturing out. Both events were on 7/25.
Found a temporary solution for that problem. Had to dismiss the unfinished quest and take it again. Since I get it from the trading prince, this counts as "getting permission".
Signature [WIP] - tyvm John
The drop rate for volo system is rly annoying..........
I play 1hour to killing batiris and no batiri brave trinket for me.
Pls do something in thursday, change the drop rate pls.
Or make the materials unbound.
I prefer to buy it all from grind it!!!!
Taylor DC/DO & AC Buff/Debuff - Guild Gutbusters Brigade - PVE
second report when fighting yua ti mob when you get controlled by a power they ave takes control you cant break free with unstoppable and it stops working only workaround is change instances , come on devs thats not the kind of fix we wanted for unstoppable
Certain red splats are no longer being displayed. Rocks falling in Lostmauth boss fight I believe has already been reported here (sharpedge reported it feom preview) It also affects the untarget 'spew' attack from Plaguechanged Maws (this is really bad in RIver District Gyrion ritual HE) It probally affects Maws in the Chasm and all other locations.
It was silly that you called the item Sarong without the sarong being attached, but what was wrong with my suggestion to fix it by changing the name to South-Seas Sandals? That wouldn't have messed with anyone's actual stuff.
You just effectively ruined a ton of players' favorite fashion outfit (wearing the Coutrements-with-skirt over pants was really nice), and further, your tendency to attach even the shortest skirt-y bits of fabric to fashion bottoms instead of having them drape down from the tops means that most fashion sets are very difficult to mix without clipping.
tl;dr You should not dramatically change how fashion items look or work together after players have invested a lot of effort into getting them. I hope you will revert this change like you did with the equipment appearances that lost their skirts and sleeves.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I also discovered that Culling the Cultists, Common Cause, and Defeating Dragons (all quests associated with Harper Boward in PE) have been assigned to the Well of Dragons, even though most of these either cannot be completed there at all or in the case of Culling, this isn't the only possible location to fulfill the requirements.
I didn't notice if Protector's Enclave was a journal location, but a lot of quests I have that are managed by NPCs in PE have been placed in the General category. For me, this would be a good location for PE Boward's missions because they are items I frequently wish to check whether I currently have them or not, since they require a detour to pick up and turn in from my usual beaten paths. Their former location was at the bottom of my journal's unsorted list of quests, so my check process was to open the journal and scroll all the way down, which was really easy. Having them in the default top category would be about as good.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Changes to the seal vendor have broken the Epic Seals tutorial quest which I believe you now receive at level 70.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
This "fix" needs to be reverted and beckys idea of calling the bottom piece Sandals is the only logical and customer friendly solution.
I had two runs at him today, on the first run he split after I killed the first version, but then alas, lag interfered, and splitty whomped me while I was gazing into space.
2nd run, he didn't split, just died, and no drop.
Has something changed with the Orcus boss fight? As an OP (Tank) on previous runs I could happily tank Orcus (after the last fix) and be hit by a ball or 2 (with or without a DC) without issue and yet the run this evening we just got wiped.
I have never ventured outside the town yet, so that's
not a trigger.
If it's anything like the other times this has happened, it was
from walking past the Axe Beaks fighting the dummy.
I did not attack the dummy at all.
Couldn't come up with a way to unstick me. Including
going back and attacking the dummies.
Conversations with merchants work. Walking around looking like
an idiot (CW slow crab-walk) and not being able to use my mount
is not fun, tho.
Hoping to resolve tomorrow but may be next week:
- Fish aren't biting in Sea of Moving Ice.
Currently in fix test, hoping for next week fix release:- Certain Chult intro quest cutscenes are now unskippable, which should address issues with Minsc not spawning.
- If you get stranded between Chult intro maps, you can now catch back up to where you were.
- Fixed a crash when redeeming a Race Reroll in a particular way.
- Fixed Whirlwind of Blades power stacking.
- Beast Voodoo Doll placeholder being replaced with intended correct item.
If an issue you reported or have experienced is not on this list, it means we are at an earlier stage of the issue and do not have an ETA. As always, release of fixes are subject to change.Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
When fighting the Yuan-Ti Archers, Gwf Unstoppable can bug out badly. It resembles the bug present in unstoppable for a long long time.
Sequence to reproduce:
a. get into a fight with Yuan-Ti Archers
b. let them hit you with the daze arrow, where you stop dazed every 2 or 3 secs.
c. Just before the daze takes effect again, with your unstoppable about to go active, hit them with a critical hit.
d. Once the daze takes effect again, Unstoppable will show FLASHING tab as if it has been pressed, but you do not receive the buff and and cannot activate it as it appears to already be active.
e. Note that it drains slowly, a lot slower than usual. it acts as if the countdown time is also affected by the daze/slow effect.
This presists even after you exit combat.
The only way to clear the bug is to wait for the countdown to go to zero.
Just kind of a yikes, TR balancing can't come soon enough, if this is being changed now.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
This week's build is only for emergency hotfixes, but the bind issue should be resolved soon after, so please keep an eye on the patch notes. Until such time that the issue is resolved, we ask that you refrain from buying equipment you intend to use on other characters.
For myself personally, I have 5 legendary companions, granting the full 31%, which in my case is 1570 critical (from 4966)
My base critical on my character is 13808. So with my legendary bonus added on it should be 15378.
The issue is the fluctuation, even with my companion summoned, the legendary buff icon present, I will still VERY often have 13808.
This issue is present across all companion stats and has also been confirmed by other players. As an additional note, it can sometimes only occur to just 1 stat (Reduced crit but ArmPen stays the same).
http://imgur.com/a/HFteo - This shows the problem in real-time. Same buffs. No changes. Yet the stats for legendary bonus are missing.
Both events were on 7/25.