We all know that PvP guilds and premades always ignored the players talking about balance and fair play. In fact, this is the reason why they kept stomping with their premades cause "they got the right to premade and it was the devs fault", and PvP is now empty. Years of PvP guilds farming GG with premades, and GG now is not popping anymore. Domination is left with a 30ish players community active XD XD
The fault is 50% devs and 50% behaviour of big PvP guilds in the past, who just assumed that if the game allowed them to, they got the right to abuse the other players going to PvP. Only recently a few PvP players started caring about balance, and only because they are left alone in a deserted PvP environment. The very same reasonings you wrote above are the shortsighted and idiotic reasonings that the hardcore PvPers did in the past. And look at the result now. It's true that the devs allowed you guys to do that, but the ones who abused the chance to pugstomp with premades was YOU PVP GUILDS.
And the best proof of how wrong your reasoning are, is the current state of PvP. You guys were warned that if you didn't auto-moderate yourselves and kept abusing bugs, broken stuff and premades, you would kill PvP. You didn't listen and trolled us instead. Much like you are doing now sayajin. Here are the results. PvP is dead. Want a culprit? Look in the mirror.
But please sayajin, go on and explain us how solo queue is bad for PvP and the poor "pro PvPers" have to ignore messages about fair play and balance, to preserve "their health"
There is always at least 1 crybaby in each match I am in. They spam me with their "opinion and drama talk" and I just don't answer but they keep going to send me one pm after another. I think the silence makes them even more mad than answering to their ****.
Pando, i simply say that solo queue won't solve the problem PvP suffers. You guys act like jesus just came from heaven and cured the complete mess of PvP.
I can tell you what's gonna happen. One week test solo queue, after that I won't hear anything anymore from the devs, just like NCL.
But keep your faith in a lost case.
At least something is moving. You know, PvP can't be in a worse state than it is now after years of PvP guilds left free to do as they pleased, ravaging every PvP mode with premades and exploit of broken stuff (spare me the too-late wake up call "do not use ambush rings/broken stuff", when PvP was already dead).
what if a 4k iL player queue for solo pvp dom ?.. o.O .. slaughtering ...?
The other team might get a 4k player too in a solo queue environment. Not the case when the 4k toon can team up with the other 4k toon so they end up in the same team. Matchmaking would spread the players to balance the teams. It can't do that when the strongest players pre-form a team to stay all together. I provided an example above.
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
THE OTHER SCENARIO noone think about ? both teams possible to have a mix of undgear and bis. SO could be a balanced match.
I think it's good news, and I hope in the future they will have fully separate pug and premade queues. No PvP is more fun than proper premade vs premade, and no PvP is more dull than being in a premade stomping a pug, or being in a pug losing to a premade (though carrying a pug into beating a premade can be immensely satisfying).
However, even though this is good news that they're trying something like this, it still isn't likely to solve the fundamental problems with PvP, which is that they're matching up players that are vastly different in terms of strength. A single BiS player will still wreck non-BiS enemy players badly enough to disrupt a match anyway, unless he's a very crumby player. They need to find a way to close disparities like that inside the PvP environment. Maybe adopting a different set of stat curves for PvP, with stronger diminishing returns would be a panacea. Everyone keeps all their stuff, even the grossly out-of-bounds guild boons, but the difference between low and high end becomes much smaller. Just like it used to be before module 6.
Even if the only thing that comes out of this is that pugs don't end up in matches against pre-mades, it's still an improvement. That alone will at least change the the outcomes of PvP matches to a coin toss. Does my team end up with the BiS player? or does the other team? I'll take 50/50 any day, rather than the 1 in 10 , 1in 20 chances we have now.
what if a 4k iL player queue for solo pvp dom ?.. o.O .. slaughtering ...?
"What if" Thats hypothesis right. So, hypothetically there could be another high power toon on the opposing team to match that 4k player. Realistically though a single 4k IL guy can occupy a single node at a time and can be out-rotated. If he instead goes into search and destroy mode his team will lose anyway. Its pretty much meaningless to argue at this point. A low item level guy can be skilled enough to avoid death and cap cap cap while a high item lvl guy can be clueless and only know how to eliminate easy targets.
My paladin usually requires at least 3 people to kill him even at ~bis level. If they try and pile on him on a node then the match is over for them. Its funny but the above actually happens, you'd think pvp players are smarter than that but alas the bloodlust is strong lol. If however the people are smart they ignore the node my pally has and own the other 2 so they end up winning. That also happens.
Lets just wait and see. Personally Im hoping the solo queue will bring more people to pvp.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
If i can join a pvp alone without worrying of meeting a premade or a duo trio q im happy for now. 10x times better than how it works in this moment. Simple as that
Yeah but the solo queue "not solving anything" is simply not true. It does actually solve a major flaw in the current matchmaking system. Of course it's not finished, but there's also no way a solo queue makes things worse.
I think this game needs a solo queue for the Leaderboard and then also a system in which premades can square off. It's surely a process, but I don't get why you should be opposed to an obvious necessary step into the right direction.
I've said it over and over again. Three queues:
1) Solo queue with full rewards, Leaderboard, leaver penalty 2) Premade queue, no rewards, team ranking 3) Casual queue, no team restrictions, lower rewards, no leaver penalty
If i can join a pvp alone without worrying of meeting a premade or a duo trio q im happy for now. 10x times better than how it works in this moment. Simple as that
Also who the heck thinks that the solo q will "save" PVP? Show me 1 post where someone claims solo q is the "cure". All I see is people stating its a step forward toward improvement. From this point on what we have to do is test it and see how it goes.
Also @xsayajinx1 apparently you are now not against the solo queue, surprise surprise. You're making progress there corpse jumper
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
I think you don't get it, I am NOT against a solo queue options as long as we keep also the normal queue we have right now.
It's simply not the "cure" PvP needs and you know it (if you don't , you will find out this week).
@rayrdan why don't you gather some people/friends and go premade as well, I know you are at least good geared and playing a combat HR (that's enough to be taken into pvp teams).
"If i can join a pvp alone without worrying of meeting a premade or a duo trio q im happy for now."
This coin has two sides:
1.You don't wanna run into premades as solo que...
2. You don't wanna run into clueless pugs.
Neither of both are fun.
i can gather premade team easily too, but since all serious pvp players were forced to be at pvp guild by system, gear difference will be so huge so its probably better try solo que. As that huge that problem is, so dont troll with pointless words
maybe you find out that new pugs are not that clueless now, i am betting on that....
vinceent1Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,264Arc User
Now this is a solo queue again and show exactly what is lowbie players hypocrisy trashtalking pvpers for "pugs stomping", first everybody cries about premades or duo trio que groups which you can also form within your own guild as well so here we are a PuG queue solo match where some Mao De Prata guys stop fighting and all my effort was in vein as two of them simply stopped playing and thus resulted in a loss and I spent some time in there. Are still against a vote kick? cause if I had a little bit more time till the end of that match with any regular normal 2 players I would have won if they just been a body on node I wasnt expecting much anyway and yes I would vote kick them out and as a solo queue event, would you be that happy if you run into similar players? I think not, thats why normally I queue with trio or duo so that I have decent chance of win even if the other players are clueless and depending on who I got matched against I can win with double effort but not in this case is this solution to PvP this solo queue? I think it is not cause if you got a whole map of 2k+ players , the team who got BiS players owns the other no matter how many in numbers at once they come.
this is the solution to bring more players into pvp, which is the biggest problem right now. only cryptic is too diplomatic to say it. stop speculated about minor things. period
trio to have decent chance to win? lol i am sure you win almost everytime.think again about it
Solo queue is a STEP in the right direction. theres not a single thing that can be implemented that will drastically change things. i hope this test is done on all the systems, because its obvious pc isnt the best indictator of the current state of the game.
In fact, this is the reason why they kept stomping with their premades cause "they got the right to premade and it was the devs fault", and PvP is now empty. Years of PvP guilds farming GG with premades, and GG now is not popping anymore. Domination is left with a 30ish players community active XD XD
The fault is 50% devs and 50% behaviour of big PvP guilds in the past, who just assumed that if the game allowed them to, they got the right to abuse the other players going to PvP. Only recently a few PvP players started caring about balance, and only because they are left alone in a deserted PvP environment.
The very same reasonings you wrote above are the shortsighted and idiotic reasonings that the hardcore PvPers did in the past. And look at the result now.
It's true that the devs allowed you guys to do that, but the ones who abused the chance to pugstomp with premades was YOU PVP GUILDS.
And the best proof of how wrong your reasoning are, is the current state of PvP. You guys were warned that if you didn't auto-moderate yourselves and kept abusing bugs, broken stuff and premades, you would kill PvP. You didn't listen and trolled us instead. Much like you are doing now sayajin. Here are the results. PvP is dead. Want a culprit? Look in the mirror.
But please sayajin, go on and explain us how solo queue is bad for PvP and the poor "pro PvPers" have to ignore messages about fair play and balance, to preserve "their health"
Buahahahahahahahah :'D
A level 70 player with 4.k IL cannot fight a 2k IL player
You know, PvP can't be in a worse state than it is now after years of PvP guilds left free to do as they pleased, ravaging every PvP mode with premades and exploit of broken stuff (spare me the too-late wake up call "do not use ambush rings/broken stuff", when PvP was already dead).
Matchmaking would spread the players to balance the teams. It can't do that when the strongest players pre-form a team to stay all together. I provided an example above.
I feel rather vindicated, even though it may be a year after the fact.
My paladin usually requires at least 3 people to kill him even at ~bis level. If they try and pile on him on a node then the match is over for them. Its funny but the above actually happens, you'd think pvp players are smarter than that but alas the bloodlust is strong lol. If however the people are smart they ignore the node my pally has and own the other 2 so they end up winning. That also happens.
Lets just wait and see. Personally Im hoping the solo queue will bring more people to pvp.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
This is an issue of population. The solo queue can't solve that, but also doesn't have to. Apples and oranges.
I think this game needs a solo queue for the Leaderboard and then also a system in which premades can square off. It's surely a process, but I don't get why you should be opposed to an obvious necessary step into the right direction.
I've said it over and over again. Three queues:
1) Solo queue with full rewards, Leaderboard, leaver penalty
2) Premade queue, no rewards, team ranking
3) Casual queue, no team restrictions, lower rewards, no leaver penalty
So 1) gets filled. What's not to like?
Also who the heck thinks that the solo q will "save" PVP? Show me 1 post where someone claims solo q is the "cure". All I see is people stating its a step forward toward improvement. From this point on what we have to do is test it and see how it goes.
Also @xsayajinx1 apparently you are now not against the solo queue, surprise surprise. You're making progress there corpse jumper
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
maybe you find out that new pugs are not that clueless now, i am betting on that....
trio to have decent chance to win? lol i am sure you win almost everytime.think again about it