I also do not want to explain why protector will do better for a medium geared GF to you.
Well you don't need to since tactician is better all around
So a 2.7 IL GF with 55%DR, 115HP and no 3xrank12 bondings will be a better tank, missing 25% DR, better threat+ better staminagain? Tactitian is a buffer and misses feats that buff his defense, I saw so many desparate GF´s running suboptimal specs according to their Itemlevel, getting smashed in very short time facing Orcus. Now hence what will happen if Steel defense will not serve any good in mod 10, no daily chainig any more..sure you know everything better, maybe in your small world of running premade 24/7 , step outside take a look at the average performance of player in CN runs. I said it´s a better choice to some degree, being BIS or near that spot, having DR cap it doesn´t matter anyway waht you pic, depends on what you rpefer personaldamage/buff silly AP gain.
My tactician GF is actually only 2.5k. All I do is pug since almost nobody in my guild plays in my time zone. Tanking orcus with tactician is no problem. One or two swipes will get you all your AP. If you use fighter's recovery with guarded assault he will hit you and you will heal all your health back. Using steel defense will actually ruin this rotation.
All you need to do is know your class mechanics if you play tactician. If you do, it will ultimately end up being the better feat path.
sounds awesome...if not 80% of those GF´s failed desperately, being smashed by contact, when I pug with a 2.5k IL GF
I talk about the fact , that it is by sure easier for a player to tank a mob hitting for 500k+ having 80%DR than having 55% and not about the fact that tactition is the better choice in terms of groupbuffs. So if someone would asks me what to do , I would ask him what´s his IL and stats and how confident he is about his tanking skills and how good his ping/inet may be. There is no question about the better buffs tactition provides. But there is a question about the average performance of player and what fits better or provide more personal success, by not wiping the party but tanking the boss successfully having no top gear or skill. Not even sure if that´s the math for capstone but in the end it´s a 20% less damage dealt plus feats that lifts DR/deflect in the sum
Would like to see you reduce the cast time on Iron Warrior. Having it cast with both hands up in the air like a Jesus take the wheel pose makes it a far less likely to use encounter. And being that it helps with agro and defense it is a very nice tank skill other than that.
@kreatyve 80% of these comments are from people who don't even play a GF but instead just wish what they want done to the class, the other comments are people going back and fourth not even talking about proper nor concise feedback on the GF. Can you please stop this.
I can't go through and remove every comment by people who don't play the class. As long as it's on topic and not flaming or breaking other forum rules, they have as much right as anyone to voice their opinion.
@kreatyve Yes because talking about CW's on a GF thread is "on topic", talking about how OP's and GWF's need a damage buff on a GF preview thread is "on topic". I am not asking for you to go through every comment and edit it with "lets keep the personal to a minimum, thanks" " do not discuss moderation issues, leave that up to the mods" I am asking keep the people who are having conversations not even pertaining to the subject at hand, and people that are going into debates of damage that don't even have anything to do with bugs, feedback or anything constructive of the such to be removed, because I find it beyond ridiculous that I need to go find a needle in a haystack and scavenge my way through responses to actually see some real feedback and bug submissions and research from people who actually play the GF. It also gets annoying that people who don't even play this class feel the need to "voice their opinions" on a class they don't even play on. They then comment on the threads to cry nerfs, instead of an informed response on the class and a true understanding of how it is played and can be played. Instead of playing the class for a few months and obtaining knowledge the just see "Official GF Feedback Thread" and go "Hey, lets see if i can rally up enough people to get Knights Challenge nerfed" I see the same names from the same people over and over and over again on these threads having nothing to do with the subject. Thats all I ask, is for more focus on eliminating these "no my point is the right way and only way" and "burst damage to high nerf nerf nerf" and more of a "this power doesn't do what is specified". Thank you kreatyve.
@vinceent1 A tone down wasn't a good option to focus the problem. This was @amenar and the developers way of temporarily fixing the problem. Leaving GF's in a coma, if you will. Yeah the class still is decent, but no longer up to par with the OP if you get what I mean. But even more so, not focusing at problems at hand or the bigger picture of things like the VM bug where you are stunned and dazed(even though you used up action points, and the buff is active), is a very simple bug that multiple people on this thread commented on. The fact that that wasn't even touched upon yet is very interesting to me. Problems from the beginning of the game not even touched upon. Multiple comments on cast times being too long, powers still bugged, ITF Temp HP too low, being constantly interrupted and "you cannot use that power", to powers being buffed that really won't change the minds of players like "Line Breaker Assault". Heck you can go back into page 3 and see so many of the things I have said 90% of the things I have said have not even been touched upon by the developers. All that was said was just a "some of these issues we are aware of and we plan on touching upon them in 10 years"
As stated by @amenar "There are some great ideas in here, many which align with our plans, but not all of those plans will be enacted this module. We have longer term plans to help with some of the larger disparities between specs (both Paragon Path, and Feat tree), but they're bigger than what will go into this module. While I can certainly understand that fixing everything right now would be preferable, the reality is that changes are going to be somewhat incremental"
Things that have turned into a long over due change or known to many from the developers as a "long standing issue" that has caused many players to switch to its big brother and greater counterpart the OP. (Oathbound Paladin)
Now I'm not going to type away here and say @amenar didn't do a great job, It's great that they finally changed (some) aspects of the GF. But nerfing into the fray, making range increased by 1' for moves, and sugarcoating things doesn't really do much for the class. These changes alone have caused the GF to be very unclear and turned the class into a fog as of now. Infact not only will there be more DPS classes than support roles for PvE, but now more than ever we will see a huge decline and deficit in GF's because of this. Instead of focusing on key issues like feat placement, feat buffing, bugs with the class, bugs with powers and feats, we are given some very small incremental changes that have negatively affected the game. That doesn't do anything to help the class at all, and we receive the same usual answer where we are left in the dark to rot for another 6 months is not right either.
I hope people including developers read this and seriously take into consideration classes need constant care and need to be looked after or things like this will go horribly wrong. You cannot just expect people to replace defense slots like azures for radiants over night spend millions of AD and literally change their whole characters like this without a a complete certainty of where things should be. Which path to take. This goes on to the fact for every class, we should not wait so long to see changes in classes as this really impacts player base as they are forced to play 1 path that is viable, and everybody is the same! So I do appreciate the beginning to the issues, but leaving us in a coma was not the smartest idea id say.
i agree with you, just want to say +1 i already stop to post anything here since other class nonstop complaining here and dont really know whats going on. ive also test gf in preview many times and the damage without kc is like using a pillow as a weapon. the sad thing is because of lifesteal and insignia(self heal) they just heal the damage they take.
like the other player here said, its easy to point out who really play Gf and not, and its funny those other class asking to nerf all usefull skill, saying GF is like this, should nerf this etc... but base on what they are saying they dont really know the class. they always comparing gwf to gf, while this thread is specially for balance purpose
The point is one after the update why to play with GF when you can play with OP much easier for you and for your group why your group take you with GF and risk if you can't give the group something to watch the rist. I now the buff he need a nerf course he go nuts up on the % and that effect and the high damage GF do but if you put it on the 30 % that's to low after that the groups or even the player he don't go to want to risk to play with the GF cause he don't worth the risk. GF is a very good idea as a tank against a very boring tank who the only thing he do is to stay defence and try to have the aggro only, DON'T DESTROY IT PLZ.
Why even talk about tanking. It's hardly needed at all. Pets tank and pull aggro so well what's the point of playing a tank.
I literally spammed tab the other day because I thought the GWF had pulled aggro on orcus, but couldn't hold it. After no one died I started studying the screen, and it was someone's yeti holding aggro. Which is helpful for the dps, but makes the tank redundant.
I slotted enhanced mark in throne because the OP was pulling everything to the cleric, and still couldn't pull aggro off him either - I'd get it via ET initially, but lose it after he used RA I'd spam tab and he'd still trail everything to the skeleton attacking the cleric. Yet OP has a problem with aggro?!?
The whole GF revamp has been a series of fixes that nerf and little gain. It doesn't even seem like they nerfed the correct places or buffed the correct areas - conqueror and protector had slight changes, but conqueror is way better then protector simply due to damage protection being HAMSTER compared to damage buffs that all multiply.
There was a suggestion to make reckless attacker be based off of stamina, which could be awesome, and more thematic and balanced, but it was ignored. All the other suggestions seem to have been mostly ignored in this thread outside of nerf KC in pvp. The SW thread and HR thread seemed to get alot of attention with many suggestions implemented - granted they both were coming from.behind after the fixes to certain mechanics, but protector could have used a lot of improvement too.
Small recap. If possible please tone down the visual effect of both KV and Supremacy of Stell. Just to aviod the lag issues. Also if possible would you take a look at " Iron Warrior " . Would like to see a faster cast time and more temporary hit points. This could be a very nice tank encounter if you give it some work. If you want to keep the cast time but allow it to work like our At-Wills so that we can still use it while our shield is up this would also be a nice move. Thank you for your time.
Feedback: Guardian Fighter is not a DPS class. It is a TANK class. Weapon Damage should be reduced by at least 25 percent or the other strikers should be getting higher weapon damage. Players should not be getting the impression that GFs should contend or outperform Striker classes. I fear where this DPS GF thing is heading-Immortal God class. It goes against the nerfs every other class has had over the years.
Weapon damage is a non issue. Uberbuffs are, but they are gone. I agreed, gf is a tank class, i play him for that. Just don't forget that: tank don't slot 3 damage encounters, 2 at max. Daily is for heal, not for damage, class features can be both defensive and sometimes necessary. So a pve gf can do damage, basically, with ET and at-will. Damage is needed to build threat, and maybe this is the problem. Tab mark as hard taunt fade too fast, good for buff and CA, not reliable for aggro. So the problem is: how to get aggro with no damage? Spamming hard taunt. Pets do that and get aggro. If gf can have some hard taunt related to at will use, + mark, gf can be an aggro magnet. Otherwise he need to do damage.
Off-topic: ok, gf are tank and they need to do poor damage. But what about strikers able to tank a t2 easily because they have a lot of defensive tools/mitigation/dodge/lifesteal/selfheal? Maybe that has to go. I'd like to play a low-damage hard defense gf to protect my low-defense hard-hitters strikers ally. With a buffer/healer too, to make it perfect. Is just me?
Feedback: Guardian Fighter is not a DPS class. It is a TANK class. Weapon Damage should be reduced by at least 25 percent or the other strikers should be getting higher weapon damage. Players should not be getting the impression that GFs should contend or outperform Striker classes. I fear where this DPS GF thing is heading-Immortal God class. It goes against the nerfs every other class has had over the years.
Weapon damage is a non issue. Uberbuffs are, but they are gone. I agreed, gf is a tank class, i play him for that. Just don't forget that: tank don't slot 3 damage encounters, 2 at max. Daily is for heal, not for damage, class features can be both defensive and sometimes necessary. So a pve gf can do damage, basically, with ET and at-will. Damage is needed to build threat, and maybe this is the problem. Tab mark as hard taunt fade too fast, good for buff and CA, not reliable for aggro. So the problem is: how to get aggro with no damage? Spamming hard taunt. Pets do that and get aggro. If gf can have some hard taunt related to at will use, + mark, gf can be an aggro magnet. Otherwise he need to do damage.
Off-topic: ok, gf are tank and they need to do poor damage. But what about strikers able to tank a t2 easily because they have a lot of defensive tools/mitigation/dodge/lifesteal/selfheal? Maybe that has to go. I'd like to play a low-damage hard defense gf to protect my low-defense hard-hitters strikers ally. With a buffer/healer too, to make it perfect. Is just me?
you nailed it man, because of too much self healing etc this make other class too tanky in both pvp and pve,
I'd like to play a low-damage hard defense gf to protect my low-defense hard-hitters strikers ally. With a buffer/healer too, to make it perfect. Is just me?
You're not alone, bro. In fact, i posted a thread from another game which explains really nicely this point of yours... and some devs on this game, together 80% of player base should read it and understand it completly.
I have a serious question that I hope will not be interpreted as an attack (although given the way these forums work...who knows?):
If they made the GF into a "pure" tank (high-mitigation, high-threat, low damage only), what reason is there to play one in the game's non-group content? Most of the game (not the "end-game" gearing and AD grind per se but the campaigns and their buffs) are built around solo play. If a GF goes pure defensive and takes two to three times as long to complete the same content as a DPS class, then what is the incentive?
Bear in mind, I am presuming that most of the player base plays for character progression. You may disagree with that and that's fine, but considering the monetization scheme of this game is built around players paying for power (i.e. progression) I would not bet against that as the motivation.
not focusing at problems at hand or the bigger picture of things like the VM bug where you are stunned and dazed(even though you used up action points, and the buff is active), is a very simple bug that multiple people on this thread commented on. The fact that that wasn't even touched upon yet is very interesting to me. Problems from the beginning of the game not even touched upon. Multiple comments on cast times being too long, powers still bugged, ITF Temp HP too low, being constantly interrupted and "you cannot use that power", to powers being buffed that really won't change the minds of players like "Line Breaker Assault". Heck you can go back into page 3 and see so many of the things I have said 90% of the things I have said have not even been touched upon by the developers. All that was said was just a "some of these issues we are aware of and we plan on touching upon them in 10 years"
These changes alone have caused the GF to be very unclear and turned the class into a fog as of now. Infact not only will there be more DPS classes than support roles for PvE, but now more than ever we will see a huge decline and deficit in GF's because of this. Instead of focusing on key issues like feat placement, feat buffing, bugs with the class, bugs with powers and feats, we are given some very small incremental changes that have negatively affected the game. That doesn't do anything to help the class at all, and we receive the same usual answer where we are left in the dark to rot for another 6 months is not right either.
Feedback: Knight's Valor I know Knight's Valor (KV) is not involved in the changes of the coming mod. I like to still write my suggestions here.
Why do I dislike how KV works? The reason I want a change for KV is that KV is boring to use. One mostly just needs to activate KV once in a dungeon. That is to say I do not care when and where to use this skill. I would like KV is fun to use
.. With KV, I feel like I just lose one encounter slot.
This hits on an extremely relevant point for both KV and ITF, and support/buff powers in general, for the GF if i slot KV or ITF they both just feel like the loss of an encounter slot (KV especially so), with the way the old ITF used to work there was an incentive to pay attention and not just spam it - you had to wait and posistion yourself and time with the DC buff in order to maximise its affect.
Now with the nerf to ITF there is literally no interaction between it and anything else, so you will just spam it once every x seconds with no "skill" or regard for events happening around you. and KV is even worse as it is either on or off.
If the direction you are pointing GFs in is a support (aka buff) direction, think about how the player base will use those encounters or need to use them to make them "fun" or require some kind of actual thought/interaction with the game.
I'd like to play a low-damage hard defense gf to protect my low-defense hard-hitters strikers ally. With a buffer/healer too, to make it perfect. Is just me?
You're not alone, bro. In fact, i posted a thread from another game which explains really nicely this point of yours... and some devs on this game, together 80% of player base should read it and understand it completly.
I have a serious question that I hope will not be interpreted as an attack (although given the way these forums work...who knows?):
If they made the GF into a "pure" tank (high-mitigation, high-threat, low damage only), what reason is there to play one in the game's non-group content? Most of the game (not the "end-game" gearing and AD grind per se but the campaigns and their buffs) are built around solo play. If a GF goes pure defensive and takes two to three times as long to complete the same content as a DPS class, then what is the incentive?
Bear in mind, I am presuming that most of the player base plays for character progression. You may disagree with that and that's fine, but considering the monetization scheme of this game is built around players paying for power (i.e. progression) I would not bet against that as the motivation.
Good point. Nobody want to take forever to do dailies and campaigns. And this is dev's balance job. My point is that i don't feel the necessity to, just to say, outdps a gwf in a dungeon. I prefer to be the one the boss can't kill, if i play well (and healer too, lol). And i like if others allies are free to burn the boss down, because he's focusing me with his attacks. But i'm not saying i want to go around in solo hitting things with a wet noodle, is not fun. So this is the core of class balance: making a class enjoyable both in solo and group, with enough "fire power" to solo at a decent speed, but not much to really be a competitor against dps damage. And this need to work in the opposite direction while talking about strikers: more fire power than defender, but less survivability. Is weird to finish a dungeon and see a cw (just to name a squishy class) as immovable object .
I agree the concepts of DPS DC and DPS GF are about character progression. It does not take much IL to tank or heal, so why gear up. But, creating these concepts has broke the game.
What's broke the game is DPS characters that are able to tank mobs, enabling them to ignore the existence of a guardian fighter or tank Oathbound paladin. Even if they aren't tankie they can just straight pulverize mobs to ash before they can even take a swing.
Forget crazy GF DPS, we aren't close to properly leveled GWF's unless you ignore everything and look at spike damage. Lets be honest, right now our value is the minor tanking + buff to DPS players. The game needs to nerf DPS's defense capability and self buffs and balance our Defense to be proportional to DPS's Power.
Take out the fact damage=aggro and put an aggro on the skills.Make the tanks TANKS and not dps.Don't remove the benefect from each class of tank so make the GF to give damage buff but harder to play it and more risky for your group but more damage on your group and OP easyer to play more safety and no risk for your group but not more damage for your group.And after that let the players and the group to decide wich of the tanks want to have on the group or wich of the tank can have at the group.I think all the change need to base on that 30% damage buff on rank 4 is to LOW you destroy the class.
Feedback: Knight's Valor I know Knight's Valor (KV) is not involved in the changes of the coming mod. I like to still write my suggestions here.
Why do I dislike how KV works? The reason I want a change for KV is that KV is boring to use. One mostly just needs to activate KV once in a dungeon. That is to say I do not care when and where to use this skill. I would like KV is fun to use. What is the mechanism I would like? 1. Like most encounters, after using KV, it immediately goes to cool down and damage resistance buff lasts for 6 seconds. Make damage resistance buff a portion of damage resistance (50%) of GF. An interaction of defense and KV is more interesting than a flat number. 2. The area of KV should be reduced. I suggest an area around GF for 20. 3. Rework the 4th tier feat, Brawling Warrior, in protector tree: increasing area of KV to 30, and the percent of damage resistance to 60% or even 70%. The change allows protector to build around KV.
Why do I even suggest such nerf after the ITF nerf? KV is certainly a powerful skill of GF, which has the great utility for the party. But I don't think DPS classes should rely on this power to mitigate their damages all the time in a whole dungeon run. As a GF, I would like to have freedom to use more powers. With KV, I feel like I just lose one encounter slot.
Feedback: Knight's Valor I know Knight's Valor (KV) is not involved in the changes of the coming mod. I like to still write my suggestions here.
Why do I dislike how KV works? The reason I want a change for KV is that KV is boring to use. One mostly just needs to activate KV once in a dungeon. That is to say I do not care when and where to use this skill. I would like KV is fun to use
.. With KV, I feel like I just lose one encounter slot.
This hits on an extremely relevant point for both KV and ITF, and support/buff powers in general, for the GF if i slot KV or ITF they both just feel like the loss of an encounter slot (KV especially so), with the way the old ITF used to work there was an incentive to pay attention and not just spam it - you had to wait and posistion yourself and time with the DC buff in order to maximise its affect.
Now with the nerf to ITF there is literally no interaction between it and anything else, so you will just spam it once every x seconds with no "skill" or regard for events happening around you. and KV is even worse as it is either on or off.
If the direction you are pointing GFs in is a support (aka buff) direction, think about how the player base will use those encounters or need to use them to make them "fun" or require some kind of actual thought/interaction with the game.
+1. If KV will be active encounter with based duration 6-8sec with based CD 14-16 sec there would be some more fun and skill needed to play GF. To be more effective GF will need to up recovery stat. There is no need to nerf its radius, just make it active, not aura, and reduce its base effectivenes to 25% and +5% with each rank, but up protectors feat Brawling Warrior to make +5/10/15/20/25% boost for KV.
Now all that most of GF do in dungeons: switches on KV and use Enforced Threat+ITF on CD, sometimes use tab and Tide of Iron and its almost ALL that they do - its boring and makes GF in Protector and Tactician the easiest class to play with and there is no need to up gear - for tactician 2.6 GS is now enough to tank any T1 or T2.
So if someone would asks me what to do , I would ask him what´s his IL and stats and how confident he is about his tanking skills and how good his ping/inet may be.
There is no question about the better buffs tactition provides. But there is a question about the average performance of player and what fits better or provide more personal success, by not wiping the party but tanking the boss successfully having no top gear or skill.
Not even sure if that´s the math for capstone but in the end it´s a 20% less damage dealt plus feats that lifts DR/deflect in the sum
i already stop to post anything here since other class nonstop complaining here and dont really know whats going on. ive also test gf in preview many times and the damage without kc is like using a pillow as a weapon. the sad thing is because of lifesteal and insignia(self heal) they just heal the damage they take.
like the other player here said, its easy to point out who really play Gf and not, and its funny those other class asking to nerf all usefull skill, saying GF is like this, should nerf this etc... but base on what they are saying they dont really know the class. they always comparing gwf to gf, while this thread is specially for balance purpose
I literally spammed tab the other day because I thought the GWF had pulled aggro on orcus, but couldn't hold it. After no one died I started studying the screen, and it was someone's yeti holding aggro. Which is helpful for the dps, but makes the tank redundant.
I slotted enhanced mark in throne because the OP was pulling everything to the cleric, and still couldn't pull aggro off him either - I'd get it via ET initially, but lose it after he used RA I'd spam tab and he'd still trail everything to the skeleton attacking the cleric. Yet OP has a problem with aggro?!?
The whole GF revamp has been a series of fixes that nerf and little gain. It doesn't even seem like they nerfed the correct places or buffed the correct areas - conqueror and protector had slight changes, but conqueror is way better then protector simply due to damage protection being HAMSTER compared to damage buffs that all multiply.
There was a suggestion to make reckless attacker be based off of stamina, which could be awesome, and more thematic and balanced, but it was ignored. All the other suggestions seem to have been mostly ignored in this thread outside of nerf KC in pvp. The SW thread and HR thread seemed to get alot of attention with many suggestions implemented - granted they both were coming from.behind after the fixes to certain mechanics, but protector could have used a lot of improvement too.
I suppose IV may have improved vs SM.
I agreed, gf is a tank class, i play him for that. Just don't forget that: tank don't slot 3 damage encounters, 2 at max. Daily is for heal, not for damage, class features can be both defensive and sometimes necessary. So a pve gf can do damage, basically, with ET and at-will. Damage is needed to build threat, and maybe this is the problem. Tab mark as hard taunt fade too fast, good for buff and CA, not reliable for aggro. So the problem is: how to get aggro with no damage? Spamming hard taunt. Pets do that and get aggro. If gf can have some hard taunt related to at will use, + mark, gf can be an aggro magnet. Otherwise he need to do damage.
Off-topic: ok, gf are tank and they need to do poor damage. But what about strikers able to tank a t2 easily because they have a lot of defensive tools/mitigation/dodge/lifesteal/selfheal? Maybe that has to go. I'd like to play a low-damage hard defense gf to protect my low-defense hard-hitters strikers ally. With a buffer/healer too, to make it perfect. Is just me?
I have a serious question that I hope will not be interpreted as an attack (although given the way these forums work...who knows?):
If they made the GF into a "pure" tank (high-mitigation, high-threat, low damage only), what reason is there to play one in the game's non-group content? Most of the game (not the "end-game" gearing and AD grind per se but the campaigns and their buffs) are built around solo play. If a GF goes pure defensive and takes two to three times as long to complete the same content as a DPS class, then what is the incentive?
Bear in mind, I am presuming that most of the player base plays for character progression. You may disagree with that and that's fine, but considering the monetization scheme of this game is built around players paying for power (i.e. progression) I would not bet against that as the motivation.
This hits on an extremely relevant point for both KV and ITF, and support/buff powers in general, for the GF if i slot KV or ITF they both just feel like the loss of an encounter slot (KV especially so), with the way the old ITF used to work there was an incentive to pay attention and not just spam it - you had to wait and posistion yourself and time with the DC buff in order to maximise its affect.
Now with the nerf to ITF there is literally no interaction between it and anything else, so you will just spam it once every x seconds with no "skill" or regard for events happening around you. and KV is even worse as it is either on or off.
If the direction you are pointing GFs in is a support (aka buff) direction, think about how the player base will use those encounters or need to use them to make them "fun" or require some kind of actual thought/interaction with the game.
Nobody want to take forever to do dailies and campaigns. And this is dev's balance job. My point is that i don't feel the necessity to, just to say, outdps a gwf in a dungeon. I prefer to be the one the boss can't kill, if i play well (and healer too, lol). And i like if others allies are free to burn the boss down, because he's focusing me with his attacks.
But i'm not saying i want to go around in solo hitting things with a wet noodle, is not fun.
So this is the core of class balance: making a class enjoyable both in solo and group, with enough "fire power" to solo at a decent speed, but not much to really be a competitor against dps damage. And this need to work in the opposite direction while talking about strikers: more fire power than defender, but less survivability. Is weird to finish a dungeon and see a cw (just to name a squishy class) as immovable object
Forget crazy GF DPS, we aren't close to properly leveled GWF's unless you ignore everything and look at spike damage. Lets be honest, right now our value is the minor tanking + buff to DPS players. The game needs to nerf DPS's defense capability and self buffs and balance our Defense to be proportional to DPS's Power.
1. Help DEV more easily identify the issue and saving their.
2. Prevent the class hater trolling & tend to destory the class via couple of paragraph with freak typing data values feedbacks
3. Stop dicuss other class performance in particular class feedback post.
If KV will be active encounter with based duration 6-8sec with based CD 14-16 sec there would be some more fun and skill needed to play GF. To be more effective GF will need to up recovery stat. There is no need to nerf its radius, just make it active, not aura, and reduce its base effectivenes to 25% and +5% with each rank, but up protectors feat Brawling Warrior to make +5/10/15/20/25% boost for KV.
Now all that most of GF do in dungeons: switches on KV and use Enforced Threat+ITF on CD, sometimes use tab and Tide of Iron and its almost ALL that they do - its boring and makes GF in Protector and Tactician the easiest class to play with and there is no need to up gear - for tactician 2.6 GS is now enough to tank any T1 or T2.