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Maze Engine Preview Patch Notes NW.60.20160307a.3



  • szejhuludpuchaczszejhuludpuchacz Member Posts: 306 Arc User

    Already overbuffed GWFs made for glasscannon destroyer picking no feat points from Sentinel and want absolute survivement and tankiness in pve beside being top dps...sure...

    I have heard with my own ears GWFs complainng to tanks that mobs are turning towards them. Probably heard nothing from aggro and thinking that mark is just some kind of dmg buff.

    I picked 3 feats from sentinel, oh noes my theory is invalid
    Temp HP is for GWF like dodge for TR. AT least smt in that shape, coz even with maxed temp HP people dying from stupid huge one-shot damage. So, TR is unbalanced even more? Coz he is immune while dodging when GWF sprinting from red air attack area on SH DFs often getting hit and die even if he is not in red anymore. DR, temp HP, nothing help.

    Oh, yeah, marking is not only suited to GFs. Daring shout make aggro, and its base GWFs encouter when threating rush coming from GFs path (same as steely defense from GWFs... only way to tank for GFs atm). 20% dmg bonus for GWF and 8% for party member is not shabby. GWFs role is primary striker and secondary offtank. This means even glass cannon destroyer is a bit of offtank. Sentinel is 'pure offtank' (very poor imo), instigator is mix dps and tankiness with come control. With current bubble state we wont have big trouble staying alive (unless we aren unlucky and not catch bubble protection). After nerf it will be big deal vs current boss/mobs dmg. PvP GWFs are already screwed.
  • darkstarrfoffdarkstarrfoff Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    So, I see the patch notes are nerfing the GWF into the ground. The cause seems obvious, 3.5k+ GWFs are too powerful, people that are nearly 2x the dungeon requirements are so immensely powerful that they can solo them. To that I say, no HAMSTER, that doesn't seem like a real issue to me. The problem is there is no higher content. Nothing. Even CN according to the patch notes is 2.5k (though I wouldn't say that's exactly correct). In CN as it stands I ran on my OP who is better geared on preview and has 66% DR, the monsters there hit so hard it didn't matter, the 3k+ GWF using trans negation went down using it. We were only able to complete it thanks to the parties DPS and the fact I bubbled us nearly full time.

    Basically this is a content issue, these chars are OP but only because you're comparing them to requirements for a dungeon at half their item level. Besides that this massive nerf to GWF doesn't "fix" anything. It artifically limits the class, and besides that affects lower geared players more than higher geared ones.

    Someone here has already mentioned that their OP is far more durable than their GWF, my GWF was 2.5k + while my OP was just 2k and could survive better, and this is in epic dungeons. My GWF tends to still get 1shot too with 100k HP and 32% DR if not bubbled or having massive temp HP. Ill take hits for 40k with temp HP and be able to keep going with 80-100k HP and have some left. I still have to be careful though, I dunno who the HAMSTER thinks GWFs can just stand in one spot and attack but it certainly isn't true for most. That doesn't happen until you get massive DR from either stacking it or negation. I have to move a lot still and this nerf will probably do nothing besides tie me to a pally more than before.

    The balance is fine (in PVE anyway, I don't PVP cuz I suck and so does it, its not fun and I hate it because of it's many issues) the problem is there is no content for the chars. You gave players this power and then are now unhappy the characters are so powerful they can handle 2k content alone. Thats HAMSTER plain and simple. Make more higher level content and they wouldnt be trying to solo 2k stuff, but thats hard, it's easier to nerf the class into the ground.

    The changes here means a GWF with 100k HP with full determination and the max damage bonus gets a grand total of ~32000 temp hp. That's literally a third or less of what we currently get.

    Going by this logic GFs/OPs should only have a second of shield or ap gain should be nerfed and take 2x as long (which unless class specific would nerf the whole game), TR's should only be able to dodge once and then they are out of stamina, so on and so forth. These are all class mechanics for survival yet you're disproportionally nerfing GWFs into the ground.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    terramak said:

    Items and Economy

    Dread Ring: Adamantine Gauntlets now properly give a chance to receive Superior Marks from Astral Coffers.
    Dread Ring: Star Metal Gauntlets now properly give a chance to receive Greater and Superior Marks from Astral Coffers.
    I've been sitting on this feedback for a few days, but I have to say, this patch note makes me unspeakably angry, still. I submitted a tentative bug report about the gauntlet drops rates as little as two weeks ago, although the drop rate on superior marks was (ninja) patched perhaps only a week or two after that item was added to the game. Call it October 2015. Because conventional wisdom was that players had been able to obtain them quite frequently immediately after they were added, and then that drop rate dried up. Little were we all to know that it had been completely removed from the loot table, if accidentally... for nearly SIX MONTHS. And this is supposed to be one of the ways of obtaining this item - required for higher-end progression - via legit gameplay. We have no way of knowing if something like not getting any superior marks is bad luck or completely broken, which is why I only asked if perhaps something was wrong with it so recently.

    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • gabrieldourdengabrieldourden Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    Change to Unstoppable is welcome. At least now destroyers will have to move more to survive. They are dps, not dps and tanks. I agree though that sentinels should be looked at as they should be able to tank more. And to people above saying that the gwf dies when it takes aggro, I would say that taking aggro is the tank job...

    r u sick? GWF is already completely broken; it's a 1 path class.
    You talked about Sentinel. Perhaps you forgot - Instigator.
    It's broken both ways. Destroyers deal too much damage and are too tanky. Other paths have been forgotten.
    To some extent HR is in the same situation, with Trapper being way better than the rest, but not utterly broken as destroyer.

    xgrandz02 said:

    You have no clue what you talkin about its a typical hater commentary , you think just because you saw a vid of a dude soloing a dungeon automatically every GWF can do this? of course not omg..

    you talking about abusing?l how about "piercing dmg is still broken as HELL,
    it not only ignores DR also tenacity and kind of defense,
    and the only thing what your class is doing are spamming SE
    so whats the point of TR just to press SE and that's it.

    Already overbuffed GWFs made for glasscannon destroyer picking no feat points from Sentinel and want absolute survivement and tankiness in pve beside being top dps...sure...

    I have heard with my own ears GWFs complainng to tanks that mobs are turning towards them. Probably heard nothing from aggro and thinking that mark is just some kind of dmg buff.


    Le-Shan: HR level 80 (main)
    Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User

    Change to Unstoppable is welcome. At least now destroyers will have to move more to survive. They are dps, not dps and tanks. I agree though that sentinels should be looked at as they should be able to tank more. And to people above saying that the gwf dies when it takes aggro, I would say that taking aggro is the tank job...

    r u sick? GWF is already completely broken; it's a 1 path class.
    You talked about Sentinel. Perhaps you forgot - Instigator.
    It's broken both ways. Destroyers deal too much damage and are too tanky. Other paths have been forgotten.
    To some extent HR is in the same situation, with Trapper being way better than the rest, but not utterly broken as destroyer.

    xgrandz02 said:

    You have no clue what you talkin about its a typical hater commentary , you think just because you saw a vid of a dude soloing a dungeon automatically every GWF can do this? of course not omg..

    you talking about abusing?l how about "piercing dmg is still broken as HELL,
    it not only ignores DR also tenacity and kind of defense,
    and the only thing what your class is doing are spamming SE
    so whats the point of TR just to press SE and that's it.

    Already overbuffed GWFs made for glasscannon destroyer picking no feat points from Sentinel and want absolute survivement and tankiness in pve beside being top dps...sure...

    I have heard with my own ears GWFs complainng to tanks that mobs are turning towards them. Probably heard nothing from aggro and thinking that mark is just some kind of dmg buff.


    Too much hate from the fans.
    Fest Has Begun! Signed.
    Dead 🔪
  • izworizwor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    I do not see any bug fixes to final boss fight in Castle Never.
    It was reported few times and some devs experienced it on themselves during play with the Devs:

    Orcus deals way too much damage with finger of death, it's 300-900k dmg in single melee hit. I do not know about any buff mechanic that boss possess, but it seems a bit high. There is one more thing, Power Word: Kill it hits everyone in party for 80-100k and it's piercing damage, shift/dodge does not work.
    Death Sphere phase buggs. If party members are using powers that push/knock/move mobs both blue and red bars get stuck. The reason is that mobs entering death sphere and at the same time are pushed/moved, this cousing bug and force wipe/reset of the boss fight.

    Here is log from our boss fight (it bugged few times, so there is more than one fight round :))

  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    izwor said:

    I do not see any bug fixes to final boss fight in Castle Never.
    It was reported few times and some devs experienced it on themselves during play with the Devs:

    Orcus deals way too much damage with finger of death, it's 300-900k dmg in single melee hit. I do not know about any buff mechanic that boss possess, but it seems a bit high. There is one more thing, I don't remember attack name but it hits everyone in party for ~100k and it's piercing damage, shift/dodge does not work.
    Death Sphere phase buggs. If party members are using powers that push/knock/move mobs both blue and red bars get stuck. The reason is that mobs entering death sphere and at the same time are pushed/moved, this cousing bug and force wipe/reset of the boss fight.

    Orcus' damage will definitely be an issue if it's left as-is. So far I've done a CN run twice with my HR: once with 2 GWFs and 2 OPs, where we beat him pretty easily, and once with a dev (4-man party, no OP, CW, or SW, but we had a GF). The second time required dev-only powers out the wazoo as no one could avoid being insta-killed on every hit.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • eocrooseocroos Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 48 Arc User
    You know what would save a lot of bag space, stacking celestial bag of refining from invocation.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    One thing that I noticed was that my DR was only mitigating about 25% of his damage, even though my DR was 65%. Did they really give him 40% arp?
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    BUG: Cordon of Arrows now doesn't have any control effects on many enemies that are not control immune (e.g. Balgura at NON-HE difficulty).
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • phoenix1021phoenix1021 Member Posts: 532 Arc User
    The GWF change is the right direction. Right now, GWFs need nobody, no healer, no defender, no other dps. You get into group content with a GWF and you feel like a little companion to them. Of course a lot of their players feel very comfortable with their indestructable killing machines atm, but sometimes you need to take power away from the player to keep content relevant. You can't go up all the time without a ceiling. Now what needs to be changed next is,
    • Give Lostmauth's Vengeance the same treatment you gave to Stormspell: Can't critically hit, and can only hit once per second.
    • Change Paladins, so they cannot gain any action points while one of their dailies is still active.
    • Fix Bonding Runestones so that you can only gain one stack of Companion's Gift per runestone.
    • Change lifesteal, so that the default lifesteal severity is 50% and 75% for warlocks, to bring it more in line with deflection.
    And only then can we talk about "harder content".
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  • edited March 2016
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  • izworizwor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 238 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    It's not a nerf, just bug fix to be WAI. Same fix as with control bonus/resist.
    You may call it nerf, but it's bug fix.

    BTW GWF is performing much better than any other class, at least in PvE. It's a fact.
    I'd like to see some changes in class balance, but I do not think GWF should be priority.

    First, fix/remove broken old armour set like Malabog set for SW or High Prophet for DC. Removal of broken items, like the ring with invisibility is good idea as well.
    Then fix AP gain during daily activation. Why some classes like DC do not gain AP, while others like OP do? None should get AP while daily is still active.
    Then fix broken classes like SW, which is underperforming if you do not use Soul Puppet, which is bugged...
    Then fix certain powers/feats that makes class too good, like OP buble-daily+immortality encounter.
    Then you may start balancing classes, both PvP and PvE wise. But the only way to do it, is to make powers work different way in pvp and pve. Many feats/powers which are too good in PvP are worthless in PvE and vice versa.

    I'd like to see changes that will make all paragon paths viable. Some classes like DC, TR, HR, CW, maybe GF might do well chosing two out of three paths. Others must stick to one (SW, GWF)... it should have be real tough choice. Now it's usually one way to go.
  • darkstarrfoffdarkstarrfoff Member Posts: 158 Arc User

    The GWF change is the right direction. Right now, GWFs need nobody, no healer, no defender, no other dps. You get into group content with a GWF and you feel like a little companion to them. Of course a lot of their players feel very comfortable with their indestructable killing machines atm, but sometimes you need to take power away from the player to keep content relevant. You can't go up all the time without a ceiling. Now what needs to be changed next is,

    • Give Lostmauth's Vengeance the same treatment you gave to Stormspell: Can't critically hit, and can only hit once per second.
    • Change Paladins, so they cannot gain any action points while one of their dailies is still active.
    • Fix Bonding Runestones so that you can only gain one stack of Companion's Gift per runestone.
    • Change lifesteal, so that the default lifesteal severity is 50% and 75% for warlocks, to bring it more in line with deflection.
    And only then can we talk about "harder content".
    Dude, what the HAMSTER are you talking about. None of that is true of a typical GWF, that's GWFs that are well over 3k. The hell you don't need a healer, tank or other DPS. I'm 2.6k and if there's no OP I tend to need a healer. If there's no other real DPS player sure I do top damage but it takes longer. You really have no clue. This is a case of people judging the class based on extremely high geared players and saying they are OP. Again of course they are for the level of content we have.
  • xgrandz02xgrandz02 Member Posts: 702 Arc User
    That 32% temp HP of Unstoppable is a joke serious,
    now we can complete forget it, the bit of chance to survive the hits from GF-Burst or SE from TR is Gone....,
    <::::::[]==0 GwF 0==[]::::::> ● Still waiting for the promised Improvement ●
  • miserinhamiserinha Member Posts: 5 Arc User

    The GWF change is the right direction. Right now, GWFs need nobody, no healer, no defender, no other dps. You get into group content with a GWF and you feel like a little companion to them. Of course a lot of their players feel very comfortable with their indestructable killing machines atm, but sometimes you need to take power away from the player to keep content relevant. You can't go up all the time without a ceiling. Now what needs to be changed next is,

    • Give Lostmauth's Vengeance the same treatment you gave to Stormspell: Can't critically hit, and can only hit once per second.
    • Change Paladins, so they cannot gain any action points while one of their dailies is still active.
    • Fix Bonding Runestones so that you can only gain one stack of Companion's Gift per runestone.
    • Change lifesteal, so that the default lifesteal severity is 50% and 75% for warlocks, to bring it more in line with deflection.
    And only then can we talk about "harder content".
    Dude, what the HAMSTER are you talking about. None of that is true of a typical GWF, that's GWFs that are well over 3k. The hell you don't need a healer, tank or other DPS. I'm 2.6k and if there's no OP I tend to need a healer. If there's no other real DPS player sure I do top damage but it takes longer. You really have no clue. This is a case of people judging the class based on extremely high geared players and saying they are OP. Again of course they are for the level of content we have.
    Man i'm sorry but i was soloing T1's at 2.6k item level on my GWF, they are for sure broken if u are skilled enough, but anyway those changes to temp HP won't hurt much, u can still stack on life stal and be nearly immortal in pve, u'll just have to dodge nukes and move more.
  • darkstarrfoffdarkstarrfoff Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    miserinha said:

    The GWF change is the right direction. Right now, GWFs need nobody, no healer, no defender, no other dps. You get into group content with a GWF and you feel like a little companion to them. Of course a lot of their players feel very comfortable with their indestructable killing machines atm, but sometimes you need to take power away from the player to keep content relevant. You can't go up all the time without a ceiling. Now what needs to be changed next is,

    • Give Lostmauth's Vengeance the same treatment you gave to Stormspell: Can't critically hit, and can only hit once per second.
    • Change Paladins, so they cannot gain any action points while one of their dailies is still active.
    • Fix Bonding Runestones so that you can only gain one stack of Companion's Gift per runestone.
    • Change lifesteal, so that the default lifesteal severity is 50% and 75% for warlocks, to bring it more in line with deflection.
    And only then can we talk about "harder content".
    Dude, what the HAMSTER are you talking about. None of that is true of a typical GWF, that's GWFs that are well over 3k. The hell you don't need a healer, tank or other DPS. I'm 2.6k and if there's no OP I tend to need a healer. If there's no other real DPS player sure I do top damage but it takes longer. You really have no clue. This is a case of people judging the class based on extremely high geared players and saying they are OP. Again of course they are for the level of content we have.
    Man i'm sorry but i was soloing T1's at 2.6k item level on my GWF, they are for sure broken if u are skilled enough, but anyway those changes to temp HP won't hurt much, u can still stack on life stal and be nearly immortal in pve, u'll just have to dodge nukes and move more.
    And 2.6k is a lot more than the 1600 required. If you have a guild you can have tons of stats that are not included in item level, same if you have an augment. There's a massive difference between 2.6k no guild no augment and some boons and 2.6k augment guild and all or almost all boons. It's just a HAMSTER way of nerfing the entire class because players geared higher than the content can handle it easily. Should no classes be able to solo the leveling dungeons?
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    So, I see the patch notes are nerfing the GWF into the ground. The cause seems obvious, 3.5k+ GWFs are too powerful, people that are nearly 2x the dungeon requirements are so immensely powerful that they can solo them. To that I say, no HAMSTER, that doesn't seem like a real issue to me. The problem is there is no higher content. Nothing. Even CN according to the patch notes is 2.5k (though I wouldn't say that's exactly correct). In CN as it stands I ran on my OP who is better geared on preview and has 66% DR, the monsters there hit so hard it didn't matter, the 3k+ GWF using trans negation went down using it. We were only able to complete it thanks to the parties DPS and the fact I bubbled us nearly full time.

    Basically this is a content issue, these chars are OP but only because you're comparing them to requirements for a dungeon at half their item level. Besides that this massive nerf to GWF doesn't "fix" anything. It artifically limits the class, and besides that affects lower geared players more than higher geared ones.

    Someone here has already mentioned that their OP is far more durable than their GWF, my GWF was 2.5k + while my OP was just 2k and could survive better, and this is in epic dungeons. My GWF tends to still get 1shot too with 100k HP and 32% DR if not bubbled or having massive temp HP. Ill take hits for 40k with temp HP and be able to keep going with 80-100k HP and have some left. I still have to be careful though, I dunno who the HAMSTER thinks GWFs can just stand in one spot and attack but it certainly isn't true for most. That doesn't happen until you get massive DR from either stacking it or negation. I have to move a lot still and this nerf will probably do nothing besides tie me to a pally more than before.

    The balance is fine (in PVE anyway, I don't PVP cuz I suck and so does it, its not fun and I hate it because of it's many issues) the problem is there is no content for the chars. You gave players this power and then are now unhappy the characters are so powerful they can handle 2k content alone. Thats HAMSTER plain and simple. Make more higher level content and they wouldnt be trying to solo 2k stuff, but thats hard, it's easier to nerf the class into the ground.

    The changes here means a GWF with 100k HP with full determination and the max damage bonus gets a grand total of ~32000 temp hp. That's literally a third or less of what we currently get.

    Going by this logic GFs/OPs should only have a second of shield or ap gain should be nerfed and take 2x as long (which unless class specific would nerf the whole game), TR's should only be able to dodge once and then they are out of stamina, so on and so forth. These are all class mechanics for survival yet you're disproportionally nerfing GWFs into the ground.

    Why are people acting as if it's a problem that OP is more durable than GWF? That's like complaining about OP not dealing as much damage as GWF. Apples and oranges.
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  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    urabask said:

    So, I see the patch notes are nerfing the GWF into the ground. The cause seems obvious, 3.5k+ GWFs are too powerful, people that are nearly 2x the dungeon requirements are so immensely powerful that they can solo them. To that I say, no HAMSTER, that doesn't seem like a real issue to me. The problem is there is no higher content. Nothing. Even CN according to the patch notes is 2.5k (though I wouldn't say that's exactly correct). In CN as it stands I ran on my OP who is better geared on preview and has 66% DR, the monsters there hit so hard it didn't matter, the 3k+ GWF using trans negation went down using it. We were only able to complete it thanks to the parties DPS and the fact I bubbled us nearly full time.

    Basically this is a content issue, these chars are OP but only because you're comparing them to requirements for a dungeon at half their item level. Besides that this massive nerf to GWF doesn't "fix" anything. It artifically limits the class, and besides that affects lower geared players more than higher geared ones.

    Someone here has already mentioned that their OP is far more durable than their GWF, my GWF was 2.5k + while my OP was just 2k and could survive better, and this is in epic dungeons. My GWF tends to still get 1shot too with 100k HP and 32% DR if not bubbled or having massive temp HP. Ill take hits for 40k with temp HP and be able to keep going with 80-100k HP and have some left. I still have to be careful though, I dunno who the HAMSTER thinks GWFs can just stand in one spot and attack but it certainly isn't true for most. That doesn't happen until you get massive DR from either stacking it or negation. I have to move a lot still and this nerf will probably do nothing besides tie me to a pally more than before.

    The balance is fine (in PVE anyway, I don't PVP cuz I suck and so does it, its not fun and I hate it because of it's many issues) the problem is there is no content for the chars. You gave players this power and then are now unhappy the characters are so powerful they can handle 2k content alone. Thats HAMSTER plain and simple. Make more higher level content and they wouldnt be trying to solo 2k stuff, but thats hard, it's easier to nerf the class into the ground.

    The changes here means a GWF with 100k HP with full determination and the max damage bonus gets a grand total of ~32000 temp hp. That's literally a third or less of what we currently get.

    Going by this logic GFs/OPs should only have a second of shield or ap gain should be nerfed and take 2x as long (which unless class specific would nerf the whole game), TR's should only be able to dodge once and then they are out of stamina, so on and so forth. These are all class mechanics for survival yet you're disproportionally nerfing GWFs into the ground.

    Why are people acting as if it's a problem that OP is more durable than GWF? That's like complaining about OP not dealing as much damage as GWF. Apples and oranges.
    What I said was that my 2k OP with all blue gear and rank 7s is more durable than my GWF with 3.2K. Of course a 3.2k OP should be, not a 2K alt. The Temp HP for an OP is 100 percent, but they barely take damage, so it stays 100 percent. Now GWF will get 30 percent and does not really have any Damage Resistance even with Sentinel path. Watch the video of the OP taking on a whole instance of enemies in IWD, you will see that it is immortal with rank 7s.
    No, a 2k OP really should be more durable. You don't see me complaining that my 3.2k CW is less durable than a 2k OP. The idea that a DPS class should be remotely as durable as a tank is ridiculous. Maybe OP is too durable but that's not really relevant to the GWF nerf.
  • edited March 2016
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  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User
    edited March 2016

    urabask said:

    urabask said:

    So, I see the patch notes are nerfing the GWF into the ground. The cause seems obvious, 3.5k+ GWFs are too powerful, people that are nearly 2x the dungeon requirements are so immensely powerful that they can solo them. To that I say, no HAMSTER, that doesn't seem like a real issue to me. The problem is there is no higher content. Nothing. Even CN according to the patch notes is 2.5k (though I wouldn't say that's exactly correct). In CN as it stands I ran on my OP who is better geared on preview and has 66% DR, the monsters there hit so hard it didn't matter, the 3k+ GWF using trans negation went down using it. We were only able to complete it thanks to the parties DPS and the fact I bubbled us nearly full time.

    Basically this is a content issue, these chars are OP but only because you're comparing them to requirements for a dungeon at half their item level. Besides that this massive nerf to GWF doesn't "fix" anything. It artifically limits the class, and besides that affects lower geared players more than higher geared ones.

    Someone here has already mentioned that their OP is far more durable than their GWF, my GWF was 2.5k + while my OP was just 2k and could survive better, and this is in epic dungeons. My GWF tends to still get 1shot too with 100k HP and 32% DR if not bubbled or having massive temp HP. Ill take hits for 40k with temp HP and be able to keep going with 80-100k HP and have some left. I still have to be careful though, I dunno who the HAMSTER thinks GWFs can just stand in one spot and attack but it certainly isn't true for most. That doesn't happen until you get massive DR from either stacking it or negation. I have to move a lot still and this nerf will probably do nothing besides tie me to a pally more than before.

    The balance is fine (in PVE anyway, I don't PVP cuz I suck and so does it, its not fun and I hate it because of it's many issues) the problem is there is no content for the chars. You gave players this power and then are now unhappy the characters are so powerful they can handle 2k content alone. Thats HAMSTER plain and simple. Make more higher level content and they wouldnt be trying to solo 2k stuff, but thats hard, it's easier to nerf the class into the ground.

    The changes here means a GWF with 100k HP with full determination and the max damage bonus gets a grand total of ~32000 temp hp. That's literally a third or less of what we currently get.

    Going by this logic GFs/OPs should only have a second of shield or ap gain should be nerfed and take 2x as long (which unless class specific would nerf the whole game), TR's should only be able to dodge once and then they are out of stamina, so on and so forth. These are all class mechanics for survival yet you're disproportionally nerfing GWFs into the ground.

    Why are people acting as if it's a problem that OP is more durable than GWF? That's like complaining about OP not dealing as much damage as GWF. Apples and oranges.
    What I said was that my 2k OP with all blue gear and rank 7s is more durable than my GWF with 3.2K. Of course a 3.2k OP should be, not a 2K alt. The Temp HP for an OP is 100 percent, but they barely take damage, so it stays 100 percent. Now GWF will get 30 percent and does not really have any Damage Resistance even with Sentinel path. Watch the video of the OP taking on a whole instance of enemies in IWD, you will see that it is immortal with rank 7s.
    No, a 2k OP really should be more durable. You don't see me complaining that my 3.2k CW is less durable than a 2k OP. The idea that a DPS class should be remotely as durable as a tank is ridiculous. Maybe OP is too durable but that's not really relevant to the GWF nerf.
    Come on, you have Shield on Tab which is better than GWF defenses.
    Putting shield on tab means you're not using CoI or FtF which is always a mistake in PvE.

    If you're talking in the context of PvP welp, I think it's a good thing. The only thing that'll actually get them to fix PvP is when they've broken it so thoroughly no one plays it. Hopefully when all the PvP GWFs RQ we'll be one step closer to that.
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  • terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 995 Cryptic Developer
    Hey folks,

    While I appreciate the feedback and passion going into this thread, it sounds like the Temp HP (including GWF) changes deserve their own discussion outside the Patch Notes thread itself. It's unfortunate that the Temp HP fix didn't end up incidentally addressing the Unstoppable bug; the two did seem linked in some way, but this at least gives more data toward uncovering the underlying issue.

    Special thanks to @hustin1 for tracking down those depth fade issues, and many thanks to all of you for making your opinions known. Keep it civil and keep it constructive, please.
  • terramakterramak Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 995 Cryptic Developer
    @beckylunatic I can't fault you for the frustration. Feel free to call out stuff like that more in the future; reversion in changes can be pretty frustrating for us too. (The reversion went in 11/17 with the Underdark release.)
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  • matiagronxmatiagronx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 251 Arc User

    The GWF change is the right direction. Right now, GWFs need nobody, no healer, no defender, no other dps. You get into group content with a GWF and you feel like a little companion to them. Of course a lot of their players feel very comfortable with their indestructable killing machines atm, but sometimes you need to take power away from the player to keep content relevant. You can't go up all the time without a ceiling. Now what needs to be changed next is,

    • Give Lostmauth's Vengeance the same treatment you gave to Stormspell: Can't critically hit, and can only hit once per second.
    • Change Paladins, so they cannot gain any action points while one of their dailies is still active.
    • Fix Bonding Runestones so that you can only gain one stack of Companion's Gift per runestone.
    • Change lifesteal, so that the default lifesteal severity is 50% and 75% for warlocks, to bring it more in line with deflection.
    And only then can we talk about "harder content".
    4 changes that are essential and should have been implemented MONTHS ago. These should ALL be in the next patch.
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