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Official M19: Healing Adjustments



  • alquimistgg#0914 alquimistgg Member Posts: 133 Arc User

    i thought a lot about the classes and i don't like the idea of giving temp HP or shield to other classes (at least i don't want it on my cleric it doeasn't sound like a 'cleric power'), that is a paladin thing, if we all have the same powers, with different names, and different animation sure we could reach balance (we are all the same thing, with the same power, the same effects, more balance than this.., it's an exageration, i know, but fit the example) but we loose the entire meaning behind chosing a class.
    would you give sword power to a mage? stealth skill to a dreadnought? curse to a cleric? the same thing.
    (this is not the place, but the same thing can be said about tank, the tank role have to beheave all the same, there isn't much difference in playstile between them all have to take aggro and survive, and have to do it in the same way).

    As the game is based on D&D everything can be accepted, a hellish champion, a cleric fighter, stealth skill to a dreadnought, everything can be done considering multiclass, which is not necessarily the case here. But in my point of view the 3 classes may have (options) to do the same thing if they choose to do so, and still be unique in their mechanics, something like the tips you used for example, or the ones I also mentioned previously on a post I made. On the other hand, asism, as I also mentioned, I think that a reality where there is no longer any type of shield in the game could be very good, and easier for the Devs, but it would have to be removed completely, because even if they nerf the shield of the PL for only 5% of the maximum life of the allies, it will still be the preferred one for the contents.
    image - ALQUImist-WL@alquimistgg#0914
  • socozarxsocozarx Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2020
    Healers do not need adjustments by now... as game lack of heal players
    Post edited by socozarx on
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer

    Will there be any changes to Bastion of Health or channel divinity on the Arbiter side? It seems a bit odd that channel divinity was altered for Devout but nothing was changed for Arbiter. Would be nice to see some of the changes for Bastion apply to the Arbiter side as well, so they can be a spot healer if need be.

    Currently there are no plans to change channel divinity for arbiter which already has its own unique interaction with channel divinity. Generally, the arbiter is not channeling divinity except to convert their judgement gauge into divinity. In regards to bastion of health—since the arbiter's version of bastion of health is currently not divided among the number of targets healed, it is still a fairly decent spot heal. In fact, due to the high rate with which the arbiter can recover divinity, we saw the arbiter doing a lot of very strong healing in our closed testing for this module to the point that we may have to make some adjustments. Please give it a try, I think you'll find the arbiter still a capable spot healer if you choose to be.

    Pally divine touch is now split with the party as the new standard however it is also counting non augment companions as a person and any npc that has health within the circle.

    Also the battle focus feat not working properly.

    If you die and get rez there is a strong chance that you won't regenerate divinity and your heals will take the divinity but the heal comes up with a 0 instead of any type of heal. This last for about one minute and I don't know if last longer since we all die since we don't get healed

    Thank you for the report! We'll look into these issues.

    -You claim the removal of channeling divinity allows healers more time to attack with at-wills in combat, but why would we want that? this damage is irrelevant in higher level content, and no longer procs effects such as prayer of opportunity or critical touch if it is a damaging at-will on paladin for example, I would much rather be able to channel divinity during this time. Even the new feat for paladins 'battle focus' does not support this change, it provides minimal divinity regen and only requires hitting the boss once every 6 seconds, this could have been easily achieved without the removal of the old channel divinity. -I suggest re-working this feat to provide more divinty regeneration with a somewhat less achieveable requirement than simply hitting an enemy, perhaps sustained damage for a few seconds for example.

    -Similarly, channeling divinty's restriction to movement added another layer of skill to gameplay, allowing better players to know when they have time to restore some divinty, and when they must focus on repositioning, just as one example.

    We did also receive quite a lot of feedback after the launch of Module 16 that many healers found the gameplay of channel divinity boring. We do understand that to some degree this change does lower the skill ceiling for healers. Those who would optimize their channel divinity uptime and squeeze every last ounce out of generating extra divinity during combat could dramatically increase their effectiveness.

    However, the situation you describe of having to be more careful when selecting your healing spells, as well as when to cast them is an intentional shift. We're shifting the mechanical difficulty of healer from optimizing your channel divinity uptime to more careful use of healing spells. On live, there isn't necessarily a lot of thought that goes into when to cast a healing spell, or who to cast it on.

    In the current live meta, we observed that healers who could optimize their channel divinity uptime could keep groups up through failed mechanics almost indefinitely. We are looking to put healing in a place where it can keep a good performing group alive of course, as well as help a group recover from some mistakes—but when a group is making repeated mistakes—we are aiming to make failure happen more quickly in that instance.

    Of course, we do want healing classes to be enjoyable to play, so we will absolutely take your feedback now, and in the coming months. Nothing on preview is written in stone, changes and fixes will continue to happen, both before launch and in future modules and updates.

    -The new prayer of opportunity feat on paladin is poorly designed, it only procs upon encounter use, I have just used one of my very div-taxing encounters to heal, why would I then want a free heal within the next 12 seconds that doesn't even factor in cast time? On top of a low 20% chance, when you take into consideration how often we can use encounters now compared to before.
    -I suggest if you are looking for an easier change rather than changing the feat altogether, allowing it to proc from at-wills similarly to how crit-touch does, and lower the chance, or make it last for longer, say 30s.

    In our internal playtests, there were plenty of opportunities to use prayer of opportunity. There are often cases after healing the group where being able to apply an exceptionally powerful heal or an exceptionally powerful shield (if their health is full) for free is very useful. Please take some time to try it out in a group setting!
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2020

    So, after reworking my cleric completely after Mod 16, spending a fortune for companions and having the correct mods on my gear, now all of that is pretty much useless. Do you ever consider the cost of time/money/energy people have put into the characters before you make these sweeping changes?

    Absolutely, the amount of disruption that changes can cause are always a major factor in our deliberations about whether to make changes. Often times, when we are slow to make changes, those are the primary reasons. As was the case here, where these large healing effects were left in place since the launch of Module 16. And when we do have to make changes, we greatly appreciate your patience. I'd also like to personally apologize for any disruption that these changes may have caused you.

    In the case of utility enchantments and companions which grant increases to healing however—please note that though the values on these powers have been decreased dramatically, it is only because these effects were dramatically out of line with other options for those slots, given their item level. For instance, outgoing healing bonuses offered by companions were often five times stronger than taking the equivalent amount of power for healing.

    We have engineered these adjustments so that in most cases, it is still best in slot to take these sources of outgoing healing for a healer, but it is not orders of magnitude stronger than taking power. We believe that in most cases, your current setup will not have to change, even if the overall power of these effects is reduced.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer

    MMy divinity bar is nothing more than a recharge timer on the screen. If that's all divinity is going to be now, a recharge timer, then just admit it and put the powers on cooldowns so the thing can get off my screeen.

    Except that a resource pool like divinity has fundamental differences with a recharge timer. You can dip into a resource pool when necessary. For instance, if your group messes up and takes a bunch more damage than usual, you can heal them, but it will tax your resources. At that point, you'll need to be careful to let your resources recover.

    If all of your spells were merely on cooldowns as they were before Module 16—you simply have a baseline of incoming damage you can heal through easily. If it suddenly increases over that threshold, you'll be unable to succeed.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    hastati96 said:

    Divine Touch is in a bad state

    In the current state Divine Touch has no use as an AoE heal compared to Divine Shelter. In group content it is sure that it heals less than Divine Shelter and Divine Shelter does a much better job in getting the heal to everyone (due to its 4x more radius).
    Divine Touch becomes worse than Divine Shelter if it hits 3 targets. Especially in trials there is no chance that Divine Touch will be used because it hits up to 10 targets. Now Divine Touch is basically a worse version of Divine Shelter.

    As a single target heal Divine Touch is also useless. Cure Wounds now heals for 500 maginutude for 30 Divinity. Divine Touch heals 1000 magnitude for 200 Divinity. No one will cast Divine Touch on a single target because of the huge Divinity waste it is. Furthermore if you want to have a high single target heal a paladin will use Hand of Divinity for 1500 magnitude.

    tl;dr Divine Touch fits in no situation where it can be usefull.

    Thank you for the feedback. We agree that Divine Touch is in a bit of a bad state at the moment, and are considering adjustments.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer


    Both feats rework are bad
    Battle prayer feat paired with gathering light causes a probem, whenever an encounter is used, the healer can't cast gathering light, because the effect of battle prayer remains for light of divinity and its 200 divinity cost, this will suffocate divinity and leaves no timing for desired divinity cosumption while running out of it.
    Additionally, it is harder to gain divinity while in battle, At what moment is righteousness working? cause the divinity regen seems lower and bastion and healing word still consume their exact divinity cost.

    Circle of power gives no chance for a real divinity regeneration, we will aways consume divinity, at will, encounter and now tab, resetting it without benefits at all and out of combat it regenerates fast, but we don't need it to be good out of combat.

    Thank you for the feedback! In regards to battle prayer and gathering light—it should still be possible to cast gathering light while battle prayer is active by letting the bar fill all the way. It is the case that you can cast it faster under these circumstances and with a reduced divinity cost. I will look into this behavior and ensure that there are no issues. There are absolutely some bugs currently on the preview shard. Some of these were fixed in this week's build, and some will continue to be fixed.

    In regards to cycle of prayer—this power does by design encourage a feast and famine approach to healing, where you hold out a bit longer before casting spells which cost divinity, and when you do cast them—cluster them together. But I believe that the result of this feat when used properly is still a noticeable positive increase to divinity regeneration. Hopefully if this is not your desired style of gameplay, when any potential issues are resolved with battle prayer, you will find it a useful addition.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer


    ( Firstly, you've got an error somewhere that makes the comment get deleted if someone else posts a comment while you edit)

    As a warlock main, these are my two cents about the changes so far.

    - Cleanse.
    The warlock needs a cleanse - any cleanse. A healer without a cleanse is an incomplete healer, and being the one class without a cleanse is going to guarantee we will not be picked for runs.

    - Revitalize
    One of the major things that made the warlock fun and unique to me, was the strategical aspect of positioning and being more active in combat. The fact that positioning well could make or break the success of the role is very rewarding and where a difference in skill has a large impact. Having an aimed heal (and with a divinity bar to boot) makes the class feel much more like a point and click cleric, only with green colors.

    Also, the cost of 200 is a bit too high. If something goes sideways, I'll only be able to cast 5 of them before running out of soulweave, and there is no good panic insta regen option here. I think 150 would be a better cost. That'd give me 6 of them with a little left over for some emergency ST healing.

    -Shields. So far from what I have seen, the shield the warlocks can put up are tiny. Nowhere near where I'd expect a 450 magnitude heal from a player with all 5 outgoing heal companions and 150k+ power. And they don't stack, so no way of making the shield bigger by casting several times. This makes them feel quite redundant in their current form.

    -The ST tab mechanic is interesting and quite practical. No need to find the tank in a huge pile of mobs if they're already tagged. I think this is a fun change. The slight delay when pressing tab and when the tank gets healed might be troublesome, but on the other hand, might teach players to anticipate, so I don't think it's a bad thing (yet).

    Thank you for the feedback! I'm really glad to hear you're enjoying the lifemark and command lifespark mechanic! In regards to the cost of revitalize being too high—you do have quite a few other heals in your repertoire now as well, in addition to your lifespark's heals. We do want the use of powerful heals like revitalize to be a bit more restrictive, but we will keep an eye on the soulweaver's performance.

    As far as shields go, the magnitude of your shields should be based on your heals. If the heal is listed as granting a 50% barrier, and you heal for 100,000, a 50,000 hit point shield should be applied. If this doesn't appear to be happening, please let us know as much about your character as you can, or include your character's name. We'll take a look as soon as we are able!

    Finally, we are aware that there is an issue wherein soulweaver does not currently have access to cleanse, and are looking into ways to provide them with access to one. I apologize for the inconvenience.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer
    edited May 2020
    In regards to feedback about using tab to mark a single player being difficult, we do understand the feedback. Internally, we had originally tested a version of the mark which simply cycles through your party members in order. Some found this efficient while others found it very unintuitive. We'd like to be able to provide this as an alternate method of using tab to mark your party members, however, we currently have no means to offer alternate targeting methods for a single power without incorporating those choices into class features or feats, which did not feel great. While we may not be able to provide an alternate targeting method right away, we are investigating potential improvements we can make.

    That said—a lot of feedback has been about switching targets, note that in group play for the most part you should be safe leaving the mark on the tank, and using other powers to spot heal your teammates. The tab mechanic is meant to provide a reliable way to heal the tank, even when targeting them may be difficult due to positioning. Please give it a try in group play when you have a chance.

    One additional note about the various mark mechanics—as of yesterday's build—the visual effects should only show up for the caster of the mark. This was always the intent, however, there was a technical limitation on our end that prevented this. The fix simply did not make it in for the initial preview build. In other words, the recipient of a mark will no longer see it, which means there won't be times when multiple marks are visually overlapping one another in groups with multiple healers.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer

    I think this is an appropriate time to point out that the cooldowns on our non-resource powers are disproprtionately long for maintaining an engaging combat. I have to manage/ration my resource which means I have to wait to cast it until it is necessary. That's not a bad thing. It's not. That makes a skill requirement of knowing when to cast and when not to. However, this brings us to the position we find ourselves in currently where playing healing isn't engaging because we have long periods of downtime. The fact that our non-resource powers are insanely long cooldown means they're not really useful for filling that time. Our attacks are useless. They do nothing for us and the damage is non-existant. So another possibility in addition to other things which have been suggested is to lower the cooldowns of the non-resource powers so they could more effectively be utilized to create that activity that we need to feel satisfyingly engaged.

    Edit: I'm not asking for them to be spammable and never hit the triggers again, just so we're clear. But 25-30 second gaps in doing anything meaningful or interactive are leading to the boredom and frustration you're seeing. Encounter cooldowns, especially for healers who have to be managing their resource for their other powers and can't just "hit when up" but generally across the board also wouldn't be a bad thing, should be balanced around 10-15 second cooldowns *as a maximum* so that we can continually be doing *something*. I can't just throw heals just for fun to use a power because I haven't done *anything* in like a minute except read facebook. Even on live right now I wouldn't do that. I *could* run myself out of divinity being stupid. Being able to use a non-ressource power more than once or twice in that time frame would actually be really nice.

    Thanks for the feedback! We are looking into what adjustments we can make so that a healer's contributions to damage, and general engagement is higher during periods of downtime between healing, especially in content where it may be possible to not fully devote one's loadout to heals.
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer

    Devoted Cleric @asterdahl
    bug: or nerf of "Blessing of Light", it do'nt fill Action point now

    Any action you perform in combat should still be increasing action points to some extent, thanks for the report!
  • asterdahlasterdahl Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 1,258 Cryptic Developer

    During Zariel's Challenge, the Warlock's tab mechanic, Lifepact, still instantly drains much more than 60 Soulweave per second when activated.

    Thanks for report! This issue should now be fixed, I apologize for the inconvenience!
  • vanda001vanda001 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    So, after reworking my cleric completely after Mod 16, spending a fortune for companions and having the correct mods on my gear, now all of that is pretty much useless. Do you ever consider the cost of time/money/energy people have put into the characters before you make these sweeping changes?

    Absolutely, the amount of disruption that changes can cause are always a major factor in our deliberations about whether to make changes. Often times, when we are slow to make changes, those are the primary reasons. As was the case here, where these large healing effects were left in place since the launch of Module 16. And when we do have to make changes, we greatly appreciate your patience. I'd also like to personally apologize for any disruption that these changes may have caused you.

    In the case of utility enchantments and companions which grant increases to healing however—please note that though the values on these powers have been decreased dramatically, it is only because these effects were dramatically out of line with other options for those slots, given their item level. For instance, outgoing healing bonuses offered by companions were often five times stronger than taking the equivalent amount of power for healing.

    We have engineered these adjustments so that in most cases, it is still best in slot to take these sources of outgoing healing for a healer, but it is not orders of magnitude stronger than taking power. We believe that in most cases, your current setup will not have to change, even if the overall power of these effects is reduced.
    In some cases, like mine, the changes destroy my build completely. Any action is taken to compensate this? I coudn't even enjoy my build for 1.5 months.
    This is not a Beta, anymore, get that in your head. You canot simply sweep everything just because of your dumb decisions
  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    vanda001 said:

    asterdahl said:

    So, after reworking my cleric completely after Mod 16, spending a fortune for companions and having the correct mods on my gear, now all of that is pretty much useless. Do you ever consider the cost of time/money/energy people have put into the characters before you make these sweeping changes?

    Absolutely, the amount of disruption that changes can cause are always a major factor in our deliberations about whether to make changes. Often times, when we are slow to make changes, those are the primary reasons. As was the case here, where these large healing effects were left in place since the launch of Module 16. And when we do have to make changes, we greatly appreciate your patience. I'd also like to personally apologize for any disruption that these changes may have caused you.

    In the case of utility enchantments and companions which grant increases to healing however—please note that though the values on these powers have been decreased dramatically, it is only because these effects were dramatically out of line with other options for those slots, given their item level. For instance, outgoing healing bonuses offered by companions were often five times stronger than taking the equivalent amount of power for healing.

    We have engineered these adjustments so that in most cases, it is still best in slot to take these sources of outgoing healing for a healer, but it is not orders of magnitude stronger than taking power. We believe that in most cases, your current setup will not have to change, even if the overall power of these effects is reduced.
    In some cases, like mine, the changes destroy my build completely. Any action is taken to compensate this? I coudn't even enjoy my build for 1.5 months.
    This is not a Beta, anymore, get that in your head. You canot simply sweep everything just because of your dumb decisions
    Might want to be specific in how your build was 'completely destroyed'. For most people aside from the power and feat changes; companions, enchants, insignias, etc should remain unchanged.
  • rev#7881 rev Member Posts: 343 Arc User
    edited May 2020
    asterdahl said:

    Hey everyone, thank you all for taking the time to check out the changes and provide feedback! I want to respond to a particular item of feedback that has come up multiple times.

    ....and allowing a balanced playing field where all healers can have their own niche.

    Nice!!! then why did you remove the niche's from warlock?
    You changed shatter spark into a copy of bastion of health....
    You removed cursing mechanic...
    You gave us an option for a shield that is also a worst copy of the one paladins give...
    Made clerics and paladins have an at-will that heals a lot which use to be our thing...

    Saying one thing and doing another yet again, oh nvm we have pillar of power that has almost 30 secs cooldown and aside from bosses it wouldn't be too useful due to the long cooldown and the short distance between mobs unless you pulled everything on a dungeon
    I won't even talk about the new players or randoms that have no communication or coordination and will just keep wasting it

    asterdahl said:

    We wanted to ensure that we did not act hastily in nerfing paladins, and that we could make adjustments that didn't make them feel significantly weaker than their counterparts.

    You do know they have been overpowered since they came out in mod 6, while other classes have been neglected/ignored during years right?

    Ah forget it, just talking to myself

  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User

    Clerics and warlocks will still not get chosen for Endgame Content unless it's being done as an act of charity by friends.

    Warlocks are preferred already in endgame content. And realize that just because something may be the worst at something, doesn't mean that it can't do the job well. Thankfully as it's not like dps where total numbers do affect how quickly something gets done. With Healers and Tanks, if no one dies you did your job well, that healing number doesn't affect the run in any way outside of keeping someone alive.
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    I still don't understand the persistent Cleric hate. Almost every ToMM I've done has included a Cleric healer, and I've done enough to be halfway to that whirlwind mount if I were inclined to buy it instead of extra weapons for alts.

    That's not to say that there aren't legitimate concerns around shielding in general and how Cleric in M19 in particular appears to be at risk of being no competition for Soulweaver (because the Paladin spot up to this point has been all-but-guaranteed).
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • eclipseblood#1326 eclipseblood Member Posts: 202 Arc User
    Imo while paladins do stand out against both of the other healers, both dc and warlocks need to be able to stand out against one another. Before warlock have a more unique style compared to the other healers providing damage debuffs while protecting the grp along with healing support. Cleric were just straight heals with a daily that could buff the party. Giving them Class specific party utility would go a long way in standing out instead of being over shadowed by the paladin, for the heal over time feat for the warlock, having those healed gain a random buff over it duration would be a nice buff along with reducing pop cooldown back to the original value. Clerics on the other hand, while i would like them to debuff once again, i understand that the state of the game is moving away from that. Instead what about bringing back hastening light?When u critically heal an ally u reduce their encounter cooldowns by 3 sec and on daily use reduce ally cooldowns by 5 sec. Clerics dont have a feat that guarantees a critical heal unlike paladin and divinity is limited so not something u can spam but its a nice buff.
  • agoraotro#4630 agoraotro Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    > @vorphied said:
    > I still don't understand the persistent Cleric hate. Almost every ToMM I've done has included a Cleric healer, and I've done enough to be halfway to that whirlwind mount if I were inclined to buy it instead of extra weapons for alts.
    > That's not to say that there aren't legitimate concerns around shielding in general and how Cleric in M19 in particular appears to be at risk of being no competition for Soulweaver (because the Paladin spot up to this point has been all-but-guaranteed).

    I think someone posted something similar here earlier.

    On console, at least, 95% of the ToMM farming runs are made of 2 tanks and 1 healer (obviously, a Palaheal).

    Hence all this hate around this class. And I have played both. Yet I find they still need to do something in order to bring all three healing classes to balance.

    Right now and even on preview, Palaheal is most desired. And in two of the endgame trials, it is a MUST to have.

    So the point here is that if you always need one class to play certain dungeons, that means that particular role is not balanced.

    Imagine if you need to fill a tank role you always need to look for Fighter. Or imagine you need to fill a DPS role, you always need a Trickster in your group... Same thing.
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    > @agoraotro#4630 said:
    > > @vorphied said:
    > > I still don't understand the persistent Cleric hate. Almost every ToMM I've done has included a Cleric healer, and I've done enough to be halfway to that whirlwind mount if I were inclined to buy it instead of extra weapons for alts.
    > >
    > > That's not to say that there aren't legitimate concerns around shielding in general and how Cleric in M19 in particular appears to be at risk of being no competition for Soulweaver (because the Paladin spot up to this point has been all-but-guaranteed).
    > I think someone posted something similar here earlier.
    > On console, at least, 95% of the ToMM farming runs are made of 2 tanks and 1 healer (obviously, a Palaheal).
    > Hence all this hate around this class. And I have played both. Yet I find they still need to do something in order to bring all three healing classes to balance.
    > Right now and even on preview, Palaheal is most desired. And in two of the endgame trials, it is a MUST to have.
    > So the point here is that if you always need one class to play certain dungeons, that means that particular role is not balanced.
    > Imagine if you need to fill a tank role you always need to look for Fighter. Or imagine you need to fill a DPS role, you always need a Trickster in your group... Same thing.

    I recall this being explained, but it’s difficult to understand why it’s such a thing on console. Solo tank and 2x heal is just as viable, as is 2x tank/2x heal unless there are DPS being carried.

    Paladin healer is overpowered right now, but console must be an odd place.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


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