From the biggest egg-shaped heads with the brightest minds at
Unrepentant Gaming comes the Stronghold Calculator. This tool is designed to help Guild Leaders (as well as peons who know math good) to calculate the costs to upgrade their Strongholds, as well as how much specific buildings cost.
You can calculate based on empty coffers, or use the array at the bottom of the tool to mimic what's currently been donated. You can then see how much more of what needs to be stuffed down the gullet of that insatiable Stronghold Mimic. Please note that the AD cost is in AD chests, or x1000's of AD.
This is our first version to be publicly released. We welcome any and all feedback, as well as dirty jokes, limericks, pictures of your sister and beers. No goats, though. We have a strict "no goat" policy here at
Unrepentant Gaming.
If there's technical questions, I'll have to go grab one of the engineers down in the basement back at HQ.
Great guide though.
"... Please note that the AD cost is in AD chests, or x1000's of AD."
First of all, thanks a lot for it. There are some things need to be fixed, but this is a great tool.
There is a mistake w/ the calculation. GH rank20 should be be 48,5k AD chest from lvl1-lv20 GH (only GH) while calculation shows 89,7k. Seems it adds the sum of the cost of the previous ranks/the cost of the previous rank. I.e:
Owned GH rank: 1
Goal GH rank: 6
AD cost: 6,2k <- should be 3,8k; difference: 2,4k <- sum of Rank1-Rank5
If I increase the owned rank to Rank5 the AD cost shows 2,6k; it should be 1,4k <- difference is 1,2k the cost of Rank4-Rank5.
Same w/ Influence, have not had time to check the rest.
The opinion on goats is unfortunate, however.
@umsche We made the decision to track the resources on the AD costs as AD Chests, since that's how the game measures it. In the guild coffers, it stores AD chests as well, so we're trying to be consistent. But the total AD cost is what's shown times x1000.
@peterbilodeau Maybe what we can do is figure out a way to display total AD costs somewhere in terms of raw AD, because it seems like that's a number people really want to see at some point.
@ironzerg79 I can add a note with the raw AD total, right after I crush a bug.
Guild Medieval *GH20*
We are always recruiting mature, family-friendly, helpful and courteous people
I think the AD cost showing is Ok, it is consistent to what you see in-game. Once you have time, a note on the site about that it shows AD chest -like in-game - not raw AD will be welcomed but it is fine as it is now.
You are welcome. As I wrote, it is a great tool you were/are working on in your free time. Thanks again for everyone was/is working on it.
The way it is now is fine.
Thanks for that great tool.
It is not that I like to get depressed, but I would like to see the numbers.
While the rest is somehow doable with a big active guild, the AD requirements seem to be based on 'old' leadership.
As I said before, if you buy the AD with ZEN, you could buy a real house for this ammount...
Nah, the prices are somewhat delusional towards the end. Even for big guilds. And not only AD, all else becomes a 24/7 grond-o-rama, eventually. Whoever concieved this pricing scheme apparently didn't do the math...
To get to level 20 on the GH (to unlock level 10 buildings) you need 12 buildings at level 9. So it really doesn't make sense to raise anything other than the boon buildings and market to level 10.
So I got the total cost to get a R20 GH, R10 Market and 4 R10 Boon Buildings (Barracks/Temple/Stable/Workshop) to be 269,300 Chests of AD or 269.3 million AD. Divided by 150, that's about 1.8 million AD each. Or 75 days of 24k/day of AD.
Or you could say 75 x 150 = 11,250 player days worth of time to max out the SH, assuming AD is the limiting resource. Which might not be the case...I think influence is more so, since you can only roughly earn 400 per character. And it looks like the total influence needed is about 10.85 million, or just over 27,000 character days of influence farming. So assuming you could get every player to farm influence each day on an average of 2.4 toons, you're set.
But we also know the build times are hard-coded, and with rank-1 day to build, you have 190 days of build time. So would you be able to say that in order to max out a SH as quickly as you can, you'd need 11,250/190 or about 60 active players contributing the maximum amount of resources needed each day?
If my math is right, that really doesn't seem totally crazy. It's a lot...but not totally crazy.
I could deplete all my ADs and we would not have 1/10th of the needed ADs. Realistic are guilds with 10-50 active players with enough ADs to spent. This results in 10-20 players spending 10-20 million ADs and the rest contributing as they can.
If you dont have some whales or former exploiters in your guild, 270 million AD is either a tough nut or more than 4.5k Euro to spent (with a rate of 1:500 Zen: AD and the biggest packages available).
Thats just ADs. The other resources take time to farm and surplus equipment are a few million RAD wasted, to fill the coffers.
Concidering the fact, that from the 30-50 active players we had with stronghold release (after merging 5 small guilds) 5 active players are left, the result for me is, go big or go home. If you dont join a big actve guild, it is unrealistic to get somewhere.
Just bc many ppl have AD from before the LS nerf, they dont get how hard it is now to get a decent ammount of AD. Yes, run skirmishes, TOS, farm salvagable loot, sent it to your toons, dont forget to farm influence, do some dailies and so on.
Quit your day job spent 8h ingame and you can advance your stronghold and have a decent ammount of AD, no problem.
The only problem is, that this became an endless grind with low reward and high repitation. I recall, that they claimed, that the RAD changes were made to make playing the game more rewarding and more fun. They failed.