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zydrigeon Arc User



  • 3wks... I still cannot promote my boffs back to commander rank. My dsd still wont let me change commander rank powers...which i find odd that the powers IT decided to give me for those slots work, when i dont actually have any commander rank boffs for those stations. anyone seeing the circular issue here?
  • Well, after patch, i now have useable commander rank slots on my Dsd. BUT... It seems like the commander slot on DSD's is defaulting(and only allowing) the last power listed that your boff knows for that rank. ie viral matrix is last on my list for one sci officer and photonic shockwave is last one listed for my other sci…
  • I have the same problem, but one step further. None of the Boffs i had on my crew can be trained back up to the Commander rank they were at previous to patch. (Romulan) they are all stuck at subcommander. I bought every possible skill for my sci officer. the Promote button is still grey'd out. Lvl 60 Science toon...so i am…
  • I just bought and learned every skill purchaseable from the bridge officer trainer. I cannot retrain my Boffs back to the Commander rank they were before you decided to demote all of them. I dont care about the rubberbanding/particle issues. I want my bridge officers rank back.