Just as a complete aside, and totally unrelated to the topic at hand: At first I misread the image in your sig as "REMAN KLINGON", and I just had to say that the mental image of a Reman/DSC Klingon hybrid that gave me was absolutely terrifying.
The event minigame is fine, and this is coming from an old TRIBBLE who averages anywhere from 1250-1700ish at it. It's a reflexes-based game, and not everyone's going to be able to perform at the same level. With upgrade tokens being more widely available these days, it's not like the Omega upgrades are as important as…
The red alerts are fun. There's no waiting to start one, they don't take long to complete, and they're very straightforward. Jump in for a few minutes of all-out combat, blow up stuff, collect a decent reward, and walk away feeling like you accomplished something. They're the perfect "bite sized" content. Perfect for when…
You have to admit "Emperor Crusher" is a pretty beast title. I'd be totally down with them getting Wil Wheaton to guest star as the Mirror Universe Emperor for an episode.
One thing I've always liked about Cryptic's games is that they seem to eschew the "forced teaming" philosophy you see in so many other MMOs. I can hop in and do content any time, with friends or solo, without having to wait around LFT-ing for a half hour or trying to hunt down a tank/buffer/DPS'er/whatever the party's…
I'm not sure why you'd think that they've got someone manually tracking those numbers (with an abacus?) Implementing a server-side counter that increments by one every time any player completes a particular type of mission or performs some other action isn't exactly a heroic coding feat O_o