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The event mini game needs to be changed.



  • alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,414 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    2700 max or close to it regularly shouldn't be a problem assuming no lag problems or other glitches.

    Set mouse to 6/11 windows sensitivity, disable enhanced pointer precision, disable any mouse software acceleration, use low mouse sensitivity.

    For overkill, get a proper comfortable optical gaming mouse with a flawless no acceleration sensor, with a proper large mouse pad, set to 1000ms polling, keep the sensor and mouse pad clean at all times. Finally use a mouse grip type appropriate to your mouse shape that allows as many pivot points as possible - fingers, wrist, arm, shoulder. A high hz monitor with gsync or freesync and high FPS does magic too.
  • echattyechatty Member Posts: 5,924 Arc User
    Those who experience no problems are the lucky ones. I experienced horrid lag/jumping on anything above low res. So during the event I keep it on the lowest res I have and it's mostly smooth sailing.
    Now a LTS and loving it.
    Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
    I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything. :D
  • crypticarmsmancrypticarmsman Member Posts: 4,115 Arc User
    2300? 2700? Are we even playing the same minigame?

    I can hit 90%+ of the particle fragments and still only get 1500 tops. How the hell are you guys scoring so high?

    It does 'jump' pretty bad every time you rank up from collecting enough fragments. That jump seems to get worse with however many people are in the same zone, so I'm sure it's a server desync issue. I also haven't noticed any difference in reward from getting a 900 score or a 1500+ score.

    The particle jump isn't related to zone lag - it's directly related to how many particles in the run up to the destruction of a molecule you failed to catch. Miss one or two, it barely jumps. Miss a bunch and it Jumps a lot.
    Formerly known as Armsman from June 2008 to June 20, 2012
    PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
  • galacticgoogalacticgoo Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    Cryptic, just an FYI that I post every year, I'm here to play Star Trek Online. Not Mini-game online. As I get older the omega game get harder and harder.

    I really like the winter event. Why? Because if I'm working on one of my 56 alts I can do Doff missions to get the rewards and continue to work on the alt. YOU turned STO into a grind, so I'm grinding my alt. When I have time I really enjoy the Winter event activities.

    Please add Doff missions to the Anniversary and Summer events. Being forced to play a mindless mini-game that has nothing to do with Star Trek is so frustrating. I get some people enjoy the mini-game so leave it in and just add the Doff missions for those the hate the Omega mini-game with a passion and want to fly up to Cryptic and severely lash the person the came up with the Omega mini-game with a wet Tribble hair.

    Amazing. I got through this with out using any colorful metaphors or commenting on the ancestry for the person who created it.

  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    Being forced to play a mindless mini-game that has nothing to do with Star Trek is so frustrating.

    How are you being forced? There are numerous ways to gain event progress this year that don’t involve any mini games of any kind. You can just play Starbase One once per day and that alone will progress you through the event. No one is ‘forcing’ you to play the mini game.. if you find it frustrating then simply ignore it.
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,260 Arc User
    Cryptic, just an FYI that I post every year, I'm here to play Star Trek Online. Not Mini-game online. As I get older the omega game get harder and harder.

    I really like the winter event. Why? Because if I'm working on one of my 56 alts I can do Doff missions to get the rewards and continue to work on the alt. YOU turned STO into a grind, so I'm grinding my alt. When I have time I really enjoy the Winter event activities.

    Please add Doff missions to the Anniversary and Summer events. Being forced to play a mindless mini-game that has nothing to do with Star Trek is so frustrating. I get some people enjoy the mini-game so leave it in and just add the Doff missions for those the hate the Omega mini-game with a passion and want to fly up to Cryptic and severely lash the person the came up with the Omega mini-game with a wet Tribble hair.

    Amazing. I got through this with out using any colorful metaphors or commenting on the ancestry for the person who created it.


    I know what you're saying. The Winter Event is great for alts and doffing for trinkets. I suck at the mini-game and for the most part give it a pass. Seems in this case it's the only way to get the Omegas.

    At least there's a variety of ways to get the anniversary ship. Starbase One is working for me.

    I do pretty well on the Winter Event ice race though and can remember when it was the only way to get something but then it was changed because apparently some people were having difficulty with it.

  • murkalael#7691 murkalael Member Posts: 184 Arc User
    On the other hand I hate winter's events and everything ground related. As for the glitches, sometimes I have huge fps drop not only on mini games, so for a second or two screen freezes, and in the mini game is a big loss. These fps drops started back on the time we had that login loading issue and been around ever since.
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,608 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    I usually score in the 900's
    Maybe 1200's if I really focus hard and try my best
    My personal best is 1400 or so; I have never made 1500 or higher, ever in all these years of playing.
    I won't blame my hardware, but I do live in a 3rd world country, and my internet connection is Delta Sierra.
  • aftulusaftulus Member Posts: 668 Arc User
    I have a solution. I'm used to playing clicker games at this point where you use programs. This doesn't translate into this game, but the concept does. What about they make farming stuff and sell it for zen. We buy it and it automatically farms mini games for us. It could even do daily runs as you level it or buy a better version.

    I would love to buy NPC's to fly my ships and do things like this event and or daily things like dil and maybe the daily run for the galaxy for money.

    They could sell it at various prices per cahracter and an account unlock. Some could be higher skill and get you better points. But even low level ones could be good for farming daily. Especially if you don't have to log into your characters to get it daily. It just gives you the expected results and ticks those daily skills.

    It could also do your extra 500 and 1k dil grind stuff. 8) It would make a great addition to lifetime and other passes also. 8p

    Farming bots: 8000 zen(or lifetimepass etc.)
    Dil:Farms all dil grindable missions per character as applicable. (asteroids, fleet, fleet +500, lifetime +1000, Possibly reputation missions(daily and hourly.)
    EC: Grind tour of the galaxy without logging into characters.
    More: ? What else is in game I'm missing.
    R&D: Does R&D experience grind daily. And fleet grind missions per day. It starts with beam and works it way through. It will fill your fleet daily up then 3 of your first unfinished non max skill and then 3 of the next per day. without having to visit those locations or logging onto your characters.

    It does this and makes it so the missions are used per day based on your max ability to use them without having to do it manually.

    There could be multiple levels of this. 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% ability to show how far you get in each missions. The lesser ones could be much cheaper to obtain. Maybe even for lesser thigns like EC or Dill instead of zen. The zen could be the 100% version where you get max bonuses per day. And all possible free results on all charactrs. The cheaper could be per character and ver low results per day. But good for afking etc.

    You wouldn't even need to log in. It could be a daily tick. That is very good money and resources while away.
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,576 Arc User
    aftulus wrote: »
    You wouldn't even need to log in. It could be a daily tick.

    Online games do all these things (limited time events, daily quests, daily currency limits, login bonuses, etc) to get people to log in every day. High login numbers = successful game, for the bean counters. They're not going to sell you a "get stuff even if you don't log in" device, no matter how much you pay for it.
  • tagentagen Member Posts: 557 Arc User
    aftulus wrote: »
    I have a solution. I'm used to playing clicker games at this point where you use programs. This doesn't translate into this game, but the concept does. What about they make farming stuff and sell it for zen. We buy it and it automatically farms mini games for us. It could even do daily runs as you level it or buy a better version.


    Games already sell solutions to problems they create so they can sell you the solutions. Don't encourage it more. My goodness.
  • zolgearzolgear Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    The event minigame is fine, and this is coming from an old TRIBBLE who averages anywhere from 1250-1700ish at it. It's a reflexes-based game, and not everyone's going to be able to perform at the same level. With upgrade tokens being more widely available these days, it's not like the Omega upgrades are as important as they used to be either. They're nice to have, but hardly essential.
  • crossmrcrossmr Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    zolgear wrote: »
    The event minigame is fine, and this is coming from an old TRIBBLE who averages anywhere from 1250-1700ish at it. It's a reflexes-based game, and not everyone's going to be able to perform at the same level. With upgrade tokens being more widely available these days, it's not like the Omega upgrades are as important as they used to be either. They're nice to have, but hardly essential.

    Phoenix tokens are so trivial to get these days that I really don't even care about omega tokens. I've got piles of rare and very rare tokens sitting in my account bank. I've got several ultimate upgrades just lying around as well. For as much effort as it takes to get like 1 token I can be out farming dil or something else.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    aftulus wrote: »
    You wouldn't even need to log in. It could be a daily tick. That is very good money and resources while away.

    Anyone that would pay money to NOT play a game is an idiot.
    Insert witty signature line here.
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