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  • I use 7 arrays and 1 wide angle torp. I can still broadside as well as a 8 array cruiser, and having access to torp spread, and the little bit of extra weapon power helps a lot I find. They are releasing wide angle torps to crafting or episodes soon are they not? May be something to look into.
  • Still 1000 on the chell grett after getting it on my toon, other two work fine...
  • It's one thing that feds have more t6 ships, it was expected to begin with, but... Why the heck did they feel the need to add a 3rd t6 science ship, with little to no difference from the others is gameplay, before the other 2 factions even got a 3rd one? I don't even play KDF and I'm mad.
  • Sorry but no, critter exp was not scaled properly. This isn't mumbo jumbo internet magic. I use to get ~200 exp at 60 from kazon carriers, now I get ~365 exp from the same critter at the same lvl. That is NOT 300% in my math book.
  • I really want to believe this is a mistake, but I'm not sure. The worst part is this is 100% pointless, and hurts them financially. On the offshoot that anyone was actually buying their exp boosts they'll stop. I mean why would they buy them now? 25% exp bonus for 5k exp... GREAT that's... ~3% of my lvl in exp boost. WOOT.…
  • No.... but I don't buy a new computer every time. I upgrade the processor and GPU (performance) but keep the computer box (look of the ship) the same. It's really more of how you look at it. Some people want their favorite iconic ships to be as viable as the ugly tier 6ers.
  • As far as lvling alts, the fix is simple and already in game. Do the same thing as reps, once you max your specialization, have a project available in the event section of rep called "specialization accelerator" or something that reduced the exp requirement on alts by... say... 75%. This would allow you to lvl the…
  • Not to mention that the t6 c-store ships currently have 1 less console slot than t5u ships do. Ships like the Scimatar, Voth DC, Avenger and many other simply outperform the c-store t6, and more than equal the lockbox t6ers.
  • That's a completely different subject however. I sure as hell would also like more story progression, but expecting an MMO to pump it out as fast as we consume it is not realistic. It takes us an hour to play through an episode. It takes a hell lot longer to produce one, especially when you have voice actors and such.…
  • I guess I can't disagree with that. I think it's more to do with ME than farming patrols though. Once that's done, more people will be hitting regular STFs for marks.
  • It's a two way street. How do you please the content hungry gamers, vs the casual crowd? I would not mind it if they adjusted episodes to reward like 8k, as they do take a while to play through. They already fixed (buffed?) ship mastery exp, and they could in theory do the same for specialization, I just don't think it's…
  • I have to say I disagree completely. This is the most fun I've had, and the longest I played sto in a long while? Why? well because I can progress my character for a long time. I usually stop playing when there is nothing left for me to work for. That was usually within a week or two in most of the major updates before DR.…
  • The avenger is one of the best dps cruisers/battlecruisers in the game, and one of my top 3 fed ships. It does not need more turn rate. With my current setup I have a turn rate of 29.2deg/sec, and I only run 1 turnrate fleet mod and a tachyokinetic mod. So no, it's not the ship, it's your setup. I'm tired of people calling…
  • I don't know how to more disagree with the OP's points. If anything, Romulans have far MORE synergy than any other faction in STO. They also have the capability to do far MORE damage while being just as survivable as fed/kdf. Think I'm full of BS and want proof? Here's some basics of my build. I will NOT use the scimatar…
  • The pets themselves need a boost in damage and utility, however the biggest drawback is the instant death when they blow up. I propose perhaps a 3-5 second disable (stun) instead of death. That would balance it enough to not make it OP while also not making them useless...
  • But it IS a criteria, as of right now there is no criteria other than the few 100 usual testers who got in.
  • Life Time Sub status, Zen Purchase record (yes they keep track of this but I wont go too much into it), Total sub time (linked to vet rewards) are just a few things they could have looked at. So yes, there's plenty of ways to tell who's more loyal.
  • I agree 100% that established testers should get in first. Where I disagree is I know that some brand new players who are FTP and have been playing for weeks got in, and that's were I have a problem. Shouldn't you reward your loyal players first before giving the invite to whose who may or may not even care or be playing…
  • You'd think they'd... oh I don't know... give it to people who bought the LoR pack/LTS and have been playing since the original beta... but no, random seems like a way better idea. Yeah lets do that... Nice one Cryptic.
  • I was thinking of that too! They look kind of like replicators from stargate to me. The ship design reminds me of tholians, so maybe something from their space? Considering it's tholian rep this time around it makes sense.
  • Are you switching between characters using the change character option? I ask because the only time i get dual fleets display like that is when I change between characters that are in a different fleet without fully logging out first.
  • Yes please, lets start asking people to make new threads for each new question... /sacrasm
  • Ahh... I guess I didn't read it correctly. To use the science will require you to spec for phasers too. So really, unless you want to go phaser, none of the consoles will be of any use to you. http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i478/fear505/science.png
  • By your own criteria, the Charal if your perfect escort. It has: 4x eng consoles 2x science consoles 4x tact consoles For boffs is only has 2 tact boffs in addition being able to carry both engineering and science lt boffs. The console is probably the worse of the bunch, but hey you can just remove it. In addition please…
  • Depends. I have nothing against them being situational, or usable only when there's not too much aoe. I found they can survive 1 or even 2 spreads, and I did 3 different estfs where I had them out the entire time. They do not draw agro at all, and as long as you arent the agro target they don't get hit. In addition, the…
  • Because there is a reason why ships don't already have 2. For example, it's a lot more powerful to have 2x gravity well 3 than it is to have gravity well 3 and 1. Every other ship in the game has access to only 1 commander level power (the most powerful) for a reason.
  • You caught it before I could reply. In addition, having 2 commander level boffs is just not going to happen. I don't mind giving it more hull and shields than the standard version, with perhaps 1 extra console. Trust me I want a viable kitty carrier as much as the next guy. I was in a Caitian only fleet for a long time.…
  • I like the main idea behind it, but you've overpowered this ship beyond belief. Here are some things that just can't happen. - 4/4 weapon layout (no carrier has this. The most dps oriented carriers are 4/3) - 3 launcher bays? What's the point of that if they have the same amount of pets out as a 2 hanger one. It would just…
  • As the dev mentioned, your log is a bit sketchy. The pets show up the same as your standard cannon attacks. However it's easy to look at the log and use a bit of math. I shot at a borg cube for 3 minutes. I looked up at the logs and most of the pet attacks were between 1 and 2k per hit without rapid fire. So if we average…
  • There is really no need to get so defensive about this conversation. Firstly I do agree that KDF need to have lvls 1-25 done, and that players from the getgo should be able to chose to play either faction. Where I disagree with a lot of people is that they are asking for KDF only endgame content. Cryptic moved away from…