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zdfx19 Arc User



  • If your feeling a bit on the light headed side of giddy then you could argue it's all about the epeen op. All about the epeen.
  • As indicated the Borderlands clip was presented as an example of a character introduction into a game I found well done. If you lack the savvy to understand why that is valuable to a game in STO?s position or how it might relate then please buy a filter for your tap water. I?ll not be trolled for daring imply that Cryptic…
  • First, I am writing not talking. Second, sanity is an over rated attribute best left for the weak of will. If they are ever going to make PVP anything other than a pay to win time waster then new ideas need to be considered. Woe onto me for suggesting a meaningful competition with a unique reward. Just because a lame…
  • Next faction is liable to be Cardassian. I just can't see a Borg faction being fun.
  • Like tribble breeders haven't been swindled out of the hobby? Its all about grind man. Forget the fun and fair value on trade.
  • If they are going to introduce vanity ships in game then do it right. Have a PVP premade tournament where each member of the winning team gets an EXCLUSIVE vanity ship or cosmetic item that will never be seen in the game any other way. That way it means something. Different ship / item every year.
  • Paying to win PVP is not challenging unless you are saving for the kid's future education... Loading up on fleet weapons and grinding out a faction rep space set is not challenging... Challenge means nothing when the average play experience grows so dull you fall asleep playing... Its all really about fun and that's sorely…
  • The bottom line is that all of the DM's players are unhappy and ready to quit which defeats the entire purpose of playing a game together. Everything else is dishwater. It does not matter if its a political plot story or machination since if the players are not enjoying how it plays out then it should not have been run…
  • Well, if this is true then Cryptic is speaking in two tongues or blatantly contradicting themselves. It is what it is either way. First they were acting like flagships and dreadnoughts were different game ship classes and now they are just store titles... *sigh* I just wish they were consistent.
  • When Quark learned that every antiproton consisted of 2 up antiquarks and 1 down antiquark he decided that he couldn't live with the competition and had them annihilated...
  • I don't mean to be harsh but how does this relate to anything written in thread? Better characters would build better stories and just saying the writing as is now currently sucks does nothing to answer the question of how to fix issues. You could suggest actual character stories for example but then you had to go throw…
  • Kirk in drag.
  • Well, OP. Considering I'd wager she wouldn't have had to wait so long for something to tinker in her nethers that wasn't electrical...
  • I am entirely amused that some of you paid forum trolls seem to think that you can convince people that the Better Business Bureau is a scam and that the complaints against Cryptic are somehow illegitimate and should be ignored... They have fouled up with enough people, from failure to provide the monthly stipend, credit…
  • NO! I would not consider supporting STO through crowd funding. I don't hate Cryptic but I really don't like where they are right now in terms of reliability, trustworthiness, and business model. Check their Better Business Bureau rating. It exists for a reason. I mean they have taken my money without reimbursement for…
  • You are absolutely right. Peter Capaldi should dye his hair ginger!!! And if he thought himself The Master, that might explain that whole 4th doctor thing (Tom Baker) where he got pwned by his younger self. After all the Doctor always wins.
  • Uh oh.... An awfully big skeleton that looks like something out of Prometheus. Didn't see any creepy starfish like critters running around by chance did you?
  • Interesting. Is he still sporting the Fu Manchu mustache and chin strip? If so this will be the first doctor with facial hair, though I think it makes him look like Dr. Stephen Strange from marvel comics somehow instead.
  • I feel for him. I appreciate whet he is going through. However, none of that excuses or changes the fact that people were planning their real life schedule to acquire their desired game goodies within the time frame Cryptic promised they were to be allowed. They were screwed out of a day. You either live up to your…
  • Space romans are kind of what Romulans were meant to be at first. They got turned into space elves somewhere along the way. I can only think its a shame we are stuck with the Trek IP as I think a lot of us might love sci-fi roman warriors with appropriate ships and weapons. Particularly in a game where the main thing we do…
  • I can only write that both of these posts strike me as entirely too true. Meaningless gear grind with a dead PVP system as the only outlet for the rewards is kind of a worthless endeavor. I think Cryptic could have made a cool MMO out of their ideas but the Trek IP demands something different. The sad thing is that's why…
  • If they have indeed ended it before they wrote that they would then some people do have a legitimate gripe. There is no argument nor room for it. Football is a game played for fun too, but if you were playing and they ended the game fifteen minutes early with a close score you could have won because it was a pretty day and…
  • I went to the free dictionary and looked up Spad.
  • My whole problem with the STO EC economy boils down to one simple premise that is proving entirely and increasingly true. The best and most efficient way to make EC while doing the grind is to take a little dilithium, trade it for zen, and buy a master key to sell on the exchange. Its becoming too tied to real money like…
  • Some of you people are so bigoted against the PHAT lifestyle. Poundage is the new cool, particularly on the toushie, and you ain't got it you just want it, jealousy and all. Next you'll be hating on women, gays, people of color, and their countries of birth. Leave the cheeseburger brigade alone and do something productive…
  • TOS: Mudd (annoying.) TNG: Wesley (arrogant, condescending, spoiled, punk that was too mary sue.) DS9: Ferengi (all, race of ugly, selfish whiny, sexist, money grubbing jerks ) VGR: Neelix (happy go lucky annoying.) Kim (went mushy and limp on 7 of 9.) ENT: Archer (Bakula didn?t have a captain?s screen presence. Better 1st…
  • I am surprised David Tennant of all people didn't last longer in the role. Most of the new series doctors have given it up early for some reason. I am not sure who would make a good actor to portray what is arguably the doctor's last life. We all assume they will continue the series after this doctor but I think that could…
  • Man there have been so many good game intros over the years. Here are a couple that stick out to me right now: Deus Ex Human Revolution Borderlands 2 It should also be noted that Gearbox makes some of the absolute best teaser trailers for their games. Such as: Borderlands 2 : Doomsday
  • Kirk wins.