Snoggy, simply posting your question here is fine and lets more of us answer, unless you are uncomfortable with that. Forum private messages are fine as well, but admittedly, we do not seem to check those very often.
If you were curious to meet us, many of our players will be gathering and having a social event this Saturday starting at 9:30 Eastern time. (GMT -5). So feel free to leave a message here or contact us in game so you can drop by. ~xae
Our ship days and times that are open to recruitment: =^= USS Endeavour - NCC-97004 / Odyssey-class / C.O. - Rear Admiral Brian Donaldson : Saturdays 1:00 PM EST =^= USS Ayanami - NCC-99777 / Thunderchild-class / C.O.- Cpt. Nyoko Honda : Tuesdays 8 PM EST =^= USS Adagio - NCC-99691-A / Galaxy-class / C.O. - Cpt. PhellTalia…
Not sure the content and how these role playing events turn out..well how about an aftermath Captain's log to give an in character summery of one:…
Another unfortunate causality to tide of time, Cheez Whiz. Xaelei and her science teams are researching and trying to recreate this "substance" to then further study what properties it can exhibit and possible applications it our current time....
Hello Again Everyone! Our fleet is Ship Based RP with a fun use of a skill based system (which is awarded with experience by mission to mission!) and though each ship is unique and on their own show type event...each show is conntected by a fleet arc! We now also have our own fleetbase, Starbase 220 - Under the command of…
Why thank you Mr Scott and I hope you and yours are doing well. might wish to avoid referring to Talia as...old, I just do not see that turning out too well... -evil grin-
minor update in the current Sentinel start time: =^= USS Sentinel - NCC-93014 / Defiant-class / C.O. - Cmdr. Joyaus Dalun : Sundays 8 PM EST Thank you for your attention and unlike is best to hope to see me, before I see you.... -evil smile-
you know...many of the newer players may be mistaking rp for..Assign Raiding Party...that Klingon buff that is the counter part of Grant Diplomatic Immunity...the current slang in game is di/rp. So they see us labeled as a "rp" fleet and get all confused! What to do..what to do? -wanders off pondering-