I think we should have a least one hologram from each show. We have the TOS bridge crew, a TNG La forge, DS9 leeta, but I would rather have a crew member. Oh, we also have a Dr. Bashir, which I think we should be able to customize, a Voyager Doctor which we can customize. We need a picard show hologram, a Disco Hologram…
Another confirmation here. I only have one load out and it seems to be ok now that I have created the load out but the ground equip is still popping off. will no more tomorrow.
A few little things...TNG hand phasers that don't have the blue holographic stuff around them, more hair styles (both male and female) and I would like to be able to organize my characters on the character screen and I would like to see any of my characters and boffs wear any outfit I have access to. Ex: my romulan boff…
I'm having the same issues at the camp site. The civilians just dance around. IF this isn't connected to the larger Event Campaign then I"m done with it.
I don't know if it's my PC or what but the palette is a bit dark. Red is a dark read. Blue and gold are dark too. Its like the palette isn't the same as the other uniforms.
I'm having the same issues and have had the same issues. Played it last night and had to just quit and I didn't have the patience to start a fresh run but that's what I've had to do on all my other characters.