I'm not sure that's the same issue - I've only seen the "flicker" you describe affect the Reputation store descriptions or item projects, and even then it only ever affects the actual item description, not the set bonus descriptions. In the case of this set, the erroneous item is present 100% of the time with no flicker or…
In case it's helpful, below the third item in the set power list, there's another "set 3" item heading listed, but empty - perhaps there's some kind of incomplete or erroneous definition here, which is causing the intended power to be ignored due to the presence of the second entry?
I'd like the audio cue to be added to console, that would certainly help immensely with all the issues you describe, but personally I think a better long term solution would be to convert the queue invite from "opt in" to "opt out". In other words, the system assuems that if you've been offered a place you're going to take…
Try this method - I've done extensive testing and it's proven reliable so far:* Invite the necessary players to the team as normal (does not need to be 5 players, can be less) * Once all players have joined the team, leader goes to Missions -> PvE Queues -> Create Private and checks if all players in the team are also…
So, why do console not get the same content of the Gamma Vanguard pack as listed for PC here? https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/game-pack/detail/2331-gamma-vanguard-pack Based on the news post provided above, console will not be getting:* The T6 Jem'hadar Vanguard Carrier * The T5 Cardassian Galor Cruiser…
There do seem to have been a couple of followup tweets on the topic, the latest being that we "do have an anniversary event coming, look for more info next week": https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&q=star%20trek%20online%20anniversary&src=typd Do I have any confidence that they'll actually follow up? Or that it'll be…
Great news! /sarcasm According to Cryptic's response on Twitter, the anniversary event is now delayed (last night it was simply not happening). We don't know when it will happen, or what will happen, and we've been promised news "next week" according to the most recent Twitter post:…
Check out the STO Gamepedia page for the relevant mission - I was able to complete this chain (on PS4) eventually, but each of these last steps required a combination of visiting the right sectors regularly for a few weeks to check for the missions to pop up. When they did appear, they appeared in the "Chains" section of…