Cryptic, I have been a loyal supporter for 5 years. My confidence has not been shaken, even with the mishaps and poor choices when Delta Rising went live, but this is now beginning to make me question my faith in where STO is going. I LOVE STO! BUT, how can I continue to tell my fleet members that everything will be ok… I'm extremely frustrated from my run on Dyson Ground. I know the "points" system has been changed, but here's how it affected me and my teammates. At each Omega Point, only one person would receive credit for the point even though we had a full team of 5 present and participating at the start and all the way…
What about some of the other items that we would like upgraded? I've heard very little about the Polarized Tetryon beams! Those are a lot of fun to use. Can we have the ability to upgrade those beams too?
THANK YOU Frost! I've been going nuts trying to fix that issue. I seem to remember that coming up in the past for some people, but it always forced them to respec. If possible, maybe suggest some sort of notification that respec is needed in the future. Thanks again!
I'm having the same issue on a couple of my characters, but they are both Federation. I don't know why there isn't a bigger to-do about this. I know several guys in my fleet that are having the same issue. I posted a thread yesterday to this same forum about my characters being level 50, completed all reputations, but…
Our fleet uses a player-created chat channel as cross-faction chat. In testing some options a couple of months ago, we muted one of our officers and then unmuted him. When season 6 hit, he was immediately muted and we can do nothing about it. Tickets have been put in, but we have received no responses.