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tuvix1911 Arc User



  • One annoying thing? EPOHHS! CUTE AND CUDDLY EPOHHS!
  • Some more perspective on the new player experience, Berat. I started about 2 weeks before DR hit, during the double XP lead-up event. My main leveled at an absolute blitz, hitting 50 by a quarter of the way into Rom Mystery. Silly me, I still forged ahead and cleared some content, namely Dyson and the rest of the unending…
  • One of my fleetmates got a little carried away and banked up 1.5 million dil over the last dil weekend. Were he to do nothing but refine what he has and never earn another bit, he'd run out some time late next April. So what does it matter if he makes an extra hundred dil off this grind here, or an extra thousand there?…
  • Cryptic, and their handling of DR, already did. I'm a freshly minted noob, ~6-8 wks in. I have a long history with MMOs, going clear back to MUDs and proto-MMOs like NWN on AOL. I am a P2P/P2W Korean Grindfest's nightmare customer -- I spend with my head, not with my heart. Yes, I actually run cost-benefit analysis on my…
  • Agreed. My concern is timing for implementation. Are they doing it with this week's downtime? Next? Because with this being the first we're hearing of this, 24 hours from announcement to implementation with zero known live testing on Tribble is... worrisome, to say the least. Murphy says you test it, break it, fix it, test…
  • I realize this is an internet forum, and therefore the silver lining exists solely to highlight the black cloud. That said, my take away is that there will be a few positives here. (Note: this is based solely upon assumptions stemming from the information presented. Take with a fist-sized grain of salt.) * The doff…
  • Absolutely! If you're not geared for Advanced, you simply need to play Normal to get those Advanced/Elite-only rep item drops so you can gear up to play Advanced. Dude... wait, what?
  • Sorry to quibble over a tiny point, but: the only shortened honorific address for a superior officer in Starfleet is "sir". Call your even-keel female SO "ma'am", you're liable to get a raised eyebrow. Call your battle axe female SO "ma'am", you're up for a chewing-out and/or scut duty for a month.
  • If you want to do gray-on-gray morality well, you need to have a compelling argument for each participant that overshadows their immediate negative. Kobali ground had the seeds of that, but not the finished product. What the Kobali are doing ranges from morally questionable to anathema depending upon your mores and…
  • You mean in that one other game, WoW. UO had no true endgame. EQ had raiding, but it was a very different beast. Tiered instanced content was level dependent, typically with a content-specific gear check. (Think psychic resist for bugs, less strict tier upgrades.) FFXI had endgame content of disparate difficulty levels,…
  • So bad, I had to login to the forum for the very first time to respond to this. This patrol is AWFUL. Kill three groups of Vaad, then repair three ships (read: kill three smaller groups of Vaad), then tow two med ships (read: kill two more small groups of Vaad). All while the map is spamming infinite AoEs that can…