Pretty much this. I use the Scimitar but for the time being I've shoved a Eng BOff in that LtCmdr station. So far it's given me a good balance of DPS and sustainability. According to people with parsers in ESTF's this has put me in the 9-10k DPS range without pets. As for the bundle, I use the 2 set bonus, oddly enough…
I've seen a few say this, though I had no problems buying the Advanced Drone Ship. "Just" a random bug or ? There are some kinks to the Scimitar to be sure but, I still enjoy it a lot more than most other ships. Haven't died much in it, getting one shot by the odd tac cube or gate has happened in all ships I've had, fed or…
Yes, they are - There has been little attempt to hide this fact. The separation console does state it can be used on the Haakona and any of the Ha'apax variants. Haakona is 'just' a unique skin at the end of the day - 9 Console ship so you would eventually find yourself in the Fleet Ha'apax anyway. Not sure what you mean…
I don't really see the issue, sure you can argue how the Fleet Tiers are divided to an extend - Not that it will change anything. Personally, I'm in a small fleet as well with no hope of reaching Tier 5 Shipyard in any near future. So I spent the 10m EC it costs to rent access to a Tier 5 Shipyard and got my Fleet Ha'feh,…