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trevorws Arc User



  • Normally, I'm the guy that acts as cannon fodder (of course, which means as the opposing force is concentrating on ME, the experienced pvpers on my team are going on the offensive). As the apparently designated red-shirt on my pug team, I am used to dying, often in a large and bright blossom of explosions. Do I get angry?…
  • OP, you have private mail. Take a look :)
  • You know, it's funny. It really is. It seems every 2-4 months a skill, boff, doff or whatever will be denounced as op; the cries for nerf become numerous, and eventually something is done about it. This topic came up at least twice today in opvp, and there's been threads on it throughout the past several weeks. I've been…
  • Which is why I run with the bfaw+apb+dem (with marion)+a2b. As long as ppl bring their pets, someone needs to clear them out. :)
  • I pug pvp as my fleet really isn't into it, much to my regret. I find 99 percent of the time no one calls; we're just individuals pew-pewing with various degrees of experience. Most of the time the chat is just silent. When someone does call, and we're not up against one of the dreaded pre-mades, it's like magic.
  • The pugstomps....yeah, it's quite a turn-off. My fleet only has a few that will even enter the ques. I've been doing so lately simply because of boredom. Been learning a TON tho. It's only rarely I can get one, sometimes, two other fleet members to come to the arena with me (and with us on Teamspeak it makes things alot…