What good shuttles or fighters should I acquire for the hangar bays of a ship??? I am currently working with a Tactical Command Battlecruiser T-6 Admiral Stolichnaya - U.S.S. TRANSAMERICA
Great news to hear that you passed the 50k DPS Mark Lt. Commander Amaresh1!!! Even with the nerfing and other changes that this game has gone through, you still accomplished and very high mark and goal so a congratulatory and commendation letter is in order (and maybe a promotion to Commander...) Admiral Edalgo has been…
I think I will be doing the same for a minute or two and too bad because I just acquired Reciprocity Trait... I bought that wanna be modern Defiant Class to get that trait, that ship can do some serious damage but it blows up like 7 to 8 times per game... Not worth to have on my Starship Dock... We must stick to the basics…
Didn't I tell you so Admiral Edalgo... This has been happening for more than a week... Ever since last weeks update, things have gone awry on the entirety of the game... Admiral Stolichnaya - U.S.S. TRANSAMERICA
Thank you very much for the warm complement Lt. Commander Amaresh1 This is what I like to do in my spare time (if any) and I like this game. It is a great hobby to have... Sometimes hobbies cost money so I do not mind that, it is the enjoyment I get when I get to build and experiment... I think that is the greatest asset…
Thank you for the suggestions Commander Jarvisandalfred and made the changes that you suggested. I see that you suggested FAW1, FAW2, APO3 for the Bridge Officer Stations but I can only train my guy the APO1. I thought you can train the APO3 in the Commander Bridge Officer Station and not the Lt. Commander Bridge Officer…
Thanks Admiral Edalgo for those suggestions, I have seen a substantial increase in DPS on regular PUG's and in all PVE game types with these changes in equipment. I just have not been able to defeat my DPS record (38107.14 DPS) I noticed that when I was on the earlier slump, I was not having good PUG games and trying to…
Thanks for the heads up but for some odd reason, things are not the same I can barely crack 25k so either there has been changes or I am not a good pilot. Anyways I will keep on making improvements but it feels like it is an up hill battle Admiral Edalgo... Admiral Stolichnaya - U.S.S. TRANSAMERICA
Is it just me or has the parameters of this game changed since last update.... I have the same ships, I have the same set up of ship weapons and equipment, I have the same setups with the BOFF's and DOFF's, I have the same powers levels and skill trays, I have a 38.1k dps record and and finally made it to the 30k channel,…
Thank you Admiral Edalgo. Here is the link if all of the changes: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=usstransamericacompletebuild20_8488 The big differences are the Aft Weapons, Skill Tree Adjustments, and some equipment upgrades (Rare to Ultra Rare, etc, etc, etc...) Check the note section for General…
After a tons of tries, adjustments and some serious tweaking I finally have passed the 30K mark... Battle 107 - 38107.14 DPS/11.2M DMG/New DPS Record and passed it by a mile... The last record I had was of 28K+ so to me this is a great accomplishment... Now onward and upward to new and bigger records... Admiral Stolichnaya…
Thanks Admiral Edalgo and Admiral Amaresh1, videos helped immensely... Now do any of you know how to increase the speed in acquiring specialization points??? It is taking me a millennia to get each point at a time... Admiral Stolichnaya - U.S.S. TRANSAMERICA
I have done more than 27k dps and still have not been invited at DPS10k or DPS20k... You can check my record on the combalog reader... Rank 714 @ivanopochtli 27,748.4 DPS, 11,901,100 DMG I have passed the 20k DPS for more than a couple of weeks now but when I am on the chat box, I do not see the 10k dps Channel and I do…
Do you guys know of a good Skill Tree set up for a science captain??? Just started my first Science Captain toon and was wondering if the Skill Tree setup would be different from say... a Tactical Captain....TIA... Admiral Stolichnaya - U.S.S. TRANSAMERICA P.S. Admiral Edalgo, le me know about that reddit article you…
Thank you both for the input on this information. Do you guys know of a good Skill Tree set up for a science captain??? Just started my first Science Captain toon and was wondering if the Skill Tree setup would be different from say... a Tactical Captain....TIA... Admiral Stolichnaya - U.S.S. TRANSAMERICA P.S. Admiral…
Hello to Lt Commander Cepholapoid, Captain Vetteguy904, Commander Ryakidrys, Captain Baudl, Commander Scarlet, Admiral Lowy1, Admiral Ginobaldelli823, Admiral Casperdudesd, Commander Westmetals, Cmdr SeaOfSorrows Lt Cmdr Amaresh1, Admiral Ezri Ryan and last but never the least Admiral Edalgo. Greetings form California…
I currently have the exact Power Levels on the ship so that is a check Lt Cmdr Amaresh1. 3 questions: 1. Can I acquire (buy them with EC or something else) captain traits??? I thought that only comes when a character is started, Please clarify... 2. Reciprocity is only available in Tier 6 ships??? 3. Tier 6 ships can only…
Here is the link with the new changes of this build including the Flow/Pla capacitors and DOFF changes. Going to work on tweeking the Tree Skill and test trial this build to acquire new stats. http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=usstransamericacompletebuild_8488 I was also considering to acquire a second…
I got the **NAR** M Hiearchy BOFF in one of the Delta Quadrants episodes. I forgot which one, but it is in one of those episodes... Admiral Stolichnaya - U.S.S. TRANSAMERICA
Commander Westmetals: This list represents the BOFF's and DOFF's I currently have on my build. Their innate traits in each of their abilities make the ship runs 100 times better than before... ACTIVE BRIDGE OFFICERS**CIXRA** Superior Romulan Operative M (Tactical BOFF) **J'TOCH** Superior Romulan Operative M (Tactical…
You are right Cmdr Scarlett, I just finished reading a message that Ezri Ryan sent me about the Flow Capacitors. Did not understand it at first but a good recommendation from him to boost the Plasminic Leech console. Besides Cmdr Scarlett, Lt Cmdr Amaresh1 gave me some good pointers and homework to try out and get some…
Hello to Lt Commander Cepholapoid, Captain Vetteguy904, Commander Ryakidrys, Captain Baudl, Commander Scarlet, Admiral Lowy1, Admiral Ginobaldelli823, Admiral Casperdudesd, Commander Westmetals and last but never the least Admiral Edalgo. I want to apologize to each of you for the delay. I have been hard at work grinding…
Hello to Lt Commander Cepholapoid, Captain Vetteguy904, Commander Ryakidrys, Captain Baudl, Commander Scarlet, Admiral Lowy1, Admiral Ginobaldelli823, Admiral Casperdudesd, Commander Westmetals and last but never the least Admiral Edalgo. I want to apologize to each of you for the delay. I have been hard at work grinding…