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  • This whole thing is silly i feel like this lets fix some of these things in game the ssao is terrible its a spotted patch of black dots on screen taking fps for no reason its pathetic looking you can do better then this.
  • SSAO HBAO Raymarching
  • This is SSGI(another form of ambient occlusion aka smarter ssao) As you can see color actually bounces off other objects onto near by objects and comes with your normal ssao effect its very nice on the eyes to see looks real would make this game look great why isnt it there as a option for those who can run it ? Effect ON…
  • adding some more screen shots of HBAO+ being applied through my nvidia driver this has some bleeding and depth issues and flickers on and off during movement so its not playable but is the most visible compatibility bit i could find 0x00000026
  • is it possible i can get you to take a look at this with some feedback from someone who works on this type of stuff.Im just looking for a answer to if this type of stuff is being looked at meaning graphical bugs glitches mesh cliping things like that or and just general game visual quality improvements. New story content…
  • bump updated thread with picture of example that easily shows off the effect, the grate textures really show it off and this just sets the scene to look like there is depth other then being flat.
  • considering you know when their license for this runs up, its safe to assume they are working on redoing it using that method already and dont store your cc info in the first place if they are storing it without asking you its not legal and they wont store your security code anyway if someone sits there trying to guess it…
  • so are we not getting a bonus i turned in a claim and got around 4,000 dilitium almost hit over 700 score which gives max 5k so double that would be 10k? The normal mine i only got 200 out of it for hitting max score so im gonna assume your telling me the event started today but your making us wait till after the patch to…
  • dxgi is direct x11 its not dx9
  • HBAO+ libraries are free to devs signed up on nvidia forums now , if the default ssao could be improved on or replaced with a more optimized effcient form of ssao something like ssdo/hbao this would be great.Random thought if the engine could support it PBR combined with GI would really make the game pop and look way…
  • are you using intel hd graphics ?
  • if there could be a input from a dev on this subject of why or why not something like this isn't possible
  • this would be nice to see taken further
  • what is the point of the thread im confused
  • yea i think some of the game shaders just need a overhaul considering its 2015, im not saying the game looks terrible but it definitely needs a update.The ssao idk if its lack of pixel samples the filtering used or just the blur pass either being none existent or not high enough setting idk but the ssao looks like someone…
  • no one else has any input on this , im sure some of you guys would like to see some new updated graphic options to give us a choice to use something different.The game only keeps aging i think adding little things like this and slowly updating assets over time would greatly help support this game for more years
  • yea this would be a good idea
  • there also seems to be a bug where applying sgssaa for transparent textures it actually applies a fullscreen supersampling instead of on alpha textures not that the msaa is done very well its barley noticeable any reason ? this also gets applied on txaa which makes the blur already on that twice as bad txaa without it…
  • which mission is this ?i have a lv47 rom
  • where's the continue new story write something cool not based off another series and continue the iconions in the delta quadrant , showing something like an invasion towards alpha quadrant which forces the war to be put on hold in the alpha quadrant to face the unknown evil
  • what you just wrote makes no sense at all,applications are set to always show up at one spot , usually its the center of the screen there are exceptions to that.ON the note of the launcher it sounds like a windows issue if not its how their saving the launcher position which doesn't make sense still at that with your story.
  • your comment "exploration aspect" you do understand eve online has been doing this for a very long time and already has a damaged ship health system in place thats way better then anything cryptic could hope to improve upon and lastly when star citizen comes out sto and eve online will lose huge player base just because…
  • Starting up, why is it 2 processes being ran in the background for one application.Many things come to mind of advantages and what it could be doing with your computer in the background.Overall its alright in design but severally limited in the type of content its offering.Leaving its only advantage being social…
  • anisotropic filtering is the poor tree texture part of it ,how they are basically rendering the world textures and at what resolutions on top of its probably a low res texture to start with ,it could even be rendering incorrectly.and their lighting system is god awful most likely due to one of their shaders running…
  • ability to become a liberated borg along with more ships and costumes for kdf and roumlan factions
  • its not so much want it more then likely has to do with copy rights that cbs has on all star trek cannon.They probably can't make anything without having permission from cbs to do so.Personally i play a vulcan and would like to see more story work and interactivity done with them then what we see atm.Maybe a story arc of…
  • ya constant updates of them not saying what their actually trying to fix and the same dam 132mb update every day im starting to get pissed at that one how many times can you redo the same files and still not get it right meanwhile you have completely broken all pve queues and no say on whether thats gonna be fixed but…
  • ya i tried this earlier today for the first time , mind you i wasnt thinking it would be easy but this was so hard to almost say impossible i couldnt get more then 2k in without instant being destroyed same with the other 4 ppl in the queue
    in The HIVE Comment by tordesigns May 2013
  • some ship costumes are actual costumes of retrofits which will cost money watch when you do that or youll be paying c points for it
  • you mean x16 anisotropic ?