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What is the Arc Client?
Install Arc

tommyboync31 Arc User



  • Every time a programmer's bell rings, a customer loses his/her wings. I fail to understand how every time you patch and upgrade new contents and launches, you consistently keep failing. You are horrible techs and programmers. EPIC FAIL!
  • Don't see any issues here, it's a cryptic issue! Tracing route to patchserver.crypticstudios.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 9 ms 10 ms 7 ms Tommy-PC [] 2 9 ms 10 ms 8 ms grvlcmtk01-gig3-0-0.mid.sta.suddenlink.net [173. 219.255.24] 3 15 ms 18 ms 15 ms 173-219-255-164-grvl.mid.sta.suddenlink.net [173…
  • Anyone that says that it's not a PWE/Cryptic issue is seriously mistaken. Whenever I play fleet actions and/or STF's, I'm always getting disconnected. Whenever in normal play mode or during regular missions, the disconnect never happens. I've checked with my IP and they checked my connection multiple times without having…
  • My launcher is saying unable to establish connection to patch server or will load the screen to log in and never load the patch at the bottom of the game client window. It's not a ISP or a problem with your computer. Clearly, Cryptic has messed up again! I wish someone within the company would listen to their customers and…