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therealsivar Arc User



  • Hmm......hard to put these in any particular order but I'll try: 1) Klingon Academy 2) Mass Effect 2 3) Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty 4) Wing Commander 2 5) Wing Commander 6) Wing Commander 3 7) Mass Effect 3 (would be higher but for the ending) 8) Halo: Combat Evolved 9) Command & Conquer: Tiberium Wars 10) Mass Effect…
  • Big difference between adjusting a log-in name and being forced to utilize a new program on your PC. Will Arc be a nail in the coffin of this game? No, but it will provide no incentive to play this game, and given the state of this game there's no incentive to play other Cryptic or PWE games, so that means that as things…
  • No, they were both in game at launch, and the KDF faction, which was originally supposed to be a full faction with full PvE content, was downgraded to a PvP faction just two months before launch of the game (with Empire Defense missions being the only PvE available to them, we couldn't even access the STF originally).…
  • We've been in the process of promoting new Mods to cover all of the timezones for a while now, the only problem is that finding level headed and non-biased people who are willing to act to keep the channel clean within a PvP community is not an easy thing to do. For what it's worth, I let a lot of little stuff in the…
  • Ok so..........lets see here..... You can't afford technician doffs so we won't go the route of AtB so lets take a different route, I'll explain what I mean, and please don't take this as me being mean or rude but I'm going to break down why things are wrong here: Ok, for starters, you have a lot of different powers and…
  • Contrary to what you might think, I am able to be objective and let the past be the past, hell for a long time I defended Cryptic on these forums (until Season 2, the "KDF Season" was released). Anyway though, for various reasons I've quit the game twice, and returned twice, both times I've return with hope that things…
  • Sure they've made a stride or two in the right direction years after the fact, but it borders on too little, too late. The majority of the KDF PvE population left years ago (and many swore never to play another Cryptic game again), leaving the PvPers behind and the PvP side of the game hasn't been updated at all in over…
  • Some were and some weren't, fact remains that the KDF faction as a whole has been seriously mishandled from the start and has resulted in the faction's population being worn down to a fragment of what it could have been. The last KDF ship pack was the Bortasqu, then over a year went by with nothing, then we got the B'rolth…
  • No, by "fix" pvp they mean adjust the strength of the Zen store consoles, the lock box ships/consoles, the reputation gear, and a few other things so that there is some sense of balance in the game, as opposed to the Devs just creating stuff and then proceeding to throw it all into the game without player testing or…
  • This is the tip of the iceberg dude, there is an extremely long list of promises and statements made about the KDF faction (and the PvP side of the game as well) that have been said and then nothing is made of them. It's sad, but unfortunately it's true.
  • I'll pass on the Star Trek Polymorph, thanks.....
  • It's simple really, the Federation ships sell as the Federation has a healthy population, whereas the KDF ships don't sell because Cryptic has so badly mishandled the faction from the start that the population is tiny by comparison. Cryptic made a point of saying how many more Odyssey class ships sold than Bortasqu after…
  • I think I can make it so I'll throw my hat in again. -Sivar@Sivar Tac Fleet Vor'cha (Brawler build)
  • Ah, forgot about the Kumari, fixed thanks. While I was referring to the Captain class (sorry for not being clear there), it actually depends the gear that you put on the ship, specifically in the console slots. Putting purple Mk 12 consoles for damage will come to an eventual even wash (assuming that the Sci dmg ability…
  • People have been asking for the Jupiter and the Typhoon since the game came out but you haven't seen them in game yet. Personally I hope to never see the Jupiter, and I don't think we'll ever see it simply because it has mostly been phased out in the missions and locations where it was seen. Though there are one or two…
  • Dreadnought, flagship, whatever. Point is, the Odyssey and the Atrox are the two biggest Fed ships, but if you're looking for a "killer heavy tac ship" as the OP stated it, then you're going to be disappointed because the Feds: A) Don't build warships (they build escorts :cool:) B) They already have a Dreadnought cruiser…
  • It's not a question of it being a "killer Tac heavy ship" as you put it, it is an issue of it being the Flagship class for the faction.
  • The Odyssey is the fed answer to the Scimitar, just as the Bortasqu' is for the Klingons.
  • You tend to remember the good stuff about people long after they're gone.... :eek:......but damn Snix really had a habit of making things worse than they already were with the drastic changes he choose to make rather than first making subtle alterations to things, so no I'll not celebrate 'Snix day' because we were better…
  • I said that as a general rule of PvP, not as a reflection of the current state of this game's neglected PvP systems.
  • Cruisers are capable of burst damage, it just depends which cruiser you pick. The old cruisers (with one Lt. tac slot and maybe one Ens slot) were not capable of real burst damage and had to focus on high sustained damage. However the new Fleet and Zen store cruisers (such as the Fleet Assault cruiser or the Fleet…
  • You are correct in that the purpose of OPvP is to help people find both help and groups to pvp with, however, with that said, every player will react to every loss differently. Some will complain about 'premade vs. pug' or 'team vs. pug' or 'p2w' complaints, the list goes on, and the complaints won't stop until people get…
  • Simply because every fleet has those 2-5 guys (particularly in small fleets) who are the primary contributors to their fleet's base, they have made untold millions in total contributions made per character while everybody else is in the hundreds of thousands. These people have bought all the gear that they're going to buy…
  • I know it sucks man, but honestly I'd rather burn 700k+ fleet credits on an upgrade than 380k+ dilithium, namely because I can put the dilithium to use in more areas of the game. Not to mention that once you start running low on dilithium, it's a lot easier and less time consuming to replenish fleet credits than it is…
  • There are Klingon dictionaries online that you can use if you want to form actual words or phrases. That's what I did for most of my ships, though be warned that the language, while functional, is not complete next to English, here a couple of examples of names I've used: I.K.S. qa'Im (Soul Ripper) I.K.S. Suvwl'leth…
  • I know that the K'Vort is popular for reason, but I REALLY hope that they never put it in the game because all it is is a scaled up B'Rel model that is identical to it in every way except physical size and was done to save production time/cost in the TNG show. It was cheap to do then, it would be cheap to do now. As for…
  • I think it's a little strong to say that they want to get rid of it since any MMO worth anything has a PvP function. I believe it's more appropriate to say that they either just don't care about it given the amount of attention that we (the PvPers) get from the Devs, or that it's just a pipe dream on the back-burner. Over…
  • I'll have to know the times that I'd be expected to be online, but I would be willing to help out now that I'm back.
  • The T'varo is a bird-of-prey if I'm not mistaken (sorry returned to the game 2 weeks ago, not 100% on the romulan ships yet), compare it to the Hegh'ta or the B'rel depending on your version, certainly not the defiant. The Qin raptor has issues that the Dev refuse to fix (such as the busted turn axis), however it is the…
  • Another Map/mode idea: -Anomaly Hunt: (Space, mobile King of the Hill mechanic) "Starfleet has deployed heavily guarded research teams to gather data on the anomalies in this area. However the anomalies are unstable are dissipate a soon after they form. Engage the Starfleet forces and discover why they were so interested…