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sythkainyn Arc User



  • Still missing all my modules on my main char, myself. I have a Romulan Navy kit though.
  • Suspecting that something in the patch this week broke the reward claim for the Vorgon ship. Hopefully it will be fixed soon since I still have lots of characters who haven't claimed it yet...
  • 2 other likely reasons. 1. Cryptic already has a T1 Constitution, did you really think they'd redo it and make it the correct tier, even if CBS said ok? 2. They can't even get ship classes (Escort is a ROLE not a CLASS, same for Science), officer ranks for ships or weapon power/count right (small energy packet, rapid fire…
  • Never said it didn't need fixed up a bit, in fact I agreed it did, but there should have been very little that was bad for you to buy any tier to advance. Every tier had at least 1 skill of shield, hull, weapons, or power increase on top of skill boosters while still allowing you to fully max the end skills of your career…
  • While parts of it did need revamped (I mean Engineers had to deal with 15 Career space skills while Tac and Sci had 10... and some of their Boff tains required 3-6 bars of a Science skill or two.) it didn't need changed this much and certainly not in a way that limited your ability to be pretty much fully your own career…
  • Joy, because I really needed to buy skills I didn't want or had no use for just to unlock lower down skills I actually wanted... Not to mention that in the previous system I could spend 9 bars in literally ever space skill in my profession tree (even engineering, the most expensive one) and out of the 10 ground skills, 1…
  • Stubborn seems to be back, but not the other two. Edit: Sorry, wasn't paying propper attention. I saw Sturdy and misremembered it when I logged back out. All 3 are still missing on Holodeck.
  • Oddly, I thought I saw that the Sure Footed trait was supposed to be getting fixed on Tribble, but don't see it (nor the Mental Discipline or Stubborn traits) listed as being fixed in this week's patch announcement... Edit: Just finished patching Tribble (hadn't been on it since Romulans were added), and made an Alien…
  • Odd... Once I logged a character who had actually claimed the Dyson ship, I was able to claim it. And no, the first one I checked with didn't have the Dyson ship. I only managed to complete it on one of my ... I think 12 characters at the time. Maybe only 9. I was also able to claim it on my Vulcan, whom I did not make…
  • Since it was mentioned the Elegant hairstyle no longer had a bald spot on Romulan females, I decided to go check, and upon finding it wasn't quite fully accurate, decided to check for a place to mention it, and a few other tailor issues that still seem to active. Elegant hairstyle (at least Romulan and Alien Female…
  • I think you missed the point... if just one of these [Overs] is disabling the Boff skill, then it's a problem. Even if it was just not allowing the Boff skill to affect the [Over] beams only it's a problem, since the skill is supposed to be a single definite overload while the weapon trait is still only a proc. And even if…
  • It's a weapon Proc, that means a small chance each time you fire, as opposed to deliberately overloading your next beam attack. It's not the same thing and neither should it be treated as such. Also, unless it causes ALL of your beam attacks (and not just the one weapon it's on) to have that same small chance per shot of…
  • #DeltaRising It's a thing. It's coming. Sooooooon. Wait, this means I have to level again... I'll actually get personal xp again instead of just crew skill points!
  • Not sure if it's been mentioned, I did try to search for it, Romulan height scale (at least males) is off. It's a meer 6'4" (compared to Vulcan and Human 6'6" and quite annoying), but if you ally you suddenly get to be a more propper max height of 6'6"! ... should be 6'6" to begin with and you don't just suddenly gain 2"…
  • No... the new R&D isn't terrible... I mean... a detrimental system of mass resources and time sunk into an item I could match or beat off a loot drop (until I hit a magical jackpot of good traits on a purple item that I can't buy in a rep or fleet store for far less) is an ok crafting system. The fact that most of the math…
  • Lots actually. At least on the subs, pretty much every f2p I've tried has had them and a few have either 'had' or still have (assuming they're still running) life time 'subscriptions'. Some of them are better then others though with having the real cash store items being mostly cosmetic items (while still having several…
  • Um. I don't really remember the download size requirements for the game but... Arc = Size On Disk: 81.6 MB (85,643,264 bytes) Sto = Size on Disk: 10.5 GB (11,382,267,904 bytes) Arc takes about 200k (that's K) in ram and is running at 0% of my cpu resources. (Admitidly it's a 6 core at over 3gig...) and that's taking into…
  • That requires you to HAVE the miner outfit from a fleet mine that's been raised high enough to have unlocked it. Also... wearing a certain uniform to allow face/body customization isn't much of a 'workaround'. If you just have to 'own' another uniform they can wear then maybe the use of the Odyssey uniforms will 'fix'…
  • One of the few updates to make me sort of pleased. Especially with the new KDF basic uniform, finally a non-spike laden pair of boots, and they even look like they're nice looking. I would have liked a skirt option for the Odyssey uniforms, but oh well. My medical department will just have to stick with nurses uniforms. I…
  • I was originally looking forward to the new system for pretty much the same reason, more variety and choice of items to make and more of the item modifiers. Until I found out what was being done with it and the fact that the resultant items had a large portion of randomness to them. I didn't remember Defera had crafting,…
  • Actually, I did (and still sort of do until it changes to the 'new' one) use the crafting system some. It has some good armors, personal shields and a small number of ship items worth crafting for alts or friends that are still climbing the rank chain (sure it's a very fast rank chain that can be done in a week or less if…
  • Because as we all know, what was wrong with the crafting system before was that we could make rare and very rare gear On Purpose whenever we wanted, all without relying on having a specific type of duty officer, a duty officer mission available, and with a high chance of wasting resources by getting a common or rare…
  • Just noting this still isn't fixed (and that this thread is unusually hard to find for some reason) just in case the devs forgot about it like with the graphics glitch and the much older 'can't customize kdf marauder boffs' ones.
  • All right... so apart from the fact that now you've added full toggle abilities to non-rom ships while still denying warbirds decent power settings under the excuse that you needed to balance their 'great' singularity abilities that aren't great... and their cloak that the kdf also has with full power settings... and the…
  • Erm... Maybe? I don't know...? I'm bad with names... If you mean as an npc, then maybe. It's possible it's in the random generator, I tried to pick something Rom/Vulcan sounding.
  • Uh... Since LOR I haven't been able to change the colors on any of my ships in any of the 3 factions... Plus, a couple updates ago my male characters and (rare) Boffs have some weird 'spad' sliders in the body settings, making me nervous about trying to create or modify uniforms. I would also kind of like to put on fleet…
  • 2 Questions. 1) Since when has it been wrong to slaughter Cardassians unless they're children? 2) And just who is getting the empress back from the borg?
  • Personally, as a Romulan who was using the place to stash his old War Eagle (You heard me. And it's a family heirloom not an 'outmoded piece of refuse'!!) V'Kyr was quite annoyed to find out some prattling Republics had led corrupted elements of the tal shiar and some alien race to his 'dock' and set up freaking shop...…
  • Didn't you see 'Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark'? 'Top Men' is code for 'stashed in a box and hidden away deep inside an over stocked and barely marked warehouse, never to be seen or heard from again.' At least you can move the sliders around and change the selector boxes now...so I can't say they haven't made…
  • Hm... Well on Holo at least, when I check the Gorns, the Tac build had strength 20% listed as one of it's pre-selecte... but if the displays are bugged then it might not really have been there.