I did not know that. So far i am still going from mission to mission and I mostly see the "cheap Master Keys" spam. I play DCUO also and run a league there so I figured that posting on the forums would be the best bet to get into a flett that acutally knows what it is doing lol.
So I understand the Beam or Cannon part, but what is a good build? IE 45, 90, 180, 360 weapons. I understand that the smaller the arc the more damage they do but is there a ....golden rule for number of each? Can I do a decent job putting all 360 arc weapons on all slots or would that be stupid....the same going for all 45…
OK so New player here, and so far i love the game. I tried playing it on the PC when it first came out but could not get the hang of the keyboard and mouse. So when I heard that it was coming out for the ps4 I was stoked. On to the question part. Ships....I know that I get a free one when leveling (currently lv 34) but I…