One of my guys is Lv53 and I really have no idea where to go from here.
I have pretty much figured out how the reputation system works. I am already working on tier 2 on a couple of them. I am stuck on the very last mission of New Romulus. I need an environmental suit to explore the lava tubes but I have no idea where to get them. One of the tooltips said I have to be Tier4!?!?
I find Mk11 gear from these adventure zones and reputation reward boxes.
I am still flying around in my T5 ship tho that I got at 40?? How or what do I have to do to get a stronger ship? Is there a way to get ships from other species? I think the Breen have really killer ships. But my T5 ship or my equipment really are weak compared to the stuff in those adventure zones like D-sphere.
Wheres the best place to farm XP so I can get specialization points?
Anyways I just need a generalized idea of how to get stronger and how to get better or different ships. I used this weekend to upgrade alot of my equipment. Mk14 is the cap?? Can you keep trying to upgrade to improve the rarity??
They are a collection of junior officers who you can send on timed missions for various rewards including dil exp and ec
As for better ships, there are account wide ships that you buy with zen. There are "fleet" upgrades for some of these which have stronger hull, shields and one extra console. But fleet ships are per character, not account. You buy them with a combo of in game and zen items. There are three annual ship give away events: winter, summer/risa, and anniversary. There are also lockbox and lobi ships. For the console, these are the dominion ships.
In addition to these, you can use an upgrade token on most tier 5 ships to make them tier 5-u (means upgraded) with all the stats of a t6 ship. The only things a 5u lacks are specialist bridge officer seats and an unlock able mastery trait. Several lockboxes have cheaper t5 ships like the kazon raider or nihidron destroyer that can be upgraded, but the mirror ships cannot be upgraded. Still the mirror ships often have different bridge officer options that allow for stronger, or at least more flexible, builds.
Last, cryptic are generous enough to sometimes give out zen ships for free. Recently they gave away the São Paulo, they've given out the nebula the kdf marauder and many others. These free promotions have sometimes included top tier ships, though not always.