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strykervalmont Arc User



  • So Cryptic, PWE, Arc, or whoever is in control of this game, we're still waiting on you to fix this crash issue. Everyday that this many people can't get on the game is hurting you. Its hurting this game. This is a great game(If the people in charge would wake the F*** up!), don't ruin it by not paying attention. Another…
  • Ok Cryptic, or PWE, or whoever actually runs this game now. According to this thread this has been going on for a bit now, so lets fix it. I'm an original open beta player who has more then 1000 days as a gold member and I'd like to be able to play this game. If I was still paying for it I'd be cancelling my subscription…
  • I'm not one to complain on the forums. In fact usually when I comment or post its on Cryptic/PWE doing a pretty good job. But for this patch, I have some legitimate complaints that I don't think is asking too much. 1. Taking away the Fleet marks for the Officer Reports Daily was a terrible thing. Reduce the amount given if…
  • I hope you guys at Cryptic are planning on fixing the exchange soon. Not being able to buy anything and not being able to sell anything is really annoying. If your not aware of it, anything someone buys doesn't disappear on the exchange, it remains. So to find something that hasnt been bought is virtually impossible.…
  • Ok Cryptic, let me start off by saying, that I am a paying Gold Member and have been trying to login to the game all day. I see your website was down and then the game server itself was down briefly. But I still can't login. Not to mention that even when I do get to the character screen, then I have to join a queue before…
  • Hey Cryptic Team, I've been here since Open Beta, I'm a gold member and I seen nothing in the FAQ or the boards about the C-Points we earn for being gold members. I was just wondering if that will continue. On a side note, I don't really care for the way you handled account linking but STO gets better everyday. Great work…