Curious, not knocking you or anything just genuinely curious, but how do you see Ban as misinterpreted? He was definitely interpreted: English, not Hispanic, breathing mask not luchadore mask. But I felt they got several things right, most especially brains AND brawn. Most other portrayals in movies and TVs show him as a…
Haven't lost the shirt off my back, but I've twice had periods of really bad luck, ending in my being without a home. Each time, a relative has taken me in, giving me a chance to get back on my feet. A close friend offered the same. I got out each time by taking jobs I'd previously never considered. Neither was huge in…
Earlier today I saw a mural painted in weird colors with bizarre tribal like representations of fire and animals somehow tied to Mongolian mythology. I truly thought I'd seen the most bizarre thing in a long time. Then I clicked on the link in the OP. :eek: :D Someone must have been smoking something left over from the…
Sigma Tama IV Here they go and build an entire dictionary of words, then ignore them all and give substance to their catchphrases built with those words. Oh, and they can't take said words and explain in one sentence to the Federation what the Tamarian "language" is all about. Instead they must dramatically beam two…
It's funny, without clicking the link I pondered "I wonder if it could possibly be greater than Charlie Chaplain's speech at the end of The Great Dictator?" Then I clicked the link. :D
Alright, since we're dealing with the new millenium's games (rather than the 1990s ones I posted), I'll say Tabula Rasa. So much great potential squandered in Lord, er General British's cash grab to fund his astronaut fix. The resulting in-house fighting and poor direction took what was shaping up to be an epic game and…
It might have been part of his core imperative to be "human". That is, Dr. Soong might not have ever considered Data or Lore to be allowed to be anything other than "human". Data may have been perfectly willing to let Lal decide her own species to emulate, but that doesn't necessitate that Soong would have done the same…
Old school, but Sierra Online's Lighthouse: The Dark Being. I was seriously creeped out throughout the thing as they built up a story suggesting this terrifying boogieman from another dimension could be around any turn. Then the resolution was so incredibly silly it just ruined the whole thing. Starship Titanic. So much…
Turn-based games. Should technology in my lifetime ever wed good voice recognition software with RTS controls, so an entire army is not based on the two klutzy hands of my modern Ulysses Grant but on voice directions like a real general might issue, I might be genuinely interested in real RTS. Otherwise, I might as well be…
Isn't that pretty much the background story to Firefly? Just in a different, massive solar system? Alliance = inner, Browncoats and independent types = outer
I have absolutely zero interest in a movie whose main selling point is monstrosities eating people. Pssst: It has Chris Pratt on a motorcycle as alpha to a pack of raptors charging into battle. :eek: Ok, maybe 10% interest.
The Wild, Wild West I'm a huge fan of the TV show, and really, really wanted to see this succeed. Instead it was more like "The Fresh Prince of the Old West". The film did have much going for it: cool steampunk, a good villain (who should NOT have been named Loveless), Kevin Kline as Artimus Gordon, just to name a few. But…
Not sure of release dates, nor of the list of MMOs of which you speak in the OP, but I can think of two that caught my eye. Star Citizen, because of its heritage ties to Freelancer, had me intensely excited. Then I starting hearing more and more of its development acting more like EVE, and my enthusiasm severely waned.…
I cannot speak for the muscle milk, ( :eek: ) but a friendly doctor got me acclimated to coffee by making quality cappuccinos on his cappuccino machine. These are lighter, and IMHO tastier than many coffees, and often can be had in several flavors. Might I suggest asking trusted friends where to find the best cappuccino…
Sadly, we've not heard of Tully's yet in my part of the continent. We do have, it seems, nearly as many local coffee brands as we've got microbreweries. A few of them are actually pretty good. As far as national/global brands, well, I had a Death Wish once. It was actually pretty good. Not something I could handle all the…
The hospital where I work has TWO Starbucks. One at each end. Despite the double opportunity, I've only bought one coffee there, and have stuck to the cheap free stuff in my work area. I'll drink Starbucks brand, but I tend to find it to be too bitter. I really wished they'd put in a Duncan Donuts coffee stand instead.…
Yes, she was. And Battle 360, with episodes such as Episode 5: "Enterprise vs. Japan" helps us civilian types understand why. Odd that they don't have CVN-65, the first nuclear "wessel", as she was actually in a Star Trek movie.
Something about the design of the Rivet reminds me of the old 1930's Buck Rogers stylings. I'd once seen a tri-wheel all-aluminum car from the movie series, perhaps that is what I'm seeing comparatively.
Weyoun, all of him, is a fine character, and quite enjoyable to watch. Weyoun 6 almost elevated the character to a new level as a tragic character, when he explained the genetic losses his people suffered to serve the Dominion. Unfortunately, Weyoun is largely oblivious to his tragedy, though he did realize he was likely…
I protest! Johnny Fiamma is not obscure. Okay, he's not first or even second string, but he might be a solid third string. He was certainly used more than Mana Mana.
Ah, okay. Given the similarity of your scenario, I was beginning to wonder if you were drawing inspiration from this. *Sigh* I really miss that game. I'd had hopes for a sequel out of Star Citizen, but not so sure now. And you just know which of those 6 ships would survive. :rolleyes: No offense, but this scenario seems a…