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  • I for one would love this. I get so annoyed when my Gorn has to play lip-service to those absurd Klingon ideals.
  • I agree with all you said there, and would also add: this is Star Trek. Granted, it's an incarnation of Trek as an MMORPG shooter where players are rewarded for blowing up people and starships full of people, but it's still (loosely) part of a franchise celebrated for exploring humanist ideas. Other incarnations of Trek…
  • I get that FPS perspective of rampant slaughter of civilians, planetary genocide, and mowing down low-tech fighters with spears was meant to be provocative. But that didn't make it less unpleasant. This wasn't a poorly constructed mission, just a poorly conceived one. I've certainly played evil characters in RPGs before,…
  • Kahless was cloned, remember? Real question is why they aren't a dime a dozen. They ought to suggest "Kahless" as a default name for KDF toons, BOFFs, and half your KDF DOFFs ought to be Kahless, too (three, four...).
  • Oh, it would be so fantastic to have playable Edosians....
  • The lack of variety in the Exploration Cluster missions definitely sucked. On the other hand, sometimes you'd get a really great environment, something to rival the cover of a '50s or '60s SF magazine or paperback cover, and it would just feel Star Trek as hell until you went back to scanning the five things or killing the…
  • I was saddened by the news. Anyone who hasn't read any of her work should give it a shot. She was brilliant.
  • My favorite part was the way Martok kept running in front of me and blocking my shots. (I also liked how when we weren't in combat, he would run up and stand on my heels like he'd never heard of "personal space". I gotta tell ya, I think Martok's name is probably on a spreadsheet if he's like that with every woman in the…
  • I was having this issue with the most recent Windows 10 update. The STO launcher would load and then the game itself would crash. The problem went away when I rolled back to the previous version of Windows. There seems to be some kind of issue with the latest version borking a display driver or somesuch? Though you'd think…
  • Regrettably, rolling back the Win10 update worked--soooo... my other stability issues are back, but I can play STO again. :/ Thank you for the solution, though.
  • Having the same problem. It's bumming me out terribly--would love to get some playing in through the holidays. I've tried making sure I have everything updated, no luck.
  • I don't need a third weapon slot as such, but a default unarmed combat slot wouldn't be bad....
  • Nah, I'll open boxes for Lobi, especially when there's a costume or pet I've become fond of. The other stuff in a box usually goes on the Exchange (including a ship if I ever got one), though I used to keep R&D boxes when I was grinding research, and I love getting the DOFF missions because I'm the sort who collects…
  • Q: How many Federation Engineers does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Just one, but he's going to tell you he can't do it and then he's going to tell you it involves the plasma relays and then he's going to say it will take him six hours. Q: How many Federation Captains does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Also just…
  • Glad I'm not the only one who thought this was a bizarre project to add when day / night cycling has been dead for a while now....
  • Call the Norwegian Wildlife Board! We have a... "bear problem"!
  • Transporter accident. (It's always a transporter accident.) (Except when it's a holodeck problem.) (But this is obviously a transporter accident. Totally a "The Enemy Within" scenario, except when they ran Kurinka back through the transporter to reintegrate his dark and light halves, it didn't quite work out as planned.)
  • Why do I care whether my fandom is "true" fandom?
  • "I seem to have gotten a buzz from this drink. And a little bit of a glow." "You mean you're mildly intoxicated from the strong alcohol content." "No, I mean I seem to be emitting a buzzing noise. Listen. And a dim green light when you turn the lights out."
  • This is the one that's most frustrating for me, personally, insofar as the newest gear seems to have rendered the crafting system superfluous, which is sad. I don't expect Cryptic to address it (and can't really fault them), but it would be nice if the crafting system could offer new gear, new sets, or be tied into the…
  • Y'know... Rom being Nagus explains A LOT...
  • "Gravitic mines" also ended the captain's marriage and are the reason the KM is his third posting in five years. Turns out "hitting a gravitic mine" is his private euphemism for a case of Saurian Brandy. The cheap stuff, too. The kind the engineer could use to remove corrosion from the EPS conduits if she knew where he was…
  • Hm. So you went to the Zen Store, claimed it under the promo tab, and none of the pieces are showing up in the Fed tailor? Weird. I don't know... anyone else haveva clue?
  • Your Fed characters should be able to access the pieces in the tailor. They're only available as part of a duty uniform. (Which is a shame--I'd love to see the boots accessible for off-duty outfits.) There's no box to open or anything like that.
  • Please, please, please, I hope there's a dev reading this thread.
  • The fourth-season Next Generation episode "Family" has a scene where Wesley visits the Holodeck to play a recording his father made when Wesley was an infant. It's not the worst Wesley plot/subplot, and it's not the worst subplot in the episode (that would be Worf meeting his adoptive human parents), but unfortunately it…
  • Perfect compromise between Wesley-haters and Wheaton-admirers that would totally bypass the continuity tangle caused by Wesley's reappearance in Nemesis after TNG sent him off with The Traveler, and just crazy enough that the man hisself might pause before saying no (or... might even surprise everyone, including himself):…
  • This is hard because I like it, I want it, and I'm willing to pay for it... I'm just not willing to pay quite that much. I'm not going to rule it out as an "eventually," and I've spent a lot of Zen (ground or purchased) on cosmetics, but I fear they set the price a little too steeply. I hope that doesn't backfire on…
  • The old exploration clusters weren't great, but they were good: showing up on a weird, old school sci-fi landscape or exotic star system you hadn't seen before had the feel of classic Trek, even if all you ended up doing was one of the same three missions (scan stuff, kill squads, kill squads and scan stuff). So yeah, I…