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somhain Arc User



  • So in other words, someone was vacuuming and unplugged the server because the live stream was on? plug the blasted thing back in and lets go!!
  • LOL we know what the issue is. We can't log onto the game. So the issue is involunary withdrawl.
  • Can't wait for this to happen when the expansion comes out, should be really good for buisness. Bet they'll sell a lot from the game store then LOL
  • I would definitely have to agree with you there. Its possible ot carry the space mission gone bad...and I have...so I know what you mean. I can definitely understand the " behind closed doors " ground missions being run too...I do recall doing ground missions where it was a rez and respawn fest or die the way through the…
    in PVE Que Comment by somhain August 2014
  • Even that would be preferable to not being able to play some of the Ops due to lack of players. Its just that the way things are right now...very few ground missions get played...I can't really get into them with any regularity...and niether is anyone else...unless of course their doing them with guild/fleet…
    in PVE Que Comment by somhain August 2014
  • I did chop it off Darkjeff...knew it might get some attention :P Que Que Que Que or better yet Cue. Listen Sagaciously to what I'm saying instead of reading what you want. You knew what was meant and that was my intention. As to the REAL responce... I realize that they are limited (boffs that is ), and they only fill a…
    in PVE Que Comment by somhain August 2014