Also affecting several Delta Quadrant missions on one character: Friends in Unlikely Places Enemies in all the Usual Places Know your Enemies Better with Friends Taking Care of Enemies New Frontiers - Of Signs and Portents on a second, and Iconian War - Blood of Ancients on a third. Each character is on a different…
In fact that was approximately how it worked in the early years, before the greed quotient started its inexorable rise to its current stratospheric heights - you could for example have the winter ship project in progress, but if you didn't finish it before the end of the event you could pick up next year and finish it, and…
Remember the regular city invasions for the GCW, I loved those :) And then there were a couple of unannounced one off invasion events they did that of course I missed, but I think one had a giant Ewok wondering around Theed...
Based upon past experience, does anyone else think the automatic removal of currently equipped EV suits to your inventory is likely to have the odd issue?
Do you have the option to disable any Chat channels at all on the console version? If not, I agree with @Sometalker, crazy! But if so, I believe it is the System channel that displays the announcements. Disabling it means you lose things such as Mission Complete statements and the like, but nothing too critical most of the…
Are the T6 Jem'Hadar Vanguard and Cardassian Intel ships from the Gamma Vanguard expansion also Fleet level? Although saying that, do the carriers from the Support pack all have a Fleet version, including the JH one? And the Temporal Warship and Recon Destroyer for that matter?
I understand there is a daily cap on the amount of Campaign XP that you can gain, and I saw in chat someone speculating that the limit wouldn't be raised so all that the event would do is make assignments reach this limit quicker. Could it be that you have already reached this daily limit, and that is why you still get the…
Found this comment in the thread discussing the account linking, maybe it can help you: 'So I have this problem!!!!! I linked my account! great! The game proceeds to the character screen, and I find I have none and the game is prompting me to start a brand new character! :/:/:/:/ But then i found that if I go back out, to…