ok was wondering since of not seeing the blogs yet but at least there is confirm of it happening and when now just needing the blogs now in the next couple of weeks
i agree with this season being bugged to hell since i did a fed fleet alert and the dang map was freakn blue with nothing but the players and enemy ships floating around
found out sto was down for emergency maintenance around 1 so i put an operating system on a flash drive, updated the os, and took a walk to find a couple of bottle caps for my bottle cap project and sto still hasn't come back up yet
each full hour of slow patching = a full day extention of the event might be a good idea to keep in mind but this not come to fruition at all or be uber slow like the patcher
yup maitanence is ongoing, they forgot the patch notes and already pushed the expansion onto holodeck since i am not seeing redshirt aymore and downloading the expansion onto holodeck
they doing an emergency maitanence for 2 hours. i am suprised they havent closed this thread after thethis mornings maitanence and didnt create a emergency maitinance thread
i didnt see the morbious destryer in the lobi store free upgrade area since its a lobi store ship but i am guessing is that its part of the mirrior ship class it doesnt get a free upgrade
this doesnt include any of the details about any of the old activities. i just hope the old activites are the same way they were last year and coming back this year
if u guys would relize is that the length and the time frame matches up with the arc maitinance so that all games be down at the same time without people tring thru arc constantly which makes them trying to force arc on us more
welcome to the bacon train where we have bacon burgers, bacon pancakes, bacon martinis and bacon wine even the train itself is made of bacon. hope u all enjoy your trip