Costume pieces, character-locked, would be workable, but that's a lot of new artwork. But honestly, just so long as they don't take something away and then sell it back to us.
A large group of players are unhappy with lockboxes. Given recent legislation, maybe they're trying to get out in front of this trend and are adding new ways to monetize the game. That satisfies the "change the face of the game" criterion as well as the "make a large group of unhappy players happy" criterion.
If something sells for a price, that is its value. If something doesn't sell for that price, someone else will offer it for less until it achieves its value. Competition drives prices down, but demand drives prices up. The economy in STO is pure Adam Smith, and the Ferengi in me loves it.
I have a feeling that Disco Klingons are going to be the "pure" type, the TOS Klingons suffering from the human-DNA augment virus, and the bumpy-headed TNG Klingons will be the "cured" Klingons, still with some human DNA. Bashir said in his Klingon War episode (just before they were removed) that the Klingons were…
Because policy decisions are made a higher level than ours, and we follow orders that are not, on their face, immoral. Whose side we're on is not an easy choice, if even a choice is to be made, but when those choices ARE made by presidents, chancellors, and ambassadors, we execute. This aspect of STO is actually pretty…
It has to be a trait for a starship from one faction that does not have an equivalent ship for another faction. Those are pretty few, and fewer now that faction T6 ships are available to Romulans and Jem'Hadar.
You already have the Temporal DK, which is my go-to "just one ship" purchase. Other than that, you gotta go Arbiter and/or the Pilot Escorts. I especially enjoy the Science Pilot.
I beat the green glow once, but yeah, that Undine armor usually tells me I'm coming in second at best. It's good for the race because it gives a speed boost after a roll, and rolling is a nice way to keep from sliding on the ice, so it's a 2-fer. If you have that armor, the 2 speed boosts from Rep traits, a +Run gun…
I've opened 1000 Phoenix packs and have gotten 2 ultra rares, 0 epics. All I want is a single Nandi, and I can't even shop on the exchange, like I could for lobi and lockbox ships.
I suppose, but that doesn't mean that canon cannot be broken by ret-cons. When what is coming out now directly contradicts what has come before, whom do we believe? Are we without history or future, only an eternal present in which the IP owner is always right?
The Battle of Axanar is canon, as is the hero of the battle, Garth of Isar (both are in the TOS episode Whom Gods Destroy). What the battle actually was, and with whom, is not canon, but I think the Prelude to Axanar is a fantastic extrapolation using other sources. It is more in line with existing canon than... well, a…
Any defect (e.g., dyscalculia) would be eliminated by the screening process, ensuring only the best, brightest, and most capable become hosts. The whole of Trill society is geared toward giving the symbiotes only the very best... something else to consider in this tangential discussion. EDIT: My own response got me…