Which 3pack would be made obsolete? I would say the Fed pilot escorts are at least on par with the legendary defiant, and that the Allied Andorian Pilot Escorts are superior.
Its not just Star Trek, what other adventure space game is there? I mean one where your ship AND on foot character matter, are extremely customizable, and even remotely accessible? I cant think of a single one beyond Star Citizen.... yeah, that's how barren the field is for this type of game.
I´d rather see more assault ground weapons, dual pistols would be great. Or how about they tweak the holding animation for the assault rifles so it actually fits character´s hand positioning?
I would say I´m surprised we still have this problem to deal with but well you know... Cryptic. How long did it take them to fix the honor guard torso? Or to get a proper TR16 skin in the game? Oh right, we´re still waiting for that last one, even though it was posted about ages ago by Cryptic themselves. There´s every…
I should know better by now, but I´m still just amazed at how could they NOT catch this before releasing it? Its almost as if they don´t bother to even test things once. I have some shorts in the tight pants option but they can only be colored red, and extra red and don´t look like the pair Leeta is wearing at all. BTW,…
I think the most important thing that could be added to the valiant are pilot maneuvers, even more than the 5/2 setup. In essence, the difference between a 5/2 and a 4/2 setup is about a turret´s worth of front firing DPS. Its not that much, its mad eup in the Alita by its hangar bay and in the Hestia by having access to…
We're at a new level of power for escorts. Its already happenned. It wasn't done by the players it was done by Cryptic. Releasing weak ships will not take us back to before we jumped to a new power level. No one is asking for a new power level, just for the Valiant to be as powerful as the current escorts. You know what? I…
Listen to yourself! If you're ok accepting a cashgrab that gives you back something inferior without even seeing what's wrong then I don't know what to tell you.
Sure, but for most 4/3 escorts if we try really hard and squint a little while looking at it from a certain angle we can fool ourselves into thinking its ok. The Phantom, Hestia, and Alita all have something we can at least try to pretend makes them ok, and in some cases that´s actually enough. Is a fighter bay enough to…
Here´s a newsflash for you. Those of us complaining? We ARE fans of the Defiant. Why else would be want to give Cryptic MORE money to get something on par with ships we already have? What bothers us is that we´re being asked to pay a premium for an inferior or mediocre ship ONLY because its holding our favorite skin…
I agree that a quad based set bonus would be more appropriate, I also agree that we are unlikely to see it. I wonder why now though? Is the Valiant not selling? It seems weird to me that they´d look at anything post release and make changes to it.
My comments about cloak not being terribly useful were made in reference to PvE, when PvP was still a thing rom cloaks were terrifying and incredibly infuriating if you were not prepared for the spike. Of course, if you had a healer and lived then threw a tractor or CPB or any number of other things you could usually take…
In Star Trek there are rules. But they only apply to the Federation, everyone else can do whatever they want. Its part of Gene´s idiotic legacy, the Federation has to be so above reproach as to be willfully stupid. Part of it is also to make the main cast appear so far above everyone else as to be moral paragons. Its why…
There is no legitimate non nostalgia reason to get the Valiant. People will try to say that the valiant is the natural progression of the defiant line. Trying to make it seem ok for the valiant to be mediocre to bad because previous defiants have been mediocre to bad is a bad argument. But unfortunately, they aren´t wrong…
I disagree about the utility of Hold Together, its almost something more suited to tank cruisers that will always be moving at top speed orbiting a target or furball. Ironically, I think many of the speed based pilot boff abilities are actually aimed towards cruisers rather then escorts. But putting that aside, is hold…
The Hestia and Alita have a place. The Hestia is kinda tanky and can launch Danubes or fighters. Its also a nice steady gun platform for those wanting an escort that doesn´t think its a fighter on steroids. The Hestia on the other hand brings a lt cmdr engi and lt cmdr sci station. Much like the Alita, this lets the hestia…
To be fair, even longtime players are often baffled by how Cryptic rigidly sticks to its formulas. I realize we should expect them, but we just can´t figure out why they stick to them. We know that they don´t consider balance at all when designing ships, but that they can´t even be bothered to eyeball adding a few bells…
All this talk about cloaks is pointless. Cloaks aren´t even weighted when Cryptic figures out ships stats, They just add it on kdf and rom ships as freebies. In PVP they can be devastating, but in PVE they´re actually detrimental to use beyond the initial decloak boost.
And yet it still feels kinda meh. How does Cryptic manage that? DR was just like voyager for me, I couldn´t stand it and I found myself rooting for the appointed bad guys more often than not! I would´ve rather joined the Vaadwaur in crushing those evil body snatching kobali that liked to hide pods with people in them to…
The thing with the pilot ships is this. For the most part, they´re kinda ugly and the Defiant looks cool. the best pilot escort kitbash looks far worse than the best defiant kitbash. People are willing to suck it up because of looks. That said, the defiant, like all iconics, sells on fanboy dreams rather than any actual…
A skin remaster was their way to try and heighten the hype of those that will get the valiant no matter what. As far as changing the torp console to quantum... really? You consider those two things to be a big deal? That does explain the tone and message in your posts though.
If only my boss would think that kindly of me if I screwed up! Or more importantly, our costumers! Its not self entitled because we´re discussing a product. We want to buy it, they want to sell it. We´re being asked to pay the same as for other more capable and fun to use ships. Unless of course, its going to be a freeby…
[quote="mustrumridcully0;12769249" Or compare it to the Tier 6 Akira - in what way is that able to compete with the Pilot Escorts? [/quote] The Alita is the tank escort and has a small craft bay. Its always had a niche. The pilot escorts are incredibly fun to fly but they´re not tanks nor can they launch fighters.
I disagree with that. Even if the Pilot Escorts did not exist, the Hestia and Alita still put the Valiant to shame. the only thing the Valiant brings to the table that is of note is the extra turn. Said extra turn is all but inconsequential with all the turn boost available in modern consoles. An argument could be made for…
They will be priced the same as all T6 ship bundles. 3000 zen each, 6000 zen for all three. Then you can pay for the ship modules for the fleet versions. but you COULD get those off the exchange.