My tracert shows internap already but to no avail (...) soo thats i guess 2nd lvl approach to gain some more time or might affect indeed only a few. If tracert does not work for you it is likely that your modem does not support ICMP packets for in/ outbound. Call you ISP ask for a modem that supports ICMP / tracert command…
And just to reply to the previous question while i was typing away. The answer is NO it did do nothing to the current issue, this patch was for the "others". I am sure that the issue is not yet fully understood and we are lightyears away from a fix to be implemented. I guess they were hoping the Server Restart would…
"The patchclient got a message while it was in a state with no response" For 2 days now I have this message. My professional/ technical point of view is that the Patchserver never estblishes a handshake with any of my clients. Could be simple as timing issue Server vs Client time. Coming from a 2nd lvl TS background at…