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sirtexassir Arc User



  • I been running this mission for almost a year now on several chars. One of them is almost all his schools to level 15. Still have yet to get this drop. If I had none I would of gotten the old style crafting done before the change. This is getting old that there is one real source to get this DOFF to do any of the Aegis…
  • The Blue Ridge is all so a command/support ship. Which is created exactly for that purpose to stay in the back and command all the other ships in the fleet. While I was stationed on the USS Independence (CV-62) from 1994-1997. You think we would be the command ship, but instead we have an Admiral for the air wings and ship…
  • http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/9116343-delta-recruitment-rewards Yah they should correct that than. I'm running a Fed for my Delta Recruit and was just on doing my daily for my Rom and was wondering where it was since it wasn't in the Command. Thanks
  • I'm the same way, even though two are level 35 and lvl 10. I mean looks like I can prob redo the lvl 10, but do I really want to grind up one more char? I got one of each class for each faction as is.
  • Just great tier 2 ships I all ready have (well don't think I have the feb one, but will check). All my chars are lvl 50 or above except one that is in his 30's. Well I did want to make one more Rom Feb as an Engineer. Would of been cool if you got the zen for the ship if you all ready had it....lol
  • I'll use a prime example of this while I was in the Navy. Our Captain (who all so held the rank of Captain) was in charge of the ship unless the Fleet Admiral was on board. Than by default he was in charge. The Captain was still the Captain but if the admiral wanted him to do something other than his best judgment he would…
  • I got nailed with the 2 hr penality last week. Than again I'm out of country on really bad internet and had a idle spike that sent me to rebooting the game. When I came back I wasn't returned to the mission (forgot which one) and had the warning. I brushed it off and went to bed, was way to late any way.
  • and to think I just started to finally remember what all them where to have to now re learn.
  • Would be nice if there was a way to make the brig bigger. I mean a certain female Orion toon of mine is pretty much a slave trader. I send them all to her and she sales them off.
  • Would be nice if there was a way to make the brig bigger. I mean a certain female Orion toon of mine is pretty much a slave trader. I send them all to her and she sales them off.
  • I do agree with the OP about the specialist being common. All my common DoFF go into fleet projects, so no on my crafter I have to keep an eye out for a few that I need for R&D specialist. THey should of made some of the Rare/Purple ones specialist all so. That and they get a bigger bonus for there crafting skills. I just…
  • You said your in a fleet right? Throw some of those common mats into your fleet banks for others that don't have an insane stockpile. Hell you look like me on another game I use to play that had five accounts for running econ. I was going to say there is a sort button until I saw the screen shot. Had a fleet mate complain…
  • Uh unless my math is wrong isn't it past 10am PST? I don't got an updated item from what was there from yesterday.
  • The reason it's expensive is cause you can only get the Fed one out of the drop box. Think it's the Delta one, but don't not sure.
  • Yah even worse is I most of use didn't read fully and prob put it on our none econ account....grrrrrrr I was really expecting it to be something like this. While most other games gives out free ships/armor nifty items per char, we get one thing that isn't that big of a deal per account. Way to go cryptic.
  • I play solo a lot and being able to turn some of my bridge officer and assign them to other ships that toon up with me for PVE would rock. I would actually keep more ships in my dock just for that. Even if it was restricted to only T-5 and below ships.
  • Since I all ready had a Ramen Tact officer Fed alligned I made an Alien Tach for KDF on the Rom side. He's basicly going to be runing a Hazari Destroyer once I get the lobis's on him. He's in the Kazon Heavy Raider right now. Yah I know I could of just made him a KDF alien, but I got thre toons in KDF and I hate it's back…
  • It's a blast when you got two small ships paired up like this. Escort goes in and melts shield. Than I went in cloaked and launched barrage of torps. Instant boom. Need to get my buddy to stop being an old maid and tell his wife to let him play. We where doing that combo while grinding up a friend and he was just in awe…
  • When you customize it has three wing options for you to choose from. I use it on two different alts and they have it two different ways. It makes it kinda of nice that you don't have a complete copy that every one and there brother has.
  • Lucky both you. I did 4 packs total with what zen I had collected up. I know I'll prob end up dropping enough to do another 4 or so packs before the end of the deal. It seems there dropping with all the freaking emits for them. Just not for those that actually want them with some decent luck Now I'm just waiting for some…
  • Been seeing alot of emits of people getting it like one after another. I wouldn't be surprised if there just doing that to make it look like folks are getting it. I did buy one pack for my econ toon and didn't get anything other than the lobi and R&D stuff. Just happened to have the extra zen from my lifetime.
  • Yah by what I read through all the post not good odds. While suppose to be better, but alot of folks are oppening many boxes and not getting it. Not worth the money myself. Though might still get one of the box sets just for my econ main char for crafting reasons.
  • If it's just a simple patch update for a small problem why is it taking so long and they picked the worse times to go down. Now you got the folks that are over seas and playing about to have prime time down. EDIT: BACK UP
  • How many box's and odds of actually getting one? Is it any thing as bad as the odds on the lockbox ships?
  • Or do a race respec coin or something. I have like 9 chars (each class for each of the factions). Most are all around 50+. I really don't want to grind up a 10th char just to have an econ type char out of every thing else I have.:mad:
  • It's it level restricted cause my first char was a lvl 46 and the tab to claim it is greyed out. Unless this is an error and I need to submit a ticket.
  • all so what log in where you at? I meet up with a friend there and was like on number 6 and it was dead while he was on 1 and it was packed. Makes a difference to check that too.
  • Yah I was so hopping it got atleast the cloak. Had it dropped luckly for one of my chars with extra keys. Notices that and than sold it istead of giving it to one of my lower level Roms that was about to hit 40. I do like it's paint job though as I ended up giving it to a friend instead who doesn't have the Rom Legacy…
  • Every kit I gotten has been of the Career of my char. As for level package /NO/. Had a level 30 char I just hit level with and opened a box I had with me form a key I had. It gave me a level 40 kit. I should of opened it when I was still level 39. I'm slow grinding a few chars to keep around the same levels as a few else…
  • I'm sure folks have said it, but for me since I do solo a lot. It would be nice that I can put all these extra Bridge Officers I have not doing anything into one of my other ships and have them tag along as a wing man in missions. Just like if you had a PC buddy with you. Of course since there AI they won't be as good and…