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simeion1 Arc User



  • Number one reason I don't play anymore, is how people can do content in 4 minutes or less.
  • The object of a tank it to pull aggro with power and hit hard enough to get people's attention. Sort of like a battleship in WW2. Hits hard and takes it. Pretty much the same concept except in space.
  • I am not sure where you stand on this. Sorry are you supping the need for tanks or not. What's wrong with a tank. Pretty much anyone that knows game mechanics can do 10k dps. Pretty much any ship I'm the game can do this. This is about all the dps you really need to finish any content in this game. If all five players were…
  • I can fix this in two words " remove Geko". He has gone on record many times during interviews about not having the holy trinty in this game. He is the lead design. It is up to him and the EP to bring balance to this game and they are not. Pulling threat off people even ones doing high dps is easy. Threat control, threat…
  • Sorry buddy but no they dont you need to look at it closer. Take all you Consoles out and put your weapons power to 50 in sol system space or any other system. Add one at a time and you will see each console adds the same amount of damage. Problem people have is they look at it with 100 weapons power and skills. The buff…
  • Please show me a place in STO where diminishing returns happens with damage? I don't know of any. Please explain and show an example.
  • While i agree with you I blame poor balance on numerous things. I might get a warning or temp ban from the forums but here it goes. 1. STO's lead designer as gone on record on not havethe fame balance through the holy trinity(tank, healer, DPS). balnce will never happen without this mechanic. 2. Since number one is true…
  • What this guy said, three pack bundles are already fleet quality.
  • Three top things, need to happen. Holy trinity, bring class balance and dps in check ( will never happen under Gecko as lead designer.) This would fix most of sto by its self.
  • This is easy to answer! 1. No game balance 2. No holy trinity (tank, healer, dps) 3. BUGS! This is not in any order. These three things could save STO! It could be a real good MMO if they would introduce these things!
  • Lol, I don't have very high expectations of Cryptic and the STO Dev team. I know customer service are not developers. This is a company that advertises a Mac client, but the game does not like it, Devs don't even acknowledge problems like this, I don't think customer support will be any better.
  • Well it is just another fail, by Cryptic. The players that stick around and play the game don't get anything. Players that spend money get nothing except what they pay for. Players that leave because of TRIBBLE poor Dev decisions get 10 spec points and a tier 6 ships. Does Cryptic understand that some of the player base is…
  • Until some quality of life changes are made to this game, they will keep loosing players. The class, faction, and power imbalance is just getting worse. Adding a new system is not going to improve much either. I would have been happy with a skill tree revamp, sharing of spec points to alts, and splitting ground and space…
  • Well I can't believe there is a forum thread about this. It is called freedom of choice. Just don't read something. It is an easy choice to make. On the other had ignoring someone because they are trolls I can agree with, but because you don't agree with them removes the ability to discuss compromises.
  • Ok, this is not an easy question to answer without knowing more about what you are running. Are you a tac, eng, or sci, and what kit and kit powers do you run, traits also help. Some good weapons for any one to run is a split beam, wide beam rifle, and a pulse wave. These are all exploit weapons. If you are not running…
  • Wait, this is not how DPS works, are we talking about the same game. If it is not a team of five tacs, then you are doing something wrong. Truly, if you have to think and work together as a team more I support change. Have a tacs run draw fire and keep a healer on him.
  • It is like a redacted dev comment. If it is not there anymore it never existed.
  • Tira, You should make a 5.0, there has been enough trash added to this game to restart this thread with more concerns. The latest being the Chroniton Jolt kit module. Look at this and tell me a team of tacs are not abusing this module. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byZH-3PRExI
  • well it is time to gloat i guess! Tholian Orb weaver 40,000 EC Wells time ship for 40,000,000 Undine Nicor battle ship for 9,000,000 Xindi-Reptilian Contortrix for 9,000,000 Bethan assualt Cruiser for 4,000,000 Someone always makes a mistake posting on the exchange, I usually find new ships from lockboxes cheap the first…
  • I got mine and upgraded it to Mk 13. I thought it performed subpar to other spit beams. I think split beams are one of the best weapons in game because of being able to exploit three target. I am going to play so more with it and do further testing. The only reason I would ever use dual pistols is for RP, the animations…
  • It really should come down to character class and builds of your kit! Science captains dont need guns with expose, to many powers they can run in their kit allow them to expose. Eng and tacs might want to run one expose weapon and one exploit depending on the build. I dont recommend using dual pistols or mini guns because…
  • I would rather see game balance! That is all https://thefanaticalswordsman.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/dps.jpg DPS ruining STO one FAW at a time!
  • Let's celebrate another cruiser. I know they sell, and and most people are FAW space bar heroes, so this will sell. I would rather see another escort, science ship, or nerf to FAW. Cruisers are jist so lack luster. Nothing is so easy as to broad side a target. While I support them adding new ships, they need to make money…
  • The spire plasma infused cores reduse energy weaopns drain. I would run one of those and a three piece.
  • Have you tried your mouse? I pilot mine by clicking both left and rt buttons and swivel the mouse to steer.
  • All the more reason a Kazon Argala or Japori should be the testing grounds. Single action and let the pilot show off what he can do. Anyways true does is measures over time not a 2 minute run where GDF and recluse span is king. I would love to see these 50k runner hold it for 10 minutes. All of my 30k runs have been pugs…
  • I agree with this as long as everyone is on a even playing field. Class and faction should have nothing to do with numbers on the leader board. Right now Romulans can have up to 12% more damage critical hitting than other two factions and tactical captains can inflate numbers with an artificial proc using a warp core…
  • If the league is going to pick on major factors of inflating numbers lets go after them all! I understand the argument, but they are not looking at other issues. Well at least it was not mentioned in the sound bite. All i am saying is level the playing field. Part of the problem these guys have is they are all top end…
  • I think these guys are completely clueless after listening to this recording. While yes they now how to ramp up some DPS they have no idea how to run anything. There is a way to fix what they are talking about but it is not even a issue. If recluses are an issue so is "Going Down Fighting" and Romulan "Superior Romulan…
  • Balance!!!!!