Mission was dropped apparently. I took it and did my daily. >>>Sigil, SCE (0 Lobi) 440/1000 for Breen Chell Grett Warship [Winter 2012], >>>Sigil 47, KDF Sci (0 Lobi) 280/1000 for Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship [T6] {2018} Yeah I missed a few years, but i'm getting there! Thank You support team!
Same. I fully agree on these points. They kinda did; with Enemy Contacts & System Patrols. Unfortunately it seems most System Patrols are not repeatable, and Enemy Contacts got borked sometime after f2p launched and only get worse with each patch/update.
I haven't had any problems with it. I thought it is just the new norm; log in and get a "Welcome Back" as a way to make players feel valued and have shortcuts to events, TFOs & missions.
So not only are there hundreds of players like myself, stymied by lag, rubberbanding and disconnects suffered and fallen behind due to the game being unplayable more often than not, but now thousunds of users victims of extreme weather. If PWE felt they lacked justification for extending the event before, i'd say they have…
Still struggling with winter event, trying to catch up. The aforementioned issues come and go but that they still persist is an extreem annoyance and disappointment. That said i applaud Cryptic for cracking down on the trolls that would grief racers with snowblowers at the turns. Thank you.
Thanks for reminding me;) I'm not sure when or why but the Defera Invasiion was revised to have it be Lv 50-only. Or the stowiki's wording threw me off... I tested it and my Lv 2 sci was able to get there and accept missions. TY loverofwars! I haven't done Defera in so long i nearly forgot about it!
I seem to recall the 2nd Aniversary events (test the Odyssey/Bortasqu) had a character level requirement to participate. Something like Lv 5 FED/25 KDF. I presume that will be the case this year; if this year's events require different/higher levels the sooner you let the players know the better. At least 3 of my avatars…