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What is the Arc Client?
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shen69 Arc User



  • Ummm, IT guys.... Just a hint from someone who's a Server Admin, Bring your new servers up on a test network, make sure they work with the patch, then when you are 100% sure they will work, only then do you switch them to being live. You'll have a lot less down time. And if it doesn't work when you switch it to go live you…
  • only 12 more days!!! #DeltaRising
  • There are 36 min till the Bonus Marks Event so I figure I'd get a head start with my Romulan toon. I select the Elite Cure. The launcher comes up and I select accept. I warp in to see Borg Negh'var flying everywhere. I see a Jem'hadar Dreadnought adrift after being just killed. Across the top of the screen I see the button…
  • Wasn't aware there was a forum for that. This is now posted there! ...and thank you, we like the name too ;)
  • I am sure I can't be the only one, but I will be out of town with out use of a computer. As a matter of fact all my weekends are pretty much spoken for through the holidays. Having multiple times/days would be excellent so we don't miss out on the fun. Thx and Merry Christmas! Nerrokk RAEH, Fleet Admiral S.I.O.
  • I would love to see the ability to have major accommodations be worn on the uniforms and even design some special dress uniforms. You could set it up so that you have to pay zen to unlock the feature. Thereafter major event accommodations and the hardest accolades could be added to the uniform instead of buying that…