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seazombie64 Arc User



  • I don't remember the name, but there is an ability in the Commando spec tree that does that. I think it is probably a bug that it happens there at the Dabo table though.
  • is there even a new posts function? I am not usually a doom and gloom, but I don't like these forums. I guess I will save a measure of sanity by not reading the vitriol here daily.
  • found some information in the Champions wiki that did the trick: adjustcamyaw(set to 180) and adjustcampitch(set to 0)
  • I have used the offset command by trying different variables in it, but it seems to just place the camera either left or right of my character, not in front of and turned 180 degrees so the char is visible. Is there is something I am missing with the offset command?
  • While it is an interesting idea, I fear the consequences. I have no experience with NW but I do have many max level characters in CO. Leveling in CO is much slower than in STO. How many threads are here about the "grind"? How many threads here "requesting" that the "grind" be alleviated? If this idea was put in place, and…
  • I use mine as a torp only ship, that way the cloak isn't broken, the singularity gets charged and I can escape. I have everything set for max speed and max aux. If my cloak gets knocked offline..rock and roll to escape and let the cloak timer reset. This works for PvE, no idea about PvP.
  • My Mogh. It just looks like a warship. It reminds me of a B-17 bomber, and there is no doubt about the purpose of a B-17 when you look at it.
  • I'll add one of my characters to this. A KDF scientist level 52
  • Agreed. I like the new content/concepts also. Even buggy new content is better than no new content. This is why I left another Cryptic title, it was stagnant.
  • I am looking forward to this, it is very intriguing...and account wide perks...THAT is good news
  • didn't read the 11 pages of whinging about something that looks very intriguing. Why don't we wait and see what it is before all the negativity?
  • well said and I agree
  • I have been saying this for a while now. Play the game and spec happens. 2345678 threads complaining about the grind, 1238566345 threads complaining the queues are dead. Now there are more reasons than ever to get off the Argala fixation and queue for STFs. The game is SO much bigger than 1 system patrol. Go play and spec…
  • I am with you on this one. I like the new T6 ships, but one of my characters is an Andorian captain, with all Andorian BOFFS and getting to all Andorian doffs, flying the Charal. I want a pure Andorian T6 for thematic reasons..even if it is not an escort, as long as it is definitely an Andorian design.
  • had a similar discussion with a fleet mate. I told him "Spec happens". If there were no specialization, what would you be doing? Completing CXP, completing Rep, building the fleet holdings, getting better gear, running STFs, etc.... I don't pay any attention to my xp bar..and when I get a level up, it's a pleasant…
  • As much as I love my Fleet Mogh-U...I for one like some of the KDF command cruisers. these may be what it takes to get me out of my Mogh.
  • agreed..CCA is doable, but not a roflstomp anymore..we actually have to work a little, and I like the challenge. I do it on T5U's, so top tier is not required.
  • I joined in January 2014. I transferred my subscription from another Cryptic game to STO in March and still have an active sub. I am enjoying the game. There are things that I would like changed/tweaked, but all in all there is more good than bad and I tell people all the time what a great game this is.
  • I had a human engineer in a Vesta and was loving it, and doing really well with it. Then the Dauntless came out. The Dauntless is a worthy successor to the Vesta and my poor Vesta-U hasn't been out since.
  • get a grip people. They are TRYING to help and most all they get in return is inane histrionics. People complain the devs don't listen..here is your chance to be constructive. I guess non stop whinging is preferable to actual cogent inputs. It's a wonder the PWE team bothers at all to try considering the tenor of the…
  • This is how I feel also. There are too many people of the "I want what I want and I want it NOW" crowd of instant gratification.
  • No..you can get all the way to 60 without doing any DR stuff..but you SHOULD do the DR stuff, it's actually better than the forums would have you believe.
  • I could get behind this as well as a compromise. I still don't buy the argument that we would be capturing and taking over damaged ships..there is a matter of cost vs benefit. A ship that is 80 percent destroyed, it wouldn't be worth the time/resources. We get drops on the ground from dead enemies as well as vaporized, so…
  • I absolutely agree with all of this! Nobody got to MkXII fleet gear, T5 ships etc for free in a couple days. Everyone will eventually get all the stuff they want...eventually.
  • there is nothing wrong with tetryons, for PvE anyway. You just have to realize you won't be killing everything in sight before your first weapon cycle completes. It's requires a different mindset, and does take longer than some of the other energy types. My Vesta used them and I transferred them on to my Dauntless.
  • congrats! I am also working on the same...and recruitment is very tough to finish.
  • I am with the OP on this one. I always thought leveling was too fast, all throughout the game. The recent changes went too far to fix the issue though. I think we need to go back just a little towards where it used to be. I cannot agree that the average player doesn't want to do the storyline...at least for the 1st time.…
  • Pets are not being being nerfed! They are currently bugged and the bug is being fixed. With 47 threads every week about why bugs never get fixed, they are fixing a bug. Are there bugs that need fixing more...certainly, and it is frustrating that the beneficial bugs get fixed first, but stop bringing out the "nerfbat" card…
  • I agree with the OP here. I hate making 50 somewhere during the Cardassian arc, and then having to skip many missions to get to the Sphere to start that rep. I do believe they went too far with the XP reduction though. I think they should come back about halfway between where it was and where it is now. Occasionally having…
  • lesson learned...cheat and exploit, then rage when are caught, and profit from it Enjoy the specializations that you "earned"