My fleet figured out how to do it easy. One ship aggro's all shards, and leads them to the edge of the map. all other ships sit within 1 km above the entity, since its firing arc does not allow it to hit you there that close. Then, just hammer away
Ok, I love it all so far, not noticing too much for bugs. I think that some of the big boss battles earlier on should be toned down a bit. It was awful hard to take down some of those boss ships. Also, please tell me somebody is going to proofread all of the text. I have noticed so many spelling and grammatical errors, I'm…
Because then, if they are for some reason trying to keep the new ship hush hush, people will go and blab about it on Holodeck, thus ruining the surprise of the unexpected ship. But I agree, release the ship to tribble so we can test it out first. These kinds of things would be less likely to happen then.
Also, after looking at the patch notes for tomorrow, I am cautiously optimistic. Hopefully things will be better with this patch, but what are they not telling you, and what will they break when this patch goes live? This post has been edited to remove content which violates the Perfect World Entertainment Community Rules…
1. In-Game @handle: @seanaldusmagnus 2. Career and Ship: Tactical/Tactical Escort Retrofit 3. Language (we can offer instruction in the following languages: English, German, and Spanish): English 4. Session you will Participate In (i.e., CET session or EST session): EST 5. Do you have any impairments we need to be aware of…
Ingame @handle: Lord Megatron@seanaldusmagnus Faction (You may indicate both if you have no preference. If you do this, then we will place you in a faction): Federation Career and Ship (e.g., Engineer/Negh'Var): Tac/Tactical Escort Retrofit Languages (e.g., English, German, French, etc.): English Interested mainly in space…
You would also be welcome in The Federation Rangers. We are a fleet of 120, we usually have a presence online all day, and we are always looking to grow. I play in the evenings central time, and I can be contacted at @seanaldusmagnus. We would love to have you. Please consider us.
Akalayus, how would you propose to merge and still keep your fleet identity? I would love to hear your suggestions. Like I said, I would love to incorporate some smaller fleets into my own, but I would also like you to keep your identity. Kind of like a sub group kind of thing. Just let me know how you would like to do it.
Wow! I have loved the Galaxy X ever since I saw it in the series finale of TNG. I hope that when I grow up, I can fly that thing like you do! I have been trying to make it work on and off for so long, but I can never seem to get any build to do better than sub-standard. Its a sad state of affairs when I can make an Oddy…
I would be willing to help merge fleets. I would love to incorporate some of the smaller fleets into my own. The Federation Rangers are a 118 member fleet, and always looking to expand. We almost always have someone online, and are closing in on our first Starbase upgrade. If anyone would be interested, let me know. I…
Our fleet starbase is now operational. We need your help to grow our fleet! This fleet has been around for a long time, please consider joining. We have a very knowledgeable senior staff, and would love to have you join us!