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What is the Arc Client?
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rujoking99 Arc User



  • I was really enjoying the whole thing where as I was fighting my way through the Syndicate base, tons of enemies kept respawning right on top of me. Seriously, I'd kill a group and 10 seconds later the exact same group would transport in and attack me, before my grenade skill could even cool down. Hell, sometimes I'd end…
    in Nimbus 3 Comment by rujoking99 May 2013
  • One thing I have noticed is that I was able to delete a few messages, but only ones that weren't marked as coming from "Exchange (Holodeck)". I also got two messages for every expired listing: One delete-able message containing the item (which I could only claim at an actual mail terminal); and one message which said the…
  • Somebody worked really hard on modeling Romulan butts and they're really intent on you seeing them. But yeah, FPS mode was really helpful considering I cut my teeth on the original Doom and Quake. Now it just feels like I'm watching somebody else play KOTOR or something, an effect enhanced by the frequent lag spikes that…
  • I wouldn't be as irritated if waiting in the queue didn't take up 33% of my processor and 45% of my memory constantly. And that's not including the load on my video card, which has been running its fans full-blast for the last hour. If I'd wanted to spend hours watching numbers go by I'd go back to Eve Online. At least…
  • For those of us who couldn't get the prepatch to go beyond 20%, I'd imagine they included it so we could spend hours staring at that Romulan chick.
  • I get at most 15% of the patch before it restarts from the beginning. Disabling on-demand patching results in the same only with the added bonus of not allowing me to actually enter the game. It also doesn't free up the disk space used by failed patches, which as of this morning was a good 6 gigs. Neither renaming nor…