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ru4tedward Arc User



  • Add me in for the open hidden door issue Rommie lvl50, engineer. Torv bridge officer. Mac, running Wineskin 1.60
  • Yaaay! Just check and the bug seems to be fixed! Thankie.
  • I loved the episode, but I dont understand something. It sounds like people are running it 2 (or more) times. I'd love to get both the goodies, but when I hail the mission again, it asks if I want to replay information. How do i run again?
  • I 'm really sorry this is happening to you, but it's gratifying to hear I'm not the only one...
  • Bran, we don't get a crash number on the Mac side, just a popup that allows us to inform cryptic, these never seem to do any good. If the doff window is open, I've seen it crash when: - warping from sector to sector - entering bridge on tuffli - entering bridge on basic Ha'apax - and sometimes when transiting maps in STFs…
  • There is definitely a Wine version running, and I can confirm that it works on every OS up to Mavericks. You should follow this link to see that thread and get the latest version.
  • Okay, once again, I have to say that the ferngi/cargo/mudd screen that announces they are leaving is most annoying. Please get rid of this. Mine trap - is it really necessary to force people to wait for 20 people to queue up on this? There are SO FEW romulan mark missions, does the one mission that delivers nicely have to…
  • Nukara event. Some items are given to the player, some must be picked up. I often forget to pick up my marks because of the training other stfs give in that they do one or the other, but not both. Pick one, please.
  • Oh, yeah, forgot a big one. When you enter a pve queue, you have to wait, sometimes a LONG time to get the mission you want. Eventually a window pops up that asks you to "engage" or confirm you're ready to play. In a game where every little thing not only has some kind of yip or chirp to let you know it's happened, will…
  • Who pays EC to get a ship? HOW would you use EC to get a ship? Maybe you're talking about consoles and weapons? Still who get's those on the exchange anymore? it's all about sets and fleet equipment, all dilithium and marks....:cool:
  • Okay, so, stop the whining. I'm not sure why the put in the cool-down, but they haven't done anything to this event.... IF you have multiple characters. Instead of running one character through 3-5 loops, build 3-5 characters, park them in club 47, and run each of them through a loop. Works for the short route too. As for…
  • Back there, somewhere I proposed that they did not, in fact, step on the bug. I've been running tour ever since, and getting the EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF EC as I did before. It's just spread out over several Toons. Here's the gig: you DI/RP a character before the event and park them in ESD at the club. Stack several characters…
  • I absolutely do not see what the need for this is. If a leader can self rescue, then, yeah, it's pointless. More to the point, why involve the rest of the fleet, just lock out the leader position: no new leaders can be promoted, none of the remaining leaders can be demoted. All this is really doing is punishing…
  • We just implemented a new system that seems to make everyone pretty happy. Rank 1 - Recruit access to fleet mail, fleet chat and 1 item in bank slot 1 per day. This is to prevent fleet thieves from bouncing in and pulling down lots of booty then leaving. Rank 2 - Member. Full access to the bank (except slot 1 and the fleet…
  • I gotta say, I'm hating this. I can see not being able to promote leaders, but not being able to promote or demote at all is, yes, crippling. We have almost 400 people. *someone* is ready for a promotion almost every day. We're getting a backlog of bitchy people who are waiting on the demotion of one leader who wanted to…
  • Sorry, didn't mean to imply that you would, or have, tried this. I came up with the scenario, and Section 8 was the only other fleet mentioned where people were having a tough time with fleet stores. Section 8 aside, there are plenty of fleets that might even encourage people to try draining the stores of other fleets, or…
  • The thing about all these requirements is... you have to spend Fleet Credits to buy anything from the fleet stores. If the starbase is managed properly, ie the provision levels are kept high enough that you won't run out before another provisioning mission can be run, then I don't see why there should be ANY prerequisites…
  • She means Fleet Admirals. She means Lt Commander level. We turned off access to Lt level because we DID get several people jointing the fleet with intentions of greifing and flitching. One waited almost 6 months before emptying the fleet bank of every ship shield, engine, deflector, etc (all the high priced objects) Again,…
  • The Fleet Advanced engines have the same graphic as the Maco's and the same sound, but they do not have the option of turning off the graphic (and sound). What I did, instead of losing everything was to go into audio options and turn the "FX volume" way down. this gets rid of the growl, the obnoxious slipstream noise, and…
  • That's a fair question. If you watch the bonuses click off as you complete sectors, you'll notice that the first few don't provide bonuses. I think the original idea was to encourage people to go farther and farther, ultimately completing all blocks. BUT, as new sectors were added to the game, those new sectors were given…
  • AAARRRGGGGGGG!!!!!! thats because I just finished typing a whole essay on this topic and the server crashed when I hit save, so I have to do this again. *condensed* 6-7 pages of whine is my limit, haven't read the whole thread. Kinda a shock to not get my 4 laps in on today's tour, wtf? Ultimately, this cool down will…
  • *sigh* Okay, for those of you who are crashing in the launcher: Mac OS 10.6.8 (snow leopard) does not work with the current versions of the game. Please update to Mountain Lion (10.8) to use the wineskin. You will need a minimum of 2GB, but 4GB is much smoother. 10.8 will run on most macs produced in the last 4 years.
  • This totally worked for me on my Mac Mini late 2009. I'm thinking about upgrading the memory too, since everything is a little on the chunky side. crucial.com is pretty well recommended and has just what I need. thanks for the advise. I logged all the way in today, did a little Doffing, and checked aout all the new stuff.…
  • You are incorrect sir. Your problem is Snow Leopard. It has graphics drivers that are incompatible with the current offering. Upgrade to Mountain lion and you should be just fine.
  • Okay, so I found this on the wineskin thread. Most of the people having problems are running 10.6.8. They suggested skipping Lion and going directly to Mountain lion. It's only $20. I gave it a shot and logged right in. Mind you, ML is rife with new "features" that will doubtlessly confuse you. And despite the fact that it…
  • (Officially changing name to Grumpy Bear)
  • Okay, so, I'm betting that the 1.51 - 1.6 folder switch only works if you have a previously working version of 1.5.1 I made the mistake of doing a fresh install before that trick came out and ... well... 10GB is a lot of space to be storing multiple copies, so I ditched the old one.
  • Sorry, but what part of CAN'T EVEN LOG IN did you miss? We're not seeing performance issues because we can't get into the game at all.
  • Okay, so anyone able to log in and play with older equipment (<2010 machine, 10.6.8)
  • I'm there too Mac Mini - 2.26 Core 2 Duo - Nvidia GeForce 256 VRAM OS 10.6.8 Wineskin 1.5.1 and 1.6 fresh installs