Thanks. Next one: I can't find Ghemik Telur to change outfits on Earth Spacedock. I am currently standing on the mission object circle, but no NPC. EDIT: Found the NPC--didn't match the mission objective circle is all.
During character creation, there's no wear button. I just thought I could access a series of saved outfit looks, and then load one over my current one.
Okay--I spent nearly an hour creating a character, including appearance. I hit "save outfit", then go back a screen . . . and all the stuff I worked on went back to defaults. I then hit "load outfit" and no saved outfits appeared to choose from. Anyone have any ideas?
[quote="leemwatson;12809660" If you do a search you can find the download link for the main StartrekOnline.exe. I've always used this to launch it, as Arc and Steam are technically bloatware that contribute nothing to the game or it's operation.[/quote] Thanks. I have a good chunk of time off coming up, and I will download…
Can I download a version of the game with it's own launcher, or must I use Arc or Steam? I really, really dislike third party launchers, and I consider Arc one of those.
Thanks for the feedback. Does ship type affect the sorts of ship missions that become available? For instance, do escorts get different missions from science ships or cruisers? Or is it more like you get the same missions, but have to use different strategies depending on ship type? Also, howdy, @gradii :smiley:
Creating a thread to point out that there are too many threads is a classic example of situational irony. You are doing the opposite of expectations, with a humorous effect. (btw, there are several types of irony)
Each server outage is a separate issue in my opinion, and in the opinions of many others. Having a thread for each outage speaks to the bigger problem of game stability. Also, I appreciate the irony of creating a thread to tell people not to create unnecessary threads.