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robodik Arc User



  • I have that Eaglemoss Special Edition NX Refit model at home. https://shop.eaglemoss.com/usa/star-trek-starships/ss-enterprise-nx-01-refit-special-edition That beautiful shiny metallic ship is worth every penny.
  • Yeah! That's why I'm going to tinker around some more with my T6 Scimitar design tonight before settling on a special custom looking warbird, maybe a Scimitar Hull with Kopesh wings & borg visuals disabled. Even though I'm complaining I still want to give this a try and see how it turns out.
  • I was probably too harsh on it but it's a pretty nice sturdy material if you make the object thick close to 1 CM in thickness like say a magic wand or a little sword/dagger. You could probably play fight and rough house a bit if it's 1 CM thick at least. Like for the toy buildings and houses some of the employees made they…
  • These guys design, own & build commercial Office and Apartment Buildings in downtown Bellevue, Washington and collect rents every month so money isn't an issue, they play around with stuff like Form2 resin and sometimes office employees are allowed to make little toy buildings/houses or objects though one guy did got fired…
  • Diamond Select is awesome! I have their KDF Bird of Prey and Enterprise D 3rd Nacelle ships and had plenty of fun with them. Even did some light weathering details with a brush and charcoal colored paint on the Bird of Prey- great detail and quality stuff :D If Diamond Select releases a Light & Sound Scimitar Warbird or…
  • Yeah that was something I thought about too because I remember Arc/STO discussed the idea of 3D printed ships years ago but scrapped it. They probably didn't expect demand to be enough to break even with this product service. I definitely would like to see how the more intricate Rommy & KDF Warbirds will turn out in person…
  • For the personalized custom ships it's not possible for mass production anyway so I'm mainly interested in just getting the preset ship models like say a Scimitar/Dread warbirds or Odyssey. I can see the premium in the custom ships but for the other stuff I'm hoping the prices are much lower- they should definitely look…
  • They probably should look into it because those mass produced Bandai Star Trek kits look a lot better, has lights, more durable ABS plastic and better quality than the current 3D printed ships being offered on the website. Could also lower the production costs and give more value for the dollar- like maybe lights for the…
  • Their website says something like 3-6 weeks AFTER they start the batch production so it's up in the air somewhere. I'm personally set on getting a decent Scimitar Warbird but if it ends up like 12 weeks or something stupid I may not even be playing STO at that time (another 1 to 2 year vacation from game) or would forget…
  • Yeah! I wish Bandai still produced that product line. Some of the New Kits on Ebay are significantly under $350 too so it's still a cheaper option (with lights).
  • Even at $150 expectations it still seems too much. Anyone remember the Bandai Star Trek model kits that came out back in the day? There was the Enterprise A Refit, Enterprise E and Voyager! Those kits were pre-painted extremely well and detailed, with LIGHTS and awesome base stand. I bought the pre-painted kits back then…
  • At first I kind of wanted a 3D printed Model of my Scimitar Warbird but the wow factor wore off after seeing the price and thinking more about it. $350 painted version and the Youtube videos showing the sample of the paint job makes looks a bit rough and home made. And it's like $25 or less worth of fragile resin to print…
  • Oh and it should be a single 2000 or 2500 zen ship too :D
  • So my game crashed about 8 times today, with no patterns. I play a bit in Crystalline Entity Elite and right when it's finished, crashed! Also while walking around First City... BAM crashed and no time to enter the reason for crash in that popup because it crashes as well. Oh and I was alt tabbing to browse some topics on…
  • It does get kinda lonely doing missions all the time and the PVE que is nice, but where do you folks hook up for those STF (Strike Force Missions)? They look interesting
  • Because NCsoft is afraid someone else will take the City of Heroes IP and make a potential competitor to their ****ty MMOs. I'm happy to have found Star Trek Online and City of Heroes like gameplay depth/mission system, good stuff.
  • It would be hilarious if there was a forum outage too. But on the plus side, at least this isn't NCsoft, otherwise this outage could be a surprise "Sorry Customers but we are shutting down your favorite MMO and that's IT, no last event, no nothing, enjoy"
  • Since there's an outage and I'm still new to this game, Is it possible for me to name my ship something manly and mighty like Robodik's ****?
  • Well damn! And I just bought the lifetime subscription recently because I enjoyed the game play and depth of this Star Trek Online... RAAAAAAAAAAWR, server outages suck.