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robinphoenixx Arc User



  • Meh, I wanted to play STO. Guess I will go "pet my tribble" instead.
  • Intussen is er het een en ander veranderd binnen de genoemde vloten. Zij hebben hun krachten gebundeld met andere Nederlandstalige vloten en hebben een samenwerking opgezet onder de vlag van de Vereniging Van Vloten. Check: www.verenigingvanvloten.com De VVV staat open voor alle Nederlandstalige spelers, tevens voor…
  • Intussen zijn De Verdedigers een tikkie gegroeid. Momenteel zijn meerdere Nederlandstalige vloten samengegaan onder de vlag van de Vereniging Van Vloten, een organisatie die samenwerking tussen individuele, en op zichzelf staande, vloten prikkelt en (in-game) events organiseert om alle leden van de aangesloten vloten meer…
  • De Vereniging Van Vloten, een organisatie welke bestaat uit meerdere Nederlandstalige vloten met leden van over de gehele globe. Samen bundelen deze vloten hun krachten en middelen om voor alle Nederlandstalige spelers binnen STO een prettige speel omgeving te maken. De Vereniging Van Vloten hebben zelfs een…
  • So far, it looks like my missing mail AND items have/are being returned. Cyptic, if all sorts out well, and it looks like it will, my warm thanks for your hard work in retrieving my missing items. Please don't misplace them again :) By the way, how many missing items do I have to retreive before receiving an Accolade? :P
  • I must have missed a rule or something. This never has been an issue before. I, and those with me, are not to blame.
  • Hello Brandon, I have mail dating back from Januari 6th 2012 till May 31th 2013, however(!) I have lost all the mail containing items I send to myself which include thousands of lockboxes, doffs, and various valuable items. Also, it seems I still have some mail left from the exchange, informing me the sales have expired…
  • I am not overly fond of this change. Where can I leave 10.000 lockboxes? How can I collect my DOFF's from all my chars and exchange them? This step might be one to destroy many options for players with many chars and for fleets not do mention damaging to the game economie. Hello overflowing exchange and mails one can not…
  • Anyone else noticed this or is it something I missed?
  • I agree. Thus far I have had no use for the pause button. Most important reason is one is only allowed to pause the game for a very short time. Insufficient time to go to the bathroom i.e. or check this forum or other source of information if needed. I say either delete the function or adapt its functionality. :-)
  • My game crashed several times as well yesterday whilst playing on Tribble but on Holodeck server I had no troubles. The game crashed mostly while "walking" on New Romulus ground.
  • Several of my fleetmembers from the EU report the same issue. No problems with their connection when connecting to internet, streaming videos or other games. So far only with Cryptic games. We keep investigating and sending in Tickets.
  • Well, looks like the votes go to Romulans Playable Faction so far. I doubt that will happen anytime soon anyway.
  • Perhaps the main reason for that is the Devs can't really do anything about all of this. It's PWE forcing this upon them and the players. What could the Devs comment here to make all of us feel better? "Sorry, we understand and will take your concerns to the powers that be?" would that make any difference, except for them…
  • 1) Changes by PWE are not for the best, they are flawed and not well implemented thus far. 2) I am also looking forward to season 6, but this has nothing to do with account linking, which is also flawed. 3) This game is not free for those who chose to pay for it and thus actually support it and make things happen The…